It had been a week or so and Hoseok finally talked to Hyungwon after a day or two. They were playing a bored game waiting to get tired in Hoseoks room. It was dark and a little rainy out. They just wanted to sleep.
There was a harsh knock at the door. Hyungwon got up and opened it revealing 2 masculine men dressed in black suites. "Are you Chae Hyungwon." One of them asked. "Who's asking." Hyungwon said prepared to shut the door if needed. "You'll have to come with us." The man demanded.
Hyungwon recognized who they were by the tattoo on their neck. "I'm not going anywhere expecally with you." He yelled one of them held a knife and sliced Hyungwons palm. He slammed the door shut and locked it. They started banging and kicking. "Hyungwon what's going on." Hoseok yawned coming out from his room.
"W-We gotta go now." Hyungwon yelled holding his hand to his chest. "Who's at the door." Hoseok asked more worried. "D-Don't go near it. Find a window." He demanded. "We can take them don't you think." Hoseok suggested. "Open up or we'll break through."
They both jumped at the loud banging which made Hyungwon scoff. "Are you kidding me. I could break my arm just by tripping. Plus they're highly trained." The front door was almost open and they ran for a room. To their luck the window wouldn't open.
"Close your eyes and turn away." Hoseok yelled. Hyungwon did as he was told. The older had to break the window with his elbow, glass went everywhere. Hyungwon went out first falling on the shattered pieces. The door opened and the men started running towards them. Hoseok bumped into the side of the window and cut his arm on the glass hissing in pain.
"Hoseok." Hyungwon yelled. "Come on let's go." He said taking Hyungwons hand and running. Their hearts beating a millions times per second. They ran to the car and drove off. "I'm sorry." Hyungwon sobbed. "Who were they." Hoseok asked.
"They're apart of a gang. Jaesang probably sent them to take me back again." Hyungwon remembered the last time they caught him. "What happens if they get you." Hoseok asked worried. "Th-They brand you to the bone and then do it again and again." Hyungwon frowned.
"They caught you before." Hyungwon nodded. "I-I'm sorry I brought you into this." Hoseok looked over and took the crying boys hand. "Its ok Hyungwon. Trust me I'd rather go through it then see you suffer alone." Hoseok sighed softly.
His arm was bleeding and the younger felt guilty. "Where are we going." He sniffled. "A very high security safe place." The older took out his phone. Hyungwon just silently cried facing the window. "Hyungwon your hands." Hoseok frowned.
"Huh." He questioned. He looked at his hands and saw some glass. "Must have happened when I went out the window." "Does it hurt." Hyungwon shook his head. They made it to the dorm. It was more of a house big enough to fit all the members. It was old and some of the paint was coming off. It was two stories but small.
Parking the car Hyungwon saw Kihyun and Hyunwoo. The oldest helped Hoseok the other, Hyungwon. "Come on lets go they won't be able to get you here." Kihyun stated. Hyungwon hugged him his motherly senses kicking in.
"Are you bleeding anywhere." Kihyun asked. Hyungwon
lifted up his shaking hands. They had some glass in it and a slash mark in one. "We'll get that cleaned up in no time." The red head examined his hands for a few seconds and made sure there wasn't anymore cuts unknown.
"You okay buddy." Hyunwoo asked. "Yeah it's just a scratch." Hoseok sighed. He watched as Kihyun guided Hyungwon inside. "Don't let the producer find out." He whispered. Hyunwoo nodded. They went in and was greeted by the others.
Kihyun did what he could to Hyungwons hands. Taking out most of the glass and bandaging it up. Hoseoks arm was only bandaged it being too late and everyone too tired to stitch it up. Hyungwon sat on the couch and fell asleep crying.
"I don't think we'll be heading back to our place anytime soon." Hoseok sighed. "Your room is just how you left it. Hyunwoo and I could grab some things from your apartment tomorrow when no one is there." Kihyun asked. Hoseok shook his head.
"N-No." Hyungwon said shifting around. They walked over to see what he was mumbling about. "Nightmare?" Kihyun questioned. "I'll take him to my room to sleep comfortably. Goodnight Kihyun." Hoseok said. He picked up Hyungwon and brought him to his room.
They got in bed. Hyungwon held onto Hoseoks arm but couldn't stop moving. They were in a very uncomfortable position since the bed wasn't as big as the one in Hoseoks apartment. "Let me help you out there." Hoseok smiled.
He pulled Hyungwon up so he was resting on his chest. It was more comfortable for both of them. "Goodnight." Hoseok whispered. He didn't hear anything only soft snores. He smiled and kissed the top of the sleeping boys head. Then he fell asleep himself.
"Guys this is so adorable." "I know right." "Shhhh don't wake them." Hyungwon heard voices and the sound of cameras clicking. He tiredly opened his eyes seeing Kihyun, Minhyuk and Jooheon with their phones out. He realized what was happening and quickly barried his face in Hoseoks neck.
Anccidently pushing him of the bed, Hoseok shot up and saw what they were doing. "Yah go away." He yelled. They all ran and shut the door. "Are they gone." Hyungwon asked. "Yeah." Hoseok nodded.
"That was so embarrassing." Hyungwon mumbled. Hoseok patted Hyungwons back. "It'll be over soon when the apartment is safe to return." Hoseok sighed. Hyungwon shot up and shook his head. "We can't go back. They'll just come back. For me, for you its not safe there anymore." Hyungwon panicked.
He was starting to have a panic attack. Hyungwon whimpered. He grabbed the back of his shoulder. "Hyungwon what's wrong." Hoseok asked sitting up. "I feel it every day." He sobbed.
"Feel what." Hoseok asked sitting on the bed. "What they did to me. They never stopped not once. They always did it in one spot every day." He sobbed. "C-Can I see." Hoseok asked. Hyungwon was hesitant at first. Shaking his head. He hated himself for being so weak.
He turned around and allowed Hoseok to lift up his shirt. It looked very bruised and infected. "Wh-When did they do this." Hoseok asked. "2 weeks before you found me." Hyungwon sighed. "I'll be right back." The older said. He immediately got up and ran out of the room.
After a few minutes he came back with a bag. "What's in there." Hyungwon asked. "Its lotion that'll help...but you'll have to take off your shirt." Hoseok said trying to find the least expired bottle. "W-Why."
"Because it has to fully dry before you can put anything over it and I have to change your bandages." Hoseok yawned. "Then I get to change y-your bandages." Hyungwon pouted instantly. "Sure." The older shrugged. Hyungwon wanted to help out even if the task was so small.
He took off his shirt and let Hoseok put the stuff on his burn. "Does it hurt." "A-A little." Hyungwon said holding the plush tight. He had found another Wonho plush but it was way bigger then the one at the apartment.
He used it to cover the front of his body. He hated being exposed like this expecally in front of Hoseok. "Give me your hands." Hoseok demanded. Hyungwon gave him his hands and undid the wrapping. He hissed in pain at the sudden exposed raw skin.
"Sorry but this is really gonna hurt." Hoseok said and poured disinfectant all over his hands. He gasped and tried to pull his hands away tears flowing from his eyes biting his lip trying not to scream. Hoseok kept saying sorry over and over again. He really was sorry.
"Don't close your hands it'll only make it worse. Don't tense up your hand muscles they'll only cramp up and burn even more." Hoseok said softly his voice breaking. He hated seeing Hyungwon in pain. He started blowing on them too cool it down. Then he wrapped them up and kissed his palms. He noticed Hyungwon stopped pulling and was looked at him. Hoseok blushing and looking away.
thank you guys so much for over 300 reads it hasn't even been 3 months. kamsamnida i hope thats how you spell it.
please vote it helps boost my confidence in my story writing skills. and this book has a new name it will be called Promise so just a heads up if you can't suddenly find the book. the book cover will be the same but title will be different
happy birthday kihyunnie🎉
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