Jimmy's Perspective-
Jimmy sat at the dining table as he ate his toasted bagel, watching as Lizzie ran around the kitchen to frantically make her lunch and pack extra snacks for her friends.
Jimmy swallowed his food and looked up at Lizzie. "When do we have to leave for the bus?"
"Twenty minutes." Lizzie said, barely glancing at the clock.
Jimmy finished his breakfast and stood up, his shoes clicking quietly on the tile floor as he put his plate in the dishwasher.
"You buttoned your polo shirt wrong." Lizzie pointed out and Jimmy looked down at his red polo, fixing the buttons.
"And you may wanna cuff your jeans, they're a bit long on you." Lizzie said and Jimmy blushed from embarrassment.
"How are you even multitasking so much right now?"
"Older sister powers." Lizzie smirked and Jimmy rolled his eyes.
"Did you take your meds?" Lizzie asked and Jimmy nodded.
"Yes, I took them five minutes ago."
"Good." Lizzie muttered, tossing a bag of goldfish into her bag before zipping it up and going to her room to grab her shoes.
Jimmy checked the clock which read 8:15 and his eyes widened.
"Lizzie! Come on!" He shouted and Lizzie ran down, grabbing her bag.
"Bye mom! Bye dad! Be good, Norman!" Lizzie and Jimmy shouted over their shoulders as they shut the door, and Lizzie locked it with her key.
They walked down the sidewalk towards their bus stop down the block and Lizzie went through a checklist in her head.
Jimmy, meanwhile, kept his head down as he walked. He had been begging his mother for a phone in order for him to try and keep in contact with Tango, but he had no such luck with getting her to crack.
"Hey, you'll be alright, okay?" Lizzie elbowed her younger brother and Jimmy glanced up at her.
"Okay..." Jimmy nodded hesitantly.
"I know that asshole of a friend ditched you, but I'll take care of him don't worry."
"Lizzie-!! Don't kill him!" Jimmy snapped, startled but his sister's response.
"Okay, okay, but I'll give the school system a good punch to the head. Already gotta do that soon." Lizzie punched her fist to her left hand and Jimmy gulped, having always been afraid of his sister's strength (especially when she was determined).
They arrived at the bus stop and met up with their neighbor and good friend, Scar.
"Made it just in time!" He smiled, Bdubs in tow.
"Hey- guys." Bdubs tried to catch his breath.
"You two wake up late?" Lizzie raised an eyebrow.
"You know it!" Scar smiled and Lizzie laughed.
"Oh and guys, Jimmy's starting middle school now!" Lizzie waved her hands dramatically and Jimmy face palmed, his cheeks red from embarrassment.
"Aw come on, it's not so bad." Scar reassured, being two years older than Jimmy.
"Yeah! Sixth grade is really hard though." Bdubs shrugged, wanting to scare him a bit.
"Shut up, Bdubs. You can't even be talking; seventh grade is worse cause you always smell bad." Scar shot his brother a glare and Bdubs stuck out his tongue.
Jimmy arrived in class and sat down, sighing.
Their English teacher made them pull out their planners as she read aloud the dress code rules and how they had to follow them or else it was straight to detention.
Jimmy dozed off when he felt the kid behind him tap his shoulder.
He turned around and saw a kid in a red sweater that practically swallowed him. His circled glasses were slipping down his nose, which was a bit sweaty from the sunlight peeking through the window and heating him and his sweater up, practically trapping him in a sauna.
"Hi?" Jimmy tilted his head, watching as his peer brushed his bangs out of his eyes.
"Hi, do you have a spare pen?"
"Oh- sure." Jimmy opened his bag and took out a pen that had a cutesy cat on top.
The kid's eyes sparkled as he clicked the cat's tail, and he giggled.
"Thanks." He said and Jimmy nodded.
"His name's Frank. Short for Frankenstein."
"Why Frankenstein?" The kid asked.
"Cause the lines on his cheeks."
"I think those are just his whiskers."
"James Darity!"
Jimmy jumped and turned around in his chair, seeing his teacher practically fuming.
"Please no talking in my class. And since you missed our lesson talking, I would like to see you after class."
Jimmy had to grip his pencil to stop himself from screaming and he simply nodded, glaring at the teacher.
After class, Jimmy had to sit through a short run through of the school's rules, and more specifically her classes rules, and he got sent out.
Jimmy shut the door behind him and turned around to see-
"Gah-!" Jimmy jumped and the kid pushed his slipping glasses up his button nose.
"Sorry, I just meant to give you the pen back." The kid held out Frank and Jimmy smiled a bit.
"Oh- thanks." Jimmy put it in his bag and the kid adjusted his bag on his shoulders.
"I was just about to go to you wanna sit with me?" He asked.
Jimmy blinked and he smiled brightly.
"Yeah! I'd really like that."
The two began to walk and introduced each other before talking about their pet cats.
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