They looked over and saw Changkyun being thrown into the water. They took a deep breath. "Looks like you guys made up real quick." Minhyuk said taking a sip of his beverage. "We heard screaming." Hyungwon said out of breath.
"Jooheon threw Changkyun in the water." Minhyuk chuckled. "We see that now." Hoseok sighed. They walked on the deck. "Jooheon your gonna die." Changkyun yelled. "Come on babe its just a litte-" He was cut off by being pushed into the water.
"Hoseok." Jooheon shivered angrily. Hoseok was soon pushed in as well. Jooheon laughed at him. "That's for earlier." Hyungwon stumbled clearly a bit drunk still. "Wonnie I-I already said sorry." Hoseok shivered. "Doesn't mean I forgive you right away. She put her lips on what I right fully claimed." Hyungwon said angrily.
"I-I think the alcohol got to him finally." Minhyuk laughed. Hoseok got out of the water and walked up to Hyungwon kissing him passionately. They heard giggling from the others. "Is that better." Hoseok asked. Hyungwon nodded blushing. Hoseok picked Hyungwon up bridal style and jumped into the lake.
"Hoseok." Hyungwon gasped. The older boy laughed. He was clearly as drunk as Hyungwon if not a little more. They tried staying as serious as possible but finally couldn't handle it. "Where's Kihyun and Hyunwoo." Hoseok asked. "They got too drunk and was all over each other." Minhyuk sighed.
"Gross." Hyungwon said. Minhyuk nodded in agreement. "Changkyun, Jooheon come dry off." Minhyuk said. He was a bit stumbly as well. They all were. This was one of the only nights they could get as drunk as they want and not worry about the next day.
Changkyun and Jooheon got out of the water. They walked back to the tents cold and wet. Kihyun was sitting at the fire with a blanket. "Where's Hyunwoo." Changkyun asked. "After you guys left he went to bed." Kihyun said. "I'm gonna change quickly." Hyungwon shivered.
He went into the tent and looked for clean clothing. He had forgotten to pack shirts and all he could find was Hoseoks sweatshirts in his bag. He quickly put one on and went out letting Hoseok change. Changkyun and Jooheon had changed and went to sleep. Minhyuk went in as well and fell asleep.
"Hyungwon are you ok." Kihyun asked. "Y-Yeah just a misunderstanding." He said looking down. "Here drunk this." Kihyun said handing him a drink. "Its drink not drunk." Hyungwon said. "I'm too drink for this conversation goodnight." Kihyun sighed getting up.
"Its drunk not drink." Hyungwon laughed. "Bite me." Kihyun sighed. He went into his tent. Hyungwon drank the rest of whatever Kihyun was drinking. His tent unzipped and he went in. "I'm gonna go to bed how about you." Hoseok yawned.
"Wait." Hyungwon said. "What." The older boy whispered. Hyungwon hiccuped and cupped Hoseok's cheeks and kissed him. Hoseok kissed back but then stopped "Hyungwon your drunk." Hoseok sighed. The younger boy shrugged and randomly handing him an empty bottle. "Aish your gonna feel this in the morning." He said.
"Your drunk too." Hyungwon pouted. "Yes but...not as drunk as you." He sighed again. Hyungwon tugged at Hoseoks shirt. "Go to sleep." Hoseok grabbed Hyungwons hands to make him stop. "But you let her kiss you. So why can't I. You broke my heart in many many pieces." Hyungwon whispered pouting afterwards.
"I already told you it was an ancident. She was drunk and tripped." Hoseok frowned. "I'm drunk too." Hyungwon said. "You guys ok in there." Minhyuk asked. "Y-Yeah its just Hyungwon. Kihyun gave him a bottle of Soju and he drank it all too fast." Hoseok sighed. (fam 53% alcohol per Soju bottle)
Minhyuk unzipped the tent and knelt on the grass. "Hello Minhyukie." Hyungwon giggled. Minhyuk laughed seeing Hyungwon. "I've always wanted to know what the drunk Hyungwon was like." Minhyuk smiled. "Your not helping. Hyungwon stop...lay down and go to sleep." Hoseok said.
Hoseok didn't mind his drunkenness he just didn't want to take advantage of Hyungwons drunken state. He knew if they made out things could escalate quickly and he didn't want that happening. "This is karma biting you in the ass." Minhyuk chuckled. Hoseok felt guilty again.
"Well I'm gonna pass out any minute goodnight mate." Minhyuk said zipping the tent back up or trying to at least. "I'll get it just go before I have to drag you to your tent." Hoseok yawned. Minhyuk stumbly got up and went back to his tent. "I'm thirsty." Hyungwon pouted.
Hoseok nodded smiling at Hyungwons slurred words. "Here drink this." He handed him some water. Hoseok found Hyungwon extremely cute drunk. The way he acted. Hyungwon took the water and drank it laying down and falling asleep.
Soon morning came. Hyungwon woke up groaning. His head throbbing in pain. "Morning sleepy head." Hoseok chuckled. "Shh...no speaking." Hyungwon shushed. He put his hand on his forehead his eyes closed. "That's what you get for drinking a whole bottle of Soju." Hoseok sighed.
"Why didn't you stop me." Hyungwon asked. "Don't you remember anything from yesterday." Hoseok questioned. "I remember the lake and you kissing a girl." Hyungwon sighed. "I didn't- Its not like I tried." Hoseok frowned. "Your so lucky I was drunk." Hyungwon said.
He layed back down and kissed the pouty boy. "You should have seen yourself when you drank the Soju." Hoseok complained. "Oh god what did I do." Hyungwon asked embarrassed. "You were extremely handsy with me." Hoseok giggled. "Ugh camping sucks." Hyungwon sighed.
"It won't be as bad as last night. I promise." Hoseok said. "Last night was a catastrophe." Hyungwon said. Hoseok nodded in agreement. "I'm gonna hold what happened last night against you forever." Hyungwon joked. He knew it was an ancident and if it had happened to Hyungwon he hoped Hoseok would understand.
Hoseok felt so guilty for letting it happen. He was drunk and should've been more careful. He wrapped his arms around Hyungwon tight. "If I could go back in time I would change it." Hoseok frowned. "Cheer up Hoseokie. I know it was an ancident." Hyungwon smiled.
He kissed the older boy again and got up. "The cars gone." Hyungwon said. "What." Hoseok asked getting up. They got out of the tent and checked the others. The only person that was sleeping was Kihyun and Hyunwoo. "Ugh they better not have gotten lost." Hoseok sighed.
"We should wake them up or they'll sleep all day." Hoseok suggested. Hyungwon nodded and woke them up. It was already about 12pm and they were deciding to play camping games today.
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