♥ Chapter 31: An Unexpected Visitor ♥
Not a moment later, we heard a few knocks on the door. "I am not expecting visitors....so soon? Strange..." We curiously crept into the living room, I, trembling, with a frying pan on my hand.
|| Frisk's POV ||
I gripped the pan tightly as the knocks grew louder and harder that echoed through the door, which was followed by a few deep mumbles and shuffles. "Hello? Sans? Is that you?" Mom asked, slightly opening the door.
"No its....gorey." A deep voice echoed, revealing a tall goat silhouette. "Who's gorey?" I raised a brow, eyeing mom, I've never heard of him around. I think I heard a guy named asgore, but gorey? Nah uh. "Is he your suitor?" I smirked, as a small hint of red dusted her cheeks. She gave me a stern look, ignoring my silly question. She abruptly slammed the door close without hesitation.
"You shouldn't be here..." She grimly huffed.
"I know, but can you please listen to-"
" BE GONE! I DON'T NEED ANY OF YOUR NOSY BUSINESS AROUND HERE! She yelled, before storming off upstairs.
I stood there puzzled, poor guy. What has he done wrong to make mom storm off like that? I think there's a reasonable explanation, and there's one way to find out.
"Guess she's still mad at me..." The guy sighed. sadness and defeat molded on his mustached face. He was about to leave but then he saw me.
"Hello, my child, you must be frisk? The last descendant of princess agnes?" He questioned as his deep chilling voice astounded me. How'd he? Well, get used to it frisk, its not the first time someone mysterious knew your name.
I nodded vigorously, "And you must be? gorey?" I asked, as curiosity filled my voice. "Yes, Asgore the king." He corrected. I stiffened, He's the king???! That explains his trident and crown. Wow, I didn't expect to meet him face to face. I actually anticipated him to be more intimidating and scary but Everyone in town told me he's a nice and kind king.
"My sincerest apologies!! I'm terribly sorry your majesty!" I kneeled and bowed in respect. "No need to be formal frisk, call me asgore or gorey if you want." He smiled, ruffling my chocolate brown hair.
Man, he's way nicer than I imagined.
"Oh where are my manners! Come on in asgore! Mom and I just baked some pie!" I beamed, paving way for his big figure to fit the door.
I dashed into the kitchen with him, sauntering behind. I stood on my tippy toes to reach for the cutlery on the cupboard while he pulled a wooden chair by the table.
"Would you like some tea?" I politely asked, he nodded as his eyes darted around the house. "So your living with tori?" He asked.
"Before I do, but I live in snowdin now." I smiled, gingerly setting the steaming hot tea before him, alongside the butterscotch pie.
"Not to be rude but may I ask why are you here? Are you here to visit mom?" I questioned, untieing the laces of my apron.
"Yes but not to simply visit....I came here for a reason....to apologize." He wearily said, Apologize? For what?
"I should've listened to her...but no...I didn't...I'm the reason why we're still trapped here..I-its all my f-fault.." He rambled between ragged breaths.
I frowned as my pitiful instincts kicked in. "Don't blame yourself asgore, We all commit a lot of mistakes. No one's perfect. Believe me, I also made the most terrible mistake of my life. In fact, the most dreadful mistake." I trailed off, doubting myself for a moment as the memories flashed before my eyes.
"What I simply meant is, don't be so down! I'm sure mom would understand why you did such things. As a matter of fact, She's the kind of person (or momster? XD) who couldn't hold a grudge to understanding people like you. You just need to talk it off, if she doesn't listen...please, just let her take some time." I smiled in succession, finally turning his frown upside down.
"I guess you're right, thank you frisk." He smiled warmly, enveloping me into a big hug. "N-no problem" I grinned, sinking into his soft white fur. Gosh, his' fur is ten times softer and thicker than mom's, I should get used to having more hugs from him often. I giggled.
"You should eat the pie, its running cold." I gave away, gesturing to the aromatic pie.
"Oh yes, its been a while since I tasted her signature pie though, don't wanna waste this delightful opportunity." He chuckled, savouring the smell of the scrumptious pie.
"What is HE doing here?" Mom emerged from the hallway, tapping her foot impatiently as she glared daggers at asgore.
"I invited him in to taste the pie mom, no harm done." I politely explained.
"OK since you finished it, you may now LEAVE." She sternly spat, pointing towards the stairs.
"N-not just yet." Asgore confidently spoke, but not for long. He tilted his head towards me, waiting for my approval.
I willingly grinned, raising two big thumbs up for him. But to mom's annoyance. Boy, is it hot in here or is it just because of mom's boiling temper.
"You don't have to talk, just...please listen to me for this one time." Asgore sighed, with pleading eyes.
"Sooooo....I'll just leave to give you guys some privacy." I smiled, slowly scooting away from the kitchen.
"My child wait!" Mom called.
"You might wanna head to waterfalls, sans is waiting for you." She smirked with a smug like grin.
Since when did she knew???! I guess a certain glittery chatterbox spilled my beans.
"O-ok, see you later asgore, mom!" I sputtered, blushing like a mad man as I descending into the stairs.
"Bye dear! stay safe!" She called.
Why would sans want to meet me at waterfalls? Is there something I need to know? Does he want show me something? Why can't it be at someplace else? I pondered, frolicking happily down the snowy path.
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