"I think I'm gonna head over to the apartment today." Hoseok said. Hyungwon shook his head looking up from their shared phone worried. "Its been 2 weeks. I'll bring one of my bodyguards with me if it makes you less worried."
"They'll find you and hurt you." Hyungwon frowned. "I'll be okay. I'm too strong to get beat up." Hoseok smiled jokingly trying to cheer up the younger. He only frowned more. Hoseok got up from his chair and walked over to Hyungwon who was staring at the floor.
He knelt down and looked at the younger lifting up his chin. "If anything happens I'll come back right away." He smiled. "P-Promise." Hyungwon whispered. He held out his pinky hoping Hoseok would link it with his. Which he did and gave the younger a warm smile and kissed his cheek.
Hoseok got up and grabbed his coat. "Where do you think your going." Jooheon asked as Hoseok opened his car door. "Shhh Jooheon. I'm going to my apartment." He didn't want anyone finding out or they'd want to come too.
"Just by yourself. Not even a bodyguard. Does Hyungwon know. Bet he told you to bring one with." Jooheon smirked. "Get in then. You'll be my bodyguard. Happy." Hoseok asked annoyed. "Yes." Jooheon smiled getting in.
They headed to the apartment which took about half an hour or so. Opening the door the place was trashed. Glass everywhere, furniture ripped. "So who were these people anyway. Don't say 'I don't know'." Jooheon sighed.
"They came for Hyungwon again." Hoseok frowned. They walked around and grabbed important things that weren't broken. "Again? Did they catch him or something." Jooheon asked bluntly. "2 months before I found him." Hoseok said picking up his Wonho plush.
"So what'd they do bring him somewhere and that's it." Jooheon asked. "No they tortured him for days." The older sighed he wiped away his tears quickly. "That's fucked up." Hoseok nodded and they went from room to room grabbing things.
Hoseok heard fighting from another room in the apartment. Setting his things down he went to investigate. Seeing Jooheon and someone fight. Quickly Hoseok helped and knocked him down to the ground. "Bastard lucky my face doesn't bruise easily." The younger said wiping his bloody nose.
"I'll deal with him you go get cleaned up." Hoseok sighed. Jooheon did as he was told. The older grabbed some cords and tied up the unconscious man. After they finished putting things in a box they set it in the car and went back to the apartment.
Seeing the man awake. "No matter what you do we'll find him and take back whats ours." He growled. "Yours?" Hoseok asked. The man didn't say anything. Hoseok took the gun and pointed it to the mans head. "Dude what the hell are you doing." Jooheon asked frightened.
Hoseok didn't say anything but waited for him to answer. "The chip boss wants it back." The man sighed. "He never had a chip with him." Hoseok snapped. "Yeah Hyungwon never had anything like that with him." Jooheon agreed.
"Boss never gave it to him but put it in him." The man sighed. "Where." Hoseok demanded putting the gun closer to his head. "The back of his neck where no one could find it." The man said. He started smiling.
"What's so funny." Hoseok asked. "Remembering him dangling from his hands. Watching the pain and fear in his eyes as I burned him." He laughed. Hoseok froze and backed up stairing at the man. "Y-You." He stuttered.
"He begged every day for me to stop and every day I denied it. I lost count how many times he begged me to kill him. He's just another broken toy waiting to be thrown away you know." He smirked. Hoseoks anger grew more and more. Punching the tied up man. "Hoseok we gotta go. Someone's coming." Jooheon said pulling Hoseoks arm.
They escaped out the window and got into the car. "Are you ok." Jooheon asked as he drove. "I'm fine just keep going." The older snapped. "That's not what I mean." He sighed. Hoseok didn't say anything just stared out the window.
The car ride was quiet until they got back. Seeing Hyungwon worriedly paceing back and forth. As soon as Hoseok got out Hyungwon hugged him. He hugged back like he hadn't seen him in years. "I called you a million times and I told you to bring a bodyguard." Hyungwon asked worried.
"I forgot my phone here and I did bring a bodyguard." Hoseok sighed. "That's not a bodyguard that's Jooheon." Hyungwon frowned. "I'm right here." Jooheon whined. "I told Changkyun by the way. He's not happy with what you did." Hyungwon glared.
"Ah man now I'm in real trouble." Jooheon sighed. "Lee Jooheon how dare you leave without telling me." Changkyun yelled. "Babe its- I was just helping Hoseok hyung with something." He frowned. "Look at your hands and face. Who beat you up." Changkyun whined.
"I told you to leave if someone was there." Hyungwon sighed. He noticed Hoseoks hands were bleeding a little. Then checked his face and saw a little bruising. "I hope whoever did this to you lost or I'd have to beat them up." Hyungwon sighed.
He reached into the car to see what they brought. Jooheon and Hoseok looked at each other knowing who did this, what he did to Hyungwon. "We'll leave you guys to talk." Jooheon said. He took a pouty Changkyun and went inside.
"A-About that. Hyungwon." Hoseok said in a serious tone. Hyungwon stopped what he was doing and looked at him. "What's wrong." He asked. "The guy that was there h-he's the one who tortured you." Hoseok frowned.
Hyungwon froze he remembered everything when it happened. How much he begged for him to stop. He remembered how much he laughed at his pain. "I brought most of your things. Everything else was either ripped or broken." Hoseok said lightly.
Hyungwon nodded and glanced in the car seeing the plushie in the back seat. He grabbed it and wiped his tears away. Then hugged Hoseok and went inside holding the plush securely in his arms. Hoseok decided not to tell him about the chip and grabbed the box bringing it inside.
Minhyuk and Kihyun started asking many questions. Why was Hyungwon crying. Why didn't you tell us you were leaving. Things like that. "I don't want to talk about it." Was all he said. He went into the bathroom and cleaned his hands. Then went into his room and locked his door and heard crying.
Hoseok set the box down and sat on the bed. Hyungwon looked up and brushed his hand over the bruise on his cheek. "D-Does it hurt." Hyungwon asked. Hoseok shook his head smiling a little. "What about your hands." He asked he held them looking at them.
"J-Just a little." Hoseok admitted. Hyungwon kissed his nuckles and smiled. "There all better." He sniffled. A tear ran down his face and Hoseok wiped it away. He moved closer to Hyungwon and kissed him deeply.
happy late birthday Kim Seokjin 🎉🎉🎉
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