Girl stuff
Igneel Dragneel is not a man you want to mess with. I swallow hard, then cast an accusatory glare at Wendy, who's hiding behind Dad.
"It's not that late, Dad."
His arms stay crossed. "It's an hour past when you said you would be home."
That earns Wendy another glare. I shift my weight from foot to foot. "Stuff happened."
"Girl stuff?"
I turn bright red at Dad's query, and he laughs. "I never thought I'd see the day when my son showed interest in a girl! I was beginning to think you were gay, Natsu!"
"Dad!" I protest, as he puts an arm around my shoulders and musses up my hair.
"Was that her in the car?" Dad looks out the window. "Perhaps you should drive next time."
"No, that was Mr. Capricorn." I tell him, and his arm stiffens around me. Dad straightens up.
"They're back, huh." He mutters.
"Nothing." Dad forces a smile. "Next time you see her, tell Lucy I say hi, okay?"
"Oh, uh, sure." I frown. "Dad, what's wrong?"
Instead of answering, he hurries upstairs.
"That was weird." Wendy voices my thoughts. This is the first time she's spoken, reminding me that I'm angry at her.
As punishment, I reach over without warning and pinch her cheeks.
"That's for tattling." I grin and Wendy squeals, trying to break free. Carla runs over and throws a literal hissy fit, scratching my leg. She's always been overprotective of Wendy.
I release my sister and go into the kitchen for a late snack. Hey, when you gotta eat, you gotta eat. The door to the fridge is open, and Happy lays sprawled out with a very fat belly and an expression that would make Garfield proud.
I recall Carla running to Wendy's defense and roll my eyes. "Thanks a lot."
Happy burps in response, and I smell salmon mixed with whatever else he got his furry face into. Suddenly, I'm not so hungry anymore.
I close the fridge door, set my backpack down at the kitchen table, and make sure everything's packed for tomorrow. Lucy apparently got a hold of my science notebook when I wasn't looking. There's a little sticky note on the cover:
See you tomorrow!
I smile when I see it, then quickly rip it off. My face feels hot.
"Natsu-nii, bed time!" Wendy calls from upstairs.
"Coming!" I respond, and join her. We brush our teeth, then head to our respective bedrooms. As I lie in bed, I realize two very important things.
First, I totally forgot to ask Lucy why she was happy about Mira and Laxus.
Second, I never told Dad Lucy's name.
*the next morning*
It was really hard to fall asleep last night. I lay in my bed, thoughts pinging around my head like ping pongs balls. Dad knows Lucy. And something else, something Aries was saying before Virgo interrupted her. It's nice to see you again.
Lucy and I knew each other in the past. She might seriously be the girl. But does Lucy even remember? More importantly, why don't I?
I'm so out of it, I don't even pick a fight with Gray when I see him first period. This concerns him.
"Yo Pyro, are you dying?" He asks worriedly.
"Yo Pervert, do you like being half naked in the morning?" I retort, annoyed.
Gray looks down at his bare chest and freaks out. Juvia stands at the opposite end of the classroom, waving Gray's shirt like a flag.
"Juvia! I should've known!" Gray shouts, standing and slamming his hands on his desk.
Juvia takes off down the hallway laughing, forcing him to chase her. "Juvia isn't the one that stripped, Gray-sama!"
"Stop calling me that!"
"Gray?! What do you think you're doing?" A new voice shouts.
I can't help but chuckle. I'm totally confused about all things Lucy right now, but listening to Gray get punished by Erza is always enjoyable.
He and Juvia walk back into the classroom. Gray's shirt has been returned, and he has a big bump on his head, presumably where Erza walloped him. He rubs it and winces.
"Why only me?" Gray grumbles, looking at the unharmed Juvia.
"Erza-san is Juvia's friend. She also knows Juvia's secret, which Gray-sama is too dense to figure out." Juvia snickers.
"What secret?" Gray asks. "And I'm begging you not to call me that!"
Juvia blushes a little. "Not telling!" She runs to her seat and sits right as the teacher walks in.
"Mr. Fullbuster, you do have a very good reason for not sitting in your seat when the bell rang, right?" Mr. Miller glares at him.
Gray gulps and sits down. I snicker under my breath, and he shoots me a glare.
Unfortunately, as Mr. Miller drones on about conjunctions and prepositions and a bunch of other grammar stuff I learned from Schoolhouse Rock a long time ago, my mind drifts back to Lucy.
I've stalled long enough. Now that I know for a fact that we knew each other, I have to ask Lucy if she's the girl. She has to know something. I text her.
As I head to lunch, my heart beats faster in my chest. I wonder what Natsu wants to talk about? Could it be? Did he... remember?
Nah, that's to good to be true. But hey, you can't stop a girl from dreaming. And you can't stop her heart from beating. I mean, I guess you could, but that's murder. Does Natsu want to murder me?!
I slap my cheeks, hard. "You're overthinking things." I tell myself.
Levy-chan and the other girls stare at me, confused and concerned.
"You okay Lu-chan?" Levy-chan asks.
I nod. "I'm fine."
I don't think they believe me. Nevertheless, my friends don't pry. We walk in silence to the lunch room and buy lunch, then sit at our table, along with Natsu and the guys. And Lisanna.
Lisanna is draping herself all over Natsu, as per slimy usual, but he seems extra irritated by it today. I can't help but smile as she pouts.
Our eyes meet once, but Natsu jerks his gaze away. I frown. There's never a good time at lunch, especially with Lisanna interrupting us every chance she gets, but we still have science after this, so I'm definitely not too worried.
Not too worried at all.
Lunch period takes forever. I dump my half-eaten food in the trash and dart to Mrs. Fiziks's classroom. I'm the first one there.
Natsu is last, slipping in an instant before the bell.
"What did you want to talk about?" I ask as soon as the lesson starts.
"Lucy Heartfilia! Name this structure of the cell and it's function!" Mrs. Fiziks shouts.
"Mitochondrion. It synthesizes ATP, which the cell breaks for energy, hence it's title as the powerhouse of the cell." I answer.
She tsks and turns back to the board.
"It's about our past." He starts, and my heart leaps out of my chest.
"Natsu Dragneel! State the difference between the functions of peroxisomes and lysosomes, and how to tell them apart!" Mrs. Fiziks yells.
"Peroxisomes detoxify, primarily hydrogen peroxide. Lysosomes digest organic material in the cell. While very similar in appearance, a peroxisome is larger than a lysosome." Natsu answers smoothly.
"Curses." Mrs. Fiziks mutters, once again returning to her lesson.
"What happened?" He asks. My heart sinks, even though I know he lost his memory. "I know we met, but are you the girl—"
Our heads get jerked down, Snape style. After she releases us, we rub our necks and look up at Mrs. Fiziks, right eye twitching and at least two tic marks on her temples.
"I know you two are smart, but do you have any respect for my class?" She asks, irritated.
Several kids laugh. I flush. "No—err, yes!"
Mrs. Fiziks smiles sweetly, and it doesn't take a lot of brainpower to figure out we're in trouble. "Whatever is so vitally important that it just couldn't wait until class is over, I'm sure the principal will be thrilled to hear all about it."
She points to the door.
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