Football on Friday
Keith's eyes widened, tracing his thumb over the name. This was Lance's? Why was it in the middle of the hallway? Or even in school nonetheless? But Keith didn't hesitate to flip through it as he walked, just out of curiosity.
To do:
-get face wash
-clean room so mama stops yelling
-study n' stuff
-make sure Hunk can go to the football game on Friday
-finally text Allura
Keith raised an eyebrow as he skimmed through the worn-out pages, shuffling down the empty hallway once more.
Keith swore to himself as he shoved the blue diary into his jacket. He turned quickly to face one of the administrators of the school and raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Don't what me!" He snapped, walking over. "This is the second time today that you've been called out for tardiness. To the office! Let's go!"
Keith huffed and crossed his arms, keeping the book safe in his jacket. This sucked, because he planned on giving it back to Lance.
He trudged into the office, being told to sit because the principal was in a meeting. He sat in a chair, taking the diary from his jacket and putting it into his backpack. He stared at the tan wall, sighing to himself. It was boring beyond belief, but Keith was used to it by now.
The bell rang to dismiss the next period a small bit later, and a particular lanky Cuban ran in, biting his lip nervously. He quickly walked to the desk and caught the attention of the secretary. "Has anyone- maybe like, handed in a small blue book? I lost it."
He looked over and saw Keith, who was dozing off in his spot. The secretary looked up, giving him a looming look over her glasses. "No, sweetie. I'm sorry. I'll call you down if anything happens. Just write your name on the sign in sheet."
Lance turned his attention back to her and sighed, nodding as he picked up the pen and scribbling his name.
As he was doing so, the principal stepped out of his office and eyed Keith from across the office. "Mr. Kogane."
Keith jumped and blinked drowsily, looking up, looking to the principal before Lance.
He swung his backpack over his shoulder, passing Lance by quickly as he trudged to the office.
Lance watched him worriedly, thanking the secretary and heading for the office door.
Keith didn't know why he didn't give Lance his diary back. Maybe he wanted to explain why he had it? Maybe it would help him figure out Lance more? No- that would be invading Lance's privacy. He was better than that. He would give it back as soon as he could.
Lance glanced back as he saw the door to the principal's office slam, and he sighed, heading down the hallway.
As Keith listened to the principal lecture him, he began to think: Lance wrote about going to the football game with Hunk. And since he had wrote it earlier that week, the football game was tonight. So, Keith would go and give it back.Simple.
As the school day ended, Keith actually saw Lance walking to his bus with that Pidge character. That was easier.
"Hey, Lance!"
Pidge looked over her shoulder first and chuckled lowly to herself, elbowing Lance as he turned as well.
Keith took the diary out from his backpack, flipping through it again to make sure everything was the way he found it, before something caught his eye quickly:
A page with K+L scribbled in the middle with a heart surrounding the letters. The date was from today.
But before he had a chance to actually read anything, the book was taken from his hands, Lance grinning from ear to ear as he shut it as quick as he possibly could. "You found it? Where? Thank you!"
Keith turned a light pink, his hands being frozen in the position where they were as Lance grabbed his diary. "I um-" he paused, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt. "I found it on the ground. In the hallway after first period." He mumbled, his eyes looking to the sidewalk.
Before he even knew what was happening, he was being pulled into a tight hug, giving a squeak in surprise. "Thank you, Keith!" Lance grinned, stepping back. "Are you going to the game later? We all are!" He grinned, and by we, he meant him, Pidge and Hunk.
Keith stayed quiet. He didn't really want to, but Lance seemed super enthusiastic about it, and that seemed to intrigue Keith a bit. "Yeah, probably." He nodded, not really thinking.
"Perfect!" Lance beamed as he spun his backpack around, unzipping it as he dropped the blue diary inside. Keith's eyes watched it, only to look back to Lance as the zipper shut again.
"See you later, then!" Lance turned to jog off to Pidge. "Thanks again!"
Keith just stood there, trying to analyze what had just taken place. He gave a tiny wave as response, his feet glued to the ground.
"Yeah. No.... no problem."
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