"Did he do something to your leg or something." Minhyuk asked worried. "Or something." Hyungwon mumbled. He got shivers down his spine remembering what happened. "We should watch a movie. Hyungwon needs to relax." Hoseok suggested.
"We haven't watched a movie all together since the old house." Minhyuk gasped. "I recently bought one for us to watch but... something came up and we couldn't watch it." "You should put it on. Hoseok and I just have to talk for a minute." Hyungwon said.
He got up and Hoseok helped him to the room. "What's wrong." He asked. "I-I wanna tell you what happened." The younger boy said shyly. Hoseok sighed and sat down next to him. "I know." Hoseok frowned. "Y-You do." Hyungwon sniffled. "Don't cry please."
Hoseok begged grabbing Hyungwons hand. "It's so embarrassing. You probably hate me knowing I did those things with them." Hyungwon cried. "I could never hate you. You didn't do those things with them. They forced you to and it's not right." Hoseok said quickly. He wiped tears away from Hyungwons eyes and hugged him.
"They hurt you more then anything and if you want to cry thats okay." Hoseok rubbed Hyungwons back. "Th-They weren't nice at all." Hyungwon choked out. "Th-They-" "Shhh you don't have to tell me now. When your ready okay." Hoseok said softly.
The younger boy nodded and held onto Hoseok tightly. "I-I got you something for when you woke up but forgot it here everytime." Hoseok said. He wanted to cheer Hyungwon up and make him forget about what happened. "Wh-What is it." He sniffled. Hoseok got up and went to a box grabbing out a brand new Wonho plush.
"Since...he had broken in and trashed our room and destroyed the only ones we had I got a new one for you." Hoseok handed it to Hyungwon. "Th-Thank you." Hyungwon smiled lightly. "Flip it over." The older suggested. The younger flipped it over and it had Hyungwonho written with a heart in the middle.
"Apparently that's our ship name and I-I thought you'd like it." Hoseok blushed. "I love it." Hyungwon giggled a little and hugged the plush. "We're waiting for Joonie and Hyunwoo to get here." Changkyun said outside the door. Hyungwon got up a little stumbly and Hoseok helped him.
"I'd really like to shower and change." Hyungwon sighed. He hadn't showered in over 2 months and had to sleep on dirty concrete. "Do you want any help." Hoseok asked. "A-Ani I can do it." He said shaking his head. He wasn't going to have Hoseok see him naked especally all bruised and scared up.
The first time was an ancident and Hoseok probably didn't see anything. "You should hang out with them. I can handle this." Hyungwon said. "Are you sure." Hoseok asked. The younger nodded and went towards the dresser. "S-See I can walk." Hyungwon smiled painfully.
Hoseok smiled back and left the room. The younger sighed and sat down on the floor. Grabbing what he needed and went to the bathroom turning on the shower. He undressed till his boxers looking in the mirror. He was bruised and too skinny for anyone to love him.
He took a deep breath and made sure the door was locked then fully undressed and showered. It felt nice being clean and warm. "Hyungwon you okay in there." Hoseok asked. He turned off the water and wrapped the towel around himself. "Y-Yeah." He said quickly sniffling not realizing he'd been crying.
Hyungwon had hung his cloths over the shower curtain just in case and got dressed in the shower. He put on a big sweatshirt and leggings. Finding them strangely comfortable. Walking out and back to the bedroom for a second. He walked out with his plush seeing Jooheon and Hyunwoo.
He dropped the plush and stared at Hyunwoo. He still had a bit of bruising but overall he looked healthy again. "Hyungwon I'm glad your back." "M-Me too h-hyung." Hyungwon still looked at the leader. He walked over and picked up the plush.
"You look all better." Hyungwon smiled. "I-I don't remember much. It's all a big blur." The leader frowned. "Y-You don't wanna remember." Hyunwoo nodded and gave the plush back to Hyungwon after rubbing it with his thumb.
"Yah sit down. You may be drugged up on painkillers and morphine still but when it wears off-" "I know, I know I'm going." Hyungwon mumbled sitting down next to him.
Minhyuk sat next to Hoseok and Hyungwon. Showki sat together and Jookyun sat next to each other. The movie started and they watched it. "Hyungwon you still awake." Hoseok whispered. He nodded tiredly and yawned. "You should eat something before you go to sleep." He suggested.
Hyungwon nodded again. He could feel the morphine and painkillers start to wear off. "Did you get the pills." Hyungwon asked. "Yeah they're in the bag on the bed." The movie soon ended and Hoseok brought him some food and ate almost all of it. "Goodnight guys." Hyungwon said.
They all said goodnight back. It was only around 5pm but Hyungwon knew he was probably gonna be in the room till morning. Hyungwon took the pills and layed down. "Y-You don't have to stay in here." Hyungwon said quietly. "I know but I missed you too much." Hoseok pouted.
The younger smiled at his cuteness and held his arms out for Hoseok to hold him. "Goodnight Wonnie." "Goodnight Hoseokie." Hoseok played with the sleeping boys hair. He missed Hyungwon never wanting to leave him out of his sight again.
The younger started mumbling in his sleep after 5 hours. Hoseok wasn't tired at all and kept an eye on the door. Even if Jaesang was caught and in jail who knew if he had other people after Hyungwon like Yeomin. "N-No." Hyungwon mumbled. He moved around in his sleep more and started whimpering.
"I-Its ok Wonnie I got you." Hoseok whispered. He kissed Hyungwons head and rubbed his cheek lightly, calming him down a little. Then heard soft cries. "They can't get to you anymore okay. Remember that." Hoseok said. Hyungwon just continued crying and held onto Hoseok's shirt.
"What did you dream about." He asked softly. Hyungwon shook his head not wanting to say. "That's okay maybe later then." Hoseok sniffled a little and moved some hair from the youngers face to the side. "I love you." "I-I love you too." Hyungwon took a deep shaky breath.
He knew everything was gonna be okay now. Jaesang was finally in jail and couldn't hurt him anymore...or so he thought.
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