Hoseok stitched Hyungwons wounds. Tending to his own afterwards. He walked to the spare room where Hyungwon was staying but didn't see him so he walked around untill he reached his room. Smiling when seeing Hyungwon asleep.
He looked so peaceful with his plush. Hoseok walked over and sat down on the bed moving the sleeping boys hair out of his face. Then sighed and started to get up but felt a tug at his arm. Only to see Hyungwons eyes open with tears.
Hoseok nodded and turned off the lights and got under the covers. "Who's Wonho. I-Its on this plush." Hyungwon asked. "You can look it up tomorrow. But you need your rest now." Hoseok yawned.
"You should go to work tomorrow. I don't want you to get fired." Hyungwon frowned. "At my job that's not really an option. Though people do think about it a lot when it gets stressful." The older sighed.
Hyungwon yawned closing his eyes still holding onto Hoseoks arm.
Waking up Hyungwon didn't see Hoseok anywhere. He got up and searched the apartment. Then saw a note in the kitchen.
I've gone to work. I won't be back till morning tomorrow since I didn't go for a while. My producer won't be happy with how my face looks but thats ok. It was worth it. If your still looking for a job I can ask but you'll have to do a lot of work for it. Oh almost forgot there's breakfast in the fridge if you need anything call this number (insert number here) ask for Kihyun or Minhyuk and they'll help you with anything. What's mine is yours now. I left the computer on the side table if you get bored and a few books I thought you'd like. Call me when you wake up.
Hyungwon put the note down. He didn't feel hungry so he sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. Then grabbed the computer and looked up 'Wonho' "H-Hoseok." Hyungwon gasped.
Then remembered the plushie. He had been cuddling it all the time in front of Hoseok. He went to images and immediatly regretted it. He saw Hoseok shirtless everywhere. He blushed hard and slammed the computer shut.
"Wow." He said taking a deep breath. He opened back up the computer clicking 'all' so it wasn't images anymore. He found lots of things. Monsta X had only banded a few years ago. He went to videos and saw the title in English. He was curious and clicked it.
Knock Knock
Hyungwon jumped and immediatly shut the computer. Grabbing his side. Then there was another knock. He walked over and opened it revealing Kihyun. "So you are awake." He smirked. Hyungwon opened the door fully and let Kihyun in bowing a little.
"Hoseok was worried all day. Since he has to stay and practice he wanted me to come over and check on you." Kihyun sighed as he set his coat on the coat hanger. His motherly instincts kicking in as he went to the kitchen and made some food.
"Eat up I'm gonna see if Hoseok did a good job or not stitching you up." Kihyun ordered. Hyungwon nodded and sat down. "You gotta take it off fully." Kihyun ordered. Hyungwon sighed angrily and did as he was told. "Yeah yeah I may not be your favorite person in the world right now but you'll thank me." He smiled.
Kihyun being the mother of the group was never favored when telling people what to do but since it's a very important situation he had to be extra nagy. Coming back from fetching the first aid kit he frowned.
His bossy levels toned down. "Guess I should be thanking you." Kihyun sighed. "Why." Hyungwon asked. "If you hadn't taken the hit Hoseok would be in deep trouble. Though going to work like that the producer wasn't that happy."
"How is he...Hoseok is he in any pain." Hyungwon asked. Kihyun sighed and nodded not looking away from cleaning the wounds. He heard sniffling and looked up. Seeing the younger crying.
"Hyungwon it's not your fault." Kihyun sighed. "I-It is. I should have jumped sooner o-or jumped sooner." Hyungwon sobbed. "Don't say that. You mean everything to Hoseok even if you guys just met." Kihyun said going back to what he was doing.
Hyungwon didn't know what to say or do. After Kihyun was finished he got up and washed his hands. Then there was another knock. Hyungwon got up and answered it. Seeing a tall muscular man. "Hi hello annyeong." He smiled waving.
"Hyunwoo is that you." Kihyun asked from the kitchen. "Babe so you did make it." Hyunwoo said walking in. Hyungwon shut the door and sat down on the couch holding his Wonho plush. "Could you help clean up." Kihyun asked.
Hyunwoo nodded and helped right away. "Babe?" Hyungwon questioned. He heard giggling in the kitchen. "I-I'm gonna call Hoseok." Hyungwon said leaving to go to Hoseoks room.
"Sorry I didn't call earlier" Hyungwon frowned.
"Hyungwon thank god you answered. I was getting worried." Hoseok sighed in relief. "Is anything wrong."
"Kihyun and that Hyunwoo guy are acting strange." Hyungwon whispered into the phone.
"Yeah they do that a lot. That's part of the reason why I got my own place." Hoseok laughed. "They're dating and since they can't do things like that at the studio they do it a lot at the dorm."
"I looked you up on the internet by the way." Hyungwon mumbled.
"What'd you find." Hoseok asked.
"....well I clicked images and...well lets say it was very interesting then there was a video I clicked... You are a very talented person." Hyungwon admitted embarrassed.
"What was the video." Hoseok asked immediatly.
"I'd rather not say." Hyungwon blushed shyly.
"Hyungwon looks up weird things on the internet." Kihyun said from the living room.
"I have to go." Hyungwon said immediatly and hung up.
He rushed to the living room and saw that Hyunwoo was playing the video of Hoseok. "Hyungwon do you want to explain why this is on the computer." Kihyun smirked trying not to laugh. "I-Its not w-what you think." He said trying to defend himself.
"You sure." He asked again. Hyungwon started blushing harder and took the computer and ran to Hoseoks room and locked the door. "Dude there's nothing to be ashamed of we all look this kind of stuff up." Hyunwoo admitted.
"Go away." Hyungwon yelled. The door unlocked and he saw Kihyun with a key. "Damn keys." "Are you that embarrassed about what we saw on the computer." Kihyun asked. "N-No its just before he met me he was fine. Now he's in pain because of me." Hyungwon sighed.
"He's just a little soar trust me he's been in worse states before." Sitting down he rubbed Hyungwons back. "Do you wanna talk about when you had gotten your stuff from that place. Hoseok said you lashed out on him a little." Kihyun asked softly.
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