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Goooooodmorning! I don't really have a lot to say for right now.. butttt I'll write here later. I have such a long day today! Ugh! Lol, yeah. Gotta sit through one of Marco's soccer games later. Yippee.
Hasta La Later,
Right when the bell sounded throughout the small school, the different varieties of students rushed to their different classrooms, some accidentally shoving each other, or walking together.
As someone brushed past his shoulder, Keith silently looked up, watching as a lanky, tan boy laughed lightheartedly, catching up with a boy of bigger size.
They began to walk together, conversing about something that Keith couldn't quite hear. Soon, the hallways were silent, and the last door was shut.
Keith would've run, but he really didn't care enough to do that. He was late for class, as usual, but he didn't let that impact his pace.
The boy shoved his hands into the pockets of his black jeans, glancing around the empty hallway. He was usually was classified as an 'emo', which he didn't quite care for- but he did see why people thought that. He listened to My Chemical Romance and Panic! At the Disco, wore black and grey almost everyday, and barely spoke to anyone. Part of it was because he was an introvert, not wanting to let anyone into his life.
He sighed, only loud enough for himself to hear, and walked into class. A few people were talking, and not much had happened yet, but his teacher still called him out nonetheless. "Mr. Kogane.. late again, I see. This is the eighth time this year. Should I schedule a meeting with your parents?"
The class quieted, all eyes looking at Keith, waiting to hear his answer.
Keith closed his eyes for a long moment, huffing in annoyance. "Mr. Kennedy I-"
"He wasn't late, sir."
Keith looked up, seeing the lanky boy from the hallway, all eyes landed on him now. The boy in the pastel blue sweatshirt, who was sitting next to his friend from the hallway, gave Keith a look before his gaze went back to his teacher. "He may have just gotten caught up in something in the hallway. He was there only a few minutes ago. I saw him."
The teacher furrowed his brow at the boy for a second before he looked back over at Keith. "If Mr. McClain says it's true, then I'll believe him. But this is your last warning. You hear me?"
Keith nodded, sighing in relief silently as he made his way to the back of the classroom, sliding into a desk behind the lanky boy's friend.
"I have to go run some copies. You have 5 minutes to prepare for the test." Mr. Kennedy said, giving the class a tired smile and exiting the room.
"Oh shit. We have a test today?" The tan boy asked, looking at his friend.
"Yeah..? I'm guessing you didn't study..? Like usual." The other deadpanned, raising an eyebrow at the other.
Keith silently listened and watched the two talk, unaware that he was staring, let alone eavesdropping.
"Oh please, when does Lance ever study?" A smaller girl, who was next to Keith, snickered.
Keith took note that the taller's name was Lance. He watched as 'Lance' bent over his seat backwards and shot the girl a playful glare. "No one can be as smart as you, Pidge, now can they?"
Keith's lips quirked up into a smile, arching an eyebrow over to the girl.
"Nope. I'm too smart for everyone." She countered, crossing her arms jokingly.
Lance just cackled, sitting forward again.
Then, Keith's heart dropped when Lance spun around, looking at him this time. "You're welcome by the way."
Keith didn't know what to say, both of Lance's friends had eyes on him now, and he couldn't find himself to speak. "What?" He squeaked, sitting back into his chair more.
"I totally saved your ass! You're welcome." Lance said with a smug grin, spinning in his chair as the teacher walked back in.
Keith turned a dark red, pulling his black beanie farther down on his head. Why was this boy even talking to him? Now Keith felt bad for not thanking him. And they had never spoken a word to each other!
Throughout that period, Keith would occasionally glance up at Lance. Why had he saved him anyways?
Finally, the bell rang to dismiss the first period, and Keith snapped out of his thoughts, realizing he forgot a whole page of his test. There goes that grade.
"Dude, that was so easy. Who needs to study?" Lance boasted to the larger boy, swinging his backpack over his shoulder.
"You are a paragon of intelligence, Lance." Pidge rolled her eyes, shoving past the boy in a friendly manner and walking out.
Keith ignored their conversation and walked away, placing his tests down on the teacher's desk and quickly exiting the room.
He quickly walked down the hallway, the bags under his eyes growing. God, how he wanted a coffee more than anything.
Keith got his folder from his locker and slammed it shut, not even bothering with the lock. He closed his eyes for a moment, resting his forehead on his locker, only to be startled out of his thoughts by a tap on his shoulder.
The boy jumped, taking a glance over his shoulder towards the taller boy standing next to him.
Keith sighed. "Jesus, Shiro. Be a little quieter next time." He mumbled, rolling his eyes.
"I said good morning." Shiro chuckled, brushing the white floof of hair he had out of his eyes.
Keith narrowed his eyes at the male. He did?
He just shrugged as he stood up straight to face Shiro, wiping his sleep deprived eyes. "Oh.. I didn't hear you. My bad."
"You need to get more sleep, kid. You look horrible." Shiro snickered, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Oh lay off. You know I don't sleep. Coffee is my energy." Keith stated matter-of-factly, blinking tiredly.
"Whatever Keith. Just don't be late to class. I'd hate to see you in detention again. Even though that's so rare." Shiro rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Anyways- I gotta run. See you later." He smiled happily, giving the boy a quick salute-wave before walking off.
Keith just half-heartedly gave a wave back before leaning backwards against his locker. He groaned, tilting his head back against his locker to close his eyes for the extra seconds he could grasp.
He didn't look up as he heard the egotistical Cuban bounding past him down the hall with his friends, just let him pass as he sighed.
Since Keith hadn't seen that, he wouldn't have noticed that Lance's backpack was unzipped. He also wouldn't have seen something fall out of the backpack in question.
The bell rang once more but Keith didn't rush. Like always. He let students pass him by a few more times before he grunted. He stood up, blinking open his eyes to look around.
He began to shuffle towards the direction of his class again, passing the last few people still chatting or walking in the hallway.
Without paying attention to where he was walking, Keith felt his foot kick something, hearing it slide across the floor.
Keith looked down to see a small book laying a few feet away from him.
Crinkling his nose as his brow furrowed, he walked over to it, only to stare at it for a moment.
Picking up the small, baby blue covered book on the ground, Keith examined it, opening to the first page. Reading the scribbled words, he flipped through it for a minute, realizing it was a dairy by the dates on the corners of the pages and the stories and doodles inscribed. Keith narrowed his eyes, wondering who the owner of this book could possibly be. He looked through it vaguely for a moment longer before turning to the back of the cover.
"Property of Lance McClain"
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