They opened the door and saw their new empty home. "Dibs on the basement room." Hyungwon said and started running for the stairs. "Yah." Changkyun and Minhyuk ran after him. Hoseok smiled and chuckled a little bit. He set some things down and took off his coat.
"We should start unpacking if we want to be done by 2am. Kihyun you should go claim a room." Hyunwoo said setting stuff down. The younger boy nodded and walked to the stairs that led up. "Hey is Kihyun ok." Hoseok asked quietly. "He's just stressed thats all." Hyunwoo frowned.
They started unpacking and got everything in the right rooms. Hyungwon had gotten the basement room meaning Hoseok had gotten the room too. "Hoseokie." Hyungwon sighed plopping down on the bed. "What Wonnie." Hoseok mimicked his voice.
"My feet hurt and my arms hurt and my legs." He groaned. "You know you say and a lot." Hyungwon rolled onto Hoseok who's eyes were closed. "Goodnight." The younger boy whispered carefully turning off the light.
He had made Hoseok lift and carry everything into the new house fast and was extremely tired. Hyungwon kissed the bottom of his boyfriends jaw line. "What was that for." The older asked peaking one eye open just a little.
"I didn't really do anything or help unpack." Hyungwon shrugged. "Yes you did. You helped put things in rooms with Kihyun." "You should get some sleep." Hyungwon yawned. Hoseok nodded and closed his eyes. The younger boy started to scoot off the bed.
He was quickly pulled back by his waist and gasped a little. "Hoseok." "I can't sleep without cuddling something." The older sighed. "Here." Hyungwon chuckled putting his pillow on Hoseoks face. "Yah I don't want a pillow." He whined. "I have to start unpacking and moving things around."
Hoseok shook his head childishly and pouted. "Your such a 2 year old." Hyungwon smiled shaking his head. He gave in and laid back down in his boyfriends arms. "It worked didn't it." He said proudly. Hyungwon giggled and played with his hair. Time had passed and Hoseok soon fell asleep.
Hyungwon took a deep breath and carefully rolled off the bed. They didn't have a bed in their room yet so they used a blow-up mattress for now. He started hanging cloths in the closet. Since he didn't have much from the incident he hung Hoseoks too. There was clinking noises coming from upstairs.
He went up and saw Kihyun alone. "Your still up." He asked. "Hyungwon you scared me." Kihyun gasped. "S-Sorry." He apologized. "C-Could I help." Kihyun nodded and they finished putting away the kitchen things. It was about 5:14 and Kihyun had started to get tired.
"We'll be safe here right." He asked tiredly. "I-I don't know but as long as we follow the plan we'll be ok." Hyungwon said. "We have been for months. How much longer till Hoseok decides to look for him or Changkyun gets jumped again or Minhyuk." Kihyun whispered.
"They wo-" "Which one of them is the bait." Kihyun interrupted. "None of them. I started this and I made a plan that only involves me. Everyone will stay here where he can't get you." Hyungwon said. "So what about Hoseok." Kihyun asked shutting the drawer.
"He doesn't know about my plan." Hyungwon said above a whisper. "H-Hyungwon." He turned around and saw Hoseok at the stairs. He looked betrayed and hurt. "H-Hos-seokie I-" "Don't. Just go to bed." The older frowned. Hyungwon didn't say anything and went downstairs.
Hyungwon sat on the mattress and looked down twiddling his fingers. "Do we have a problem." Hoseok asked. The younger boy shook his head slowly. "Do you like feeling pain Hyungwon." He shook his head again. Hoseok walked over to Hyungwon and lifted up his chin so they were looking eye to eye.
He pushed Hoseoks hand with his only to be grabbed by the older. "S-Stop it. I-It hurts." Hoseok didn't plan on hurting him at all. He just wanted him to stop trying to be the hero. "This isn't a game Wonnie."
"It'll hurt a lot more when he kidnaps you again." The older said. "If." Hyungwon sniffled. "There's no if Hyungwon." Hoseok snapped letting go of his arm. "Y-You don't know that." He rubbed his arm. "I do know that." Hoseok sighed sitting down.
"Look, I just don't want to see you in pain anymore." "I'll always be in pain Hoseok. Permanently because of him." Hyungwon sniffled again. Hoseok wrapped his arms around the sniffly boy tightly. "It's gonna be light soon and you need to rest."
Hyungwon nodded and laid down. "I-I can't sleep w-without being cuddled." Hyungwon said shyly. Hoseok laughed a little and wiped Hyungwons tears away and laid down. "I love you." Hoseok whispered. Hyungwon tightened his grip on Hoseok letting him know he loved him too. A few minutes later his grip loosened and Hoseok knew he fell asleep.
"I'm sorry Wonnie." Hoseok whispered rubbing the youngers arm.
The older woke up not feeling Hyungwon next to him. Sitting up and looked around sighing seeing himself on the floor. "I must have follen off." He mumbled to himself. He got up and looked at the time. "Everyone must be up by now." He yawned. It was dark and they had a small window shining just a little light.
He looked over at Hyungwon asleep on the bed. He never wanted to see Hyungwon hurt again. The older boy leaned on the bed and kissed him on the forehead. "I love you so much." He whispered. Then kissed his arm. He felt guilty for grabbing it so roughly.
"Be careful with that." Someone mumbled outside the door. Hoseok slowly walked out closing the door. "Did we wake you hyung." Changkyun whispered. "No but stay quiet Hyungwon needs to sleep." Hoseok said. The younger boy nodded. There was boxes everywhere and things scattered.
"Hyung is this yours." Jooheon asked. Hoseok nodded and took the box, before he set it down at his door he saw Kihyun. He looked a little worried. "You ok." Hoseok asked. "Y-Yeah just a bit tired." Kihyun yawned. The older boy nodded and grabbed a few boxes helping Kihyun. "He's not gonna do it alone is he." The red haired boy asked.
"I talked to him about it." Hoseok sighed. "He's stubborn you know. He'd do anything to protect us." Kihyun said. "I know but one day his stubbornness is gonna get himself killed and I can't let that happen." Hoseok said sternly. "Need any help." Hyunwoo asked walking over.
They shook their heads. "Why don't you two help Changkyun lift things." Kihyun said. "Don't you need help over here." Hoseok questioned. "I'll have Minhyuk help when he's done showering." Kihyun shrugged. Hoseok nodded and went with Hyunwoo to help Changkyun
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