They went into their room and sat on the bed. Hoseok could see the heavy makeup on Hyungwons neck and didn't like it. "W-What are you doing." Hyungwon asked slapping Hoseoks hand away from his neck. "Why'd you put so much makeup on." The older asked. "Why'd you have to be so rough." Hyungwon teased.
Hoseok sighed putting his hands in his lap. "I was only joking." Hyungwon said putting his hand on Hoseoks arm. "You shouldn't have let me be so rough." He frowned. "We were drunk Hoseok plus I said. I-I like it rough." Hyungwon said shyly. "But what if I get too rough and hurt you." Hoseok frowned.
"You won't." Hyungwon said. The older took a deep breath and put the ice back on Hyungwons head. The younger boy tried wiping the makeup off his neck. He had managed to get some off but would need to shower to get the rest. "I'm gonna shower." He said.
The older nodded and let him leave. The younger usually took baths but decided to shower this time. A while later Hoseok heard chatter in the living room and decided to see who it was. "Changkyun you're up." Hoseok said. "What happened to Kihyun." The maknae asked worried.
Hoseok looked over and Kihyun ended up having a black eye instead of just a little bruising. "Mrs. Yoo visited earlier. She was about to hit Hyungwon but Kihyun go hit instead." Hoseok frowned. "She's so cruel ever since highschool." Changkyun pouted.
Kihyun never told them why she had treated him like a punching bag but now Hoseok knew. "He'll be okay." He said going to the fridge. "I hope so." Changkyun sighed. "Want anything to drink." Hoseok asked. "Sure but I just gotta go to the bathroom quick." Changkyun said getting up from the table.
"Ok...wait Hyungwons-" "Changkyun get out." Hyungwon screamed. The bathroom door slammed shut and Changkyun put his hands up to his mouth turning around. His cheeks were a light shade of pink. The maknae started laughing.
He sat down still shocked. "Why would you go in there." Hoseok said instantly. "I-I didn't know he was in there." He said. "I wanna unsee everything." Changkyun groaned. He didn't want to see Hyungwons...thing ever. The bathroom door opened and Hyungwon slowly came out.
The younger two made eye contact and Changkyun instantly folded his arms on the table and put his head in his arms. "Hyungwon are you okay." Hoseok asked. "Why would you go in the bathroom when it clearly was shut with the light on." Hyungwon scolded.
Changkyun couldn't speak or look at Hyungwon after seeing him unclothed. Usually he had sweatshirts and pants on not... nothing. Hyungwon went into the room and shut the door. "Hyung please delete it out of my brain." He started banging his head on the table.
Hoseok would be lying if he said he wasn't courious about what Hyungwon looked like. "Why are people yelling." Kihyun asked tiredly. Changkyun jumped off the chair and jumped over the couch landing on a spot near them. "Changkyun don't tell people what you saw." Hoseok demanded walking over.
"What did he see." Kihyun yawned. "I...saw...Hyungwons-" "Shut up." Hyungwon ran over and covered Changkyuns mouth. Hyunwoo was woken up and a little startled seeing Hyungwon covering Changkyuns mouth. "Erase it from your head." Hyungwon demanded.
Changkyun mumbled words while Hyungwon was still covering his mouth making loud noises. The maknae pulled his hands off his mouth. "My brain can't erase something so-" Hyungwon covered his mouth again. Receiving a laugh from the maknae. Kihyun saw that Hyungwons hair was still a bit damp.
"Did you see him naked " Kihyun laughed. Changkyun instantly nodded laughing as well. Hyungwon let go and covered his face embarrassed. "Its ok Wonnie." Hoseok said trying not to laugh. Hyungwon sighed loudly and burried his head in Hoseoks neck.
"That's what you get for not telling everyone your showering." Changkyun laughed. "Yeah well maybe if we had actual working locks on the bathroom doors we wouldn't be in this situation." Hyungwon said. "He's got a point." Hoseok agreed.
"Why would we need locks. We're all men with the same parts." Hyunwoo stated. "He's got a point." Kihyun mimicked Hoseok. "I want privacy in the house. Not just the bedroom but bathrooms too." Hyungwon whined. "Privacy would be nice." Minhyuk said walking down the stairs.
He still looked a little tired. "Is Jooheonie awake yet." Changkyun asked. Minhyuk shook his head. "He must be really tired still." The maknae frowned. "Kihyun what happened to your eye." Minhyuk asked. "His Eomma came to visit." Changkyun frowned.
"O-Oh." Minhyuk was terrified of her since she humiliated him in public. "D-Did she do that." Kihyun nodded. "I-Its ok though, it only stings a little bit." He smiled lightly. "So she did find out about you guys being engaged." Minhyuk frowned. "Don't worry about it. Parents suck and can't control us anymore." Kihyun stated.
Hyungwon smiled at what Kihyun said. "Minhyuk did you know-" "Shut up." Hyungwon whined. "Ok fine." Changkyun said. "I can buy new locks for the doors tomorrow." Kihyun yawned. "Bye now." Hyungwon waved and walked fast to his room shutting the door.
"What's his rush." Minhyuk yawned. "He's just embarrassed because Changkyun saw-" Hoseok interrupted the red haired boy by making random noises. Kihyun snuggled back into Hyunwoo wanting to fall back asleep. "My head hurts." He pouted.
"Hoseok could you get the advil for him." Hyunwoo asked. Hoseok nodded and grabbed it bringing a glass of water too. "There you go buddy." Hoseok said. Kihyun thanked him and he took a sip of water downing the pills. "You should rest in bed till you feel better." Hyunwoo said softly.
Kihyun nodded again getting up. Hyunwoo walked him to the room and both disappeared. "I heard screaming and things moving down here. I'm glad I stayed in bed." Minhyuk said truthfully. Hoseok sighed and patted his shoulder. Then left to his room.
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