Two book promotion with @DestinyProduction
Hello there everyone I'm Emily and I'll be interviewing someone we all know and love let's give a warm round of applause for DestinyProduction !
Trevor: "Hello. Thanks for having me on."
Emily: "Well thank you for requesting to come on over."
Trevor: "It's my pleasure."
(Audience applauses)
Emily: "So , what to do with you Trevor that is a good question."
Trevor: "For starters, you could ask me about my book, Destiny Battles."
(Audience gasps)
Emily: "Ooh that sounds exciting! Please tell us more!"
Trevor: "Well, it's a small follow up to Destiny Rebirth Final Mix. It's about the battles that take place following the events of Rebirth."
Emily: "WoW! I'm at the edge of my seat folks! They both sound very interesting I must say."
Trevor: "It features Mega Evolution and Ash-Greninja that were left out of Rebirth."
Emily: "Honestly I'm glad that they brought in a trainer Pokémon fusion, ooh a mega! That's exciting!"
Trevor: "Yes and there's an upcoming chapter tomorrow that is perfect for amourshipping day."
Emily: "Do you plan these stories out or do they just happen in the heat of the moment?"
(Audience oohs)
Trevor: "Well, I first plan out the battles. Dialogue comes in the heat. But for my next work, I will need months of planning cuz it will be my most ambitious"
Emily: "Oh alright! Thank you very much for explaining."
Trevor: "No problem."
(Audience claps)
Emily: On to question 2 hahahahaha!! Now we've heard through the grape vine that you are also in Emily's Pokémon Journeys: Kanto!. What makes your Destiny's Trevor different from EPJ Trevor?
Trevor: "Haha..For one, EPJ Trevor does not have Mewtwo. Also, he's more reckless than Destiny's Trevor."
Emily: "But doesn't he want to catch Mewtwo except it gets away with the rest of the cloned Pokémon in EPJ?
Trevor: "I want something like that to happen but I also want him to be different."
Emily: "Ah! I see."
Trevor: "For instance he's after revenge for his parents since it's Mewtwo who killed them by the order of Geovoni."
Emily: "That's what I imagined to. And EPJ isn't fully complete yet there's still more upcoming chapters to write."
(Audience applauses)
Emily: "Now! Back to your books."
Trevor: "Right, my next book is called Destiny Hearts which is a direct sequel to Rebirth. It is a crossover between Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts."
Emily: "Oh nice! Do you have it all planned out or still working on some stuff?"
Trevor: "I'm still working on some stuff. Once Destiny Battles is completed, I will plan the whole story out before I start writing it. It's ambitious and I want to be prepares for when I start writing it."
Emily: "Well we can't wait to read them all! Isn't that right folks?"
(Audience applauses)
Trevor: "Well thank you very much."
Emily: "You're very welcome. So tell me, what is your inspiration for writing these stories?"
Trevor: "Well I like to write amazing Pokemon battles and provide as much details and emotions so the readers can feel throughout the battle."
Emily: "Ooh I can feel the inspiration already!"
Trevor: "Music provides inspiration, especially Hans Zimmer and Yoko Shimmura"
Emily: "Interesting I've never heard of them before."
Trevor: "The beginning chapter of rebirth was inspired by the opening scene of Batman v Superman."
Emily: "Oh wow the Man of Steel!"
(Audience applauses)
Emily: "I have to ask you an off topic question."
Trevor: "Ok let's go."
Emily: "What's your favourite Batman movie?"
Trevor: "Oh that's easy! The Dark Knight hands down!"
Emily: "Awesome same here! Heath ledger does such a fantastic job as the Joker."
Trevor: "He sure did. He earned that Oscar."
Emily: "Indeed he did."
Trevor: "Christopher Nolan is my all time favorite director."
Emily: "I don't have a favourite director. Well I'm glad that you do."
Trevor: "So do you have any more questions for me?"
(Emily glances at the studio clock)
Emily: "No I think we're good to go. Will you be joining us again?"
Trevor: "Maybe, if there's a new book I'm working on I'll let you know."
(Audience gasps)
Emily: "Well we'd love to have you back if you wanted to."
Emily: "Well there you have it folks our very good friend DestinyProduction Trevor Hallet!"
(Trevor bows)
Trevor: "It was my pleasure. I had fun thank you for a wonderful time."
Emily: " I'm glad you had fun."
(Trevor shakes Emily's hand)
Emily: "Trevor Hallet everybody!"
(Trevor waves as he walks off the stage)
Emily: Also don't forget to read his books *Destiny Battles*, *Destiny Rebirth Final mix* and be prepared for *Destiny Hearts*!
(Audience cheers)
Emily: "Goodbye & goodnight everyone!"
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