Sylph screamed, flinging herself onto my body and squeezing me while crying tears of joy.
We'd all just gotten out of the boats, turning a deaf ear to all the whispering from the residents of where we now stood, Trost. There were so many faces here, the majority of which carried sad or broken looks. Quite a few people were still crying or had tear-stained cheeks, puffy red eyes or eyes that were completely blank and emotionless.
This is what Titans do to people, and I must say that I'm very proud of them.
I began to smile as I thought of the hundreds of people left behind. The three boats available weren't enough for the entire population of citizens in Shiganshina, even after so many people had been gobbled up.
It was sad though, to watch as people begged to at least have their children on board. Even after that, there were still so many children left behind. I could hear all the mother's crying, I could hear babies and children doing the same thing. I could hear the separated family members crying because they were about to lose their loved ones. I could relate to their pain, I felt pain like that so many years ago.
My smile began dissuade and tears began brimming in my eyes, I quickly swiped at my eyes but a few tears managed to escape and before long, I was crying.
"Onee-chan, why are you crying?" Tiamat asked, having been the one to notice the tears falling from my eyes.
I couldn't speak, there was a huge lump in my throat, it hurt so much and I just wanted to cry it out. My eyes were burning and I knew they were turning red. The feel of tears rolling on my cheeks was uncomfortable and I hated it so much. I hate crying, I don't want to cry. I'm not weak, I know I'm not.
"Aneki, what's the problem?" Aruru asked, reaching out to touch my cheek to make sure I was actually crying. She gasped when her fingers came in contact with the liquid staining my cheeks, it was only expected of her. None of my sisters has ever witnessed me show any form of sadness, they thought me incapable of showing any emotion apart from rage, frustration and a special emotion reserved for only the three of them, happiness.
Sylph wrapped her arms around me in a comforting hug. I appreciated the gesture but I could feel she thought the situation to be quite awkward. It had always been the other way around, I would always be the one comforting her when she was crying.
Nobody spoke, the vicinity was silent except from the occasionally hiccups and sniffling that came from me. I had no idea why I was crying, I should be happy that so many human beings died today, I should be happy that my people finally got a taste on what they'd been missing out on for a whole hundred years, I should be happy that there was so much blood and death and destruction. Instead, I was mourning people I didn't even know.
I don't want to consider it a possibility but I might be growing a soft spot for human beings after living amongst them for as long as I have. The very thought of me growing a soft spot for a anyone that wasn't one of my sisters was absolutely disgusting, not to mention downright horrifying.
I shouldn't be crying because of those pathetic human beings! I should be celebrating their death with a stolen bottle of beer, I should be loyal to my people. By crying for human beings, it feels like I'm betraying my people and for that reading, I'm angry at myself. I look so weak and fragile! I could hear the few people around us whispering, they knew who I was and they knew that I don't show any signs of weakness, they know that I'm stronger than all of them combined.
Yet here I am, crying like a baby.
"I'm going to join the 104th Trainee Corps." I announced to my sisters. It was midnight and everyone except for the four of us was sleeping.
The three of them blinked and looked at each other then nodded.
"We respect your decision." Sylph said. I inhaled sharply but smiled nonetheless, to be honest, I expected Sylph to burst into tears and beg me to stay.
"But why?" Tiamat asked. I knew they wouldn't just 'respect my decision' without knowing or wanting to know the reason behind my sudden resolution to join the 104th Trainee Corps.
"I've become weak!" I exclaimed, feeling the anger at myself begin to bubble up in me. "Just a few hours ago, I was crying! Actually crying! All of because of the death of so many human beings! I'm supposed to be the strong one here, I'm the older one and yet, I was the one who cried, it wasn't any of you but it was me!"
Even though I hadn't said that much, I was panting like I'd been ranting for such a long time, the reading behind this was unknown and unimportant to me, I might just trying to be a bit more dramatic.
"And joining the Trainee Corps is supposed to make you stronger?!" Sylph exclaimed. I was taken back, she actually sounded angry. I know everyone gets angry at some point, but this Sylph we're talking about, Sylph doesn't do angry.
"You're just looking for a stupid excuse to leave us behind! You're scared too scared of the responsibilities you'd have if you stayed here because then you'd have to take care of us! You don't have to lie that you want to become stronger, if you want to leave us behind then just say it! If you don't want to be an older sister then fine! If you don't want to replace Mama until she and Papa come back for us then that's just as fine! Do whatever you want, it's none of my business any-"
Before Sylph could say another word, my palm had come in contact with her cheek, meaning I'd slapped her. I didn't regret it, she deserved it.
"I never said that I wanted to abandon any of you! I never said that I wanted to raise you either! I don't want to replace Mama or Papa, raising you is their job, not mine! I'm not going to stay because you want me to, you can yell at me all you want but I'm leaving as soon as I can! Mama isn't back yet and I'm not staying raise you and you're getting all angry because God Forbid that I don't step up and replace her! That's what you want, for me to be your Mama?! For goodness' sake we are quadruplets! We were all born on the same day, I was only born a few hours before all of you, I'm not even that much older. You're acting as if there's a ten years difference between us! You should learn to take care of yourself because I'm not gonna stay with you forever!"
Now was the appropriate time for me to be panting, but I wasn't. The three of them were quiet and almost seemed hurt, I didn't care if I hurt them or not, I said what I had to say. Even if I had to give them the false hope that our parents were coming back.
Nobody uttered a word.
"I take it none of you will be going with me?"
Stupid question, I already knew the answer.
All three of them shook their heads.
"We'd rather choose field work." Aruru said quietly.
I nodded and said nothing else, within a month, I would be separated from my sisters for God knows how long. I felt a pang of sadness but nothing more.
That marks the end of the second chapter! Next one should be up in two days or so, but if I'm lucky, it will be out tonight.
Ja, my fantabulous mini warriors!
🍰 -_Scarlet_Warrior_- 🍰
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