Hyungwon told them everything that happened at his old place. "Hoseok never told me about any chest wound." Kihyun questioned. He pulled down on Hyungwons shirt. Revealing the non attended wound. "Aish Hyunwoo could you bring me the first aid kit. Why didn't you say anything about this." Kihyun asked.
"It'll heal on its own time don't worry about it." Hyungwon said pulling away. "No child of mine is gonna get infections expecally when they're gonna join Monsta X soon." Kihyun sighed.
"Child? joining?" Hyungwon asked. "You need a job right. Plus our producer definitely would be ok with you joining. Though the scars...thats gonna be difficult to hide from the press but chicks love battle scars so you'll be fine."
Hyunwoo came back quick with the first aid kit. Hyungwon hesitated at first but took his shirt off covering his exposed skin shivering from the sudden cold air. The eldest grabbed a blanket and put it over Hyungwon.
"G-Girls aren't my type." Hyungwon said breaking the silence. "No? Tisk, tisk, tisk guess there's always more room for the gay." He chuckled. Hyungwon smiled and shook his head. Kihyun started cleaning the cut. "You and Hoseok would be cute together." Kihyun smiled. "No we wouldn't I'm ugly. Scars and bruises everywhere not attractive." Hyungwon frowned.
"Don't say such mean things." Kihyun demanded. "Its true though. He called them ugly for years." "Whoever said that is blind because I find you pretty darn cute." Kihyun stated.
"Yah." Hyunwoo pouted. Kihyun turned to his boyfriend and giggled. He enjoyed making him jealous sometimes. "Hehe I still love you dad-hyung." He quickly fake coughed and went back to Hyungwon. "What kind of nickname is dad-hyung" The younger thought.
The door opened and closed. "Hyunwoo could you see who it is." Kihyun asked not looking away. "Fans tend to wander around his apartment sometimes. Expecally when he's not home."
"Does he allow it to happen." Hyungwon asked worried. Kihyun shook his head and laughed. "Though he did catch someone when he was sleeping." Hyungwon took a deep breath as the pain started to hurt to much. "Sorry I'm almost done...there. No more bleeding." Kihyun smiled happily at his work.
"Thanks." "Just remember to clean them every few hours if not 4 times a day. Should've taken care of it right away." Kihyun sighed. Hyungwon nodded and fiddled with the sweatshirt in his hands. "Will you guys be leaving then." Hyungwon asked.
"Nae I have to make dinner for the others. Hoseok will be back later of not soon. Producer felt bad and let him go home after he does what he missed. "Don't blame yourself for what happened, Hoseok has taken care of himself for many years. (y'all know those are lies. papa bear and mama hamsters been taking care of them;)
Hyungwon nodded and watched as Kihyun left the room. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Not realizing he'd fallen asleep. Opening his eyes saw a worried Hoseok at the door. "H-Hoseok when did you get here." He wrapped the blanket tighter around himself. Avoiding the question Hoseok sat down next to Hyungwon and hugged him.
The younger froze in shock but quickly hugged him back. "Mian." Hyungwon sniffled. "No need to apologise it's ok. See I'm fine. Now let me see what he did to you." Hoseok sniffled as well. Hyungwon nodded and unwrapped the blanket. Hoseok sighed and closed his eyes looking away seeing all the bruises and scars.
"I-I'm ugly." Hyungwon cried. He got up pushing Hoseok out of the way and ran to the room he was supposed to stay in and locking the door. "Hyungwon please unlock the door. Your not ugly." Hoseok called.
All Hoseok could hear was soft sobs from the room. He kept knocking and asking the younger to let him in but it was useless. His arms had gotten tired, he was also tired from a long day of practice. So he gave up and went to his room.
Finding his computer he opened it. He saw nothing. He checked his history to see if Hyungwon looked anything up, but there was nothing there either. He shrugged and set it on the table.
He grabbed a book and started reading. After a while he heard shuffling in the living room, then a thud. Running out he turned on the lights seeing Hyungwon on the floor. "Are you ok." He asked helping Hyungwon up.
"I-I was looking f-for the plush but couldn't find it i-in the dark." Hoseok looked around and found it behind the couch. "I hope I didn't rip my stitches." Hyungwon sighed. He lifted up his shirt and saw it was fine. Hoseok was heart broken seeing his stitches again.
"S-Sorry. I-I'll go back in-into my room now." Hyungwon said. "NO...I mean w-why don't you stay in my room again." Hoseok asked. "I can't burden you again." Hyungwon blushed looking at the ground. "I-Its okay really, besides I feel kinda lonely when I sleep these couple of days." Hoseok blushed shyly.
Hyungwon nodded since he slept in his own room for a few days he also felt a bit lonely. They went to Hoseoks room and got ready for bed. Usually it would be awkward sleeping next to a stranger but somehow it felt right to them both. Though Hyungwon didn't want to disturb Hoseok seeing as it was his bed he slept at the edge giving the older all the room he disserved.
But all of a sudden he was pulled closer to the middle. He turned around and saw Hoseok with his eyes closed. Hyungwon smiled and moved the olders hair out of his face. His eyes opened and looked directly into Hyungwons with a soft smile.
"Thank you." Hoseok said sleepily nuzzling into his side. "For what." Hyungwon hummed. "Not leaving even though you had every chance in the world." A single tear fell from Hoseoks eye and Hyungwon wiped it and smiled at him then nodded. The older closed his eyes again and this time fell asleep still holding onto Hyungwon securely in his arms.
He'd had the chance to leave and he knew it too. But he knew he needed to stay with Hoseok if he wanted to get rid of Jaesang, to survive. He was only staying for protection, food, water, a bed nothing else. Right?
happy halloween 🎃
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