sorry I forgot to post yesterday. I'm getting a job and it's just been hectic
A week had past and everyone had kept a close eye on Hyungwon. "Hyungwon." Changkyun asked. "What's up." He said. "D-Does he still text you." The younger boy asked. Hyungwon sat up fully. "Y-Yeah why." He asked.
"Jooheon is still a bit scared that I could be taken away." Changkyun frowned. "I promise you. I would never let him get you." Hyungwon said instantly. "Who's gonna protect you then." He asked. "I am. I can protect myself. Besides he's not after just me. He wants the chip." Hyungwon said.
"W-Who has it." Changkyun asked. "H...why are you suddenly so courious about it." The older asked. "Don't we want to make sure its safe." Changkyun said. "Its perfectly safe where it is." Hyungwon said. "Hyung I want to be more then just the weak one." Changkyun whined.
"I'm not giving it to you ever." Hyungwon snapped. "Changie I told you not to bug him." Jooheon sighed. "Please hyung." Changkyun begged. "No." He said. "Stop it. We're supposed to go to the store." Jooheon sighed. "Fine." Changkyun said and got up.
"Good luck." Hyungwon said. They left the house. "Hyungwon." Hoseok asked. He looked behind him. "Hoseokie." Hyungwon smiled. Hyungwon had realized how his mood would affect the people around him. So he tried his best to be as joyfully and happy as much as possible.
"You haven't called me Hoseokie in a while Hyungwon." He smiled. "Yeah well I thought I'd start calling you it again. Unless if you have a problem with it." Hyungwon smirked getting up. Their faces were very close.
"Not at all." Hoseok smirked as well. Hyungwon pushed him to the wall. "I see what your doing." The older boy said. Hoseok quickly changed it so Hyungwon was the one at the wall. He giggled and wrapped his arms around the shorter boy.
Hyungwon leaned down to kiss his boyfriend. "Ewwww." Minhyuk said. Hyungwon looked up before they could kiss. Receiving a whine from the other not able to get the kiss. "Minhyuk I-I didn't notice you were there." Hyungwon said putting his hands down.
"You guys are almost as bad as Hyunwoo and Kihyun." Minhyuk laughed. "N-No we aren't." Hyungwon said. "You guys probably don't do it but you make it seem like you do." Minhyuk smirked. "How." Hoseok asked. "We hear things being knocked down all the time and giggling and moaning you know. Basic things." Minhyuk shrugged joking around.
"Whatever." Hoseok sighed. "Yah its true. Ask anyone here and they'll tell you." Minhyuk laughed again. "Well we're gonna go to the mall soon." Hoseok said. "W-We are." Hyungwon asked. "Mhhm." Hoseok smiled. "You are so lucky. I wish I could hang out with my HoSeok at the mall." Minhyuk frowned.
"He's still texting Hyungwon and HoSeok hasn't shown up on any photo since you stopped hanging out with him." Hoseok said softly. Minhyuk nodded. "You can facetime, text, and call him whenever you want." Hyungwon smiled lightly. "Since he's really famous and their new album just came out I can't really talk to him." Minhyuk shrugged.
"What is he doing today." Hyungwon asked. "Nothing much. We were gonna facetime in a few minutes." Minhyuk sighed. "Why don't you have him go to the mall with us." Hyungwon suggested. "R-Really but what about-" "We'll be in public and will stay close together. Think of it as a double date." Hyungwon shrugged.
"I don't know Hyungwon." Hoseok sighed. "It may be a risk but I don't want to see Minhyuk suffer because of my past." Hyungwon frowned. "Ok fine but make sure you don't loose him." Hoseok demanded lightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Minhyuk cheered.
"I'm gonna go tell him right now." Minhyuk jumped up and down. "We'd better get ready then."
They arrived at the mall. "Remember Minhyuk to be careful watch out for suspicious people." Hoseok said. "I know don't worry." Minhyuk sighed. "Hoseok he'll be ok." Hyungwon smiled. "Its a big risk just being near him." Hoseok said. "I won't let anything happen to both of us." Minhyuk said sternly.
He left with HoSeok. "What should we do." Hyungwon asked. "Well for starters." Hoseok smiled grabbing Hyungwons hand twisting their fingers together. "Now we walk around and do whatever we want." Hyungwon blushed.
They walked around going through some stores. They tried on flower crowns, cat ears, and more accessories. They bought a few things. "Hoseokie you should buy me this puppy." Hyungwon gasped looking through the glass. "Aww their so cute." Hoseok smiled.
"Get me one." Hyungwon demanded. "We don't have room or time to take care of a dog." Hoseok frowned. "B-But their so cute. Hoseokie~" Hyungwon dragged out his name making a cute begging face. Hoseok almost said yes seeing Hyungwons face.
He was being extra cute to get the dog. "It pains me to say this but I'm sorry Hyungwon we can't get the dog." Hoseok smiled. "Why are you laughing." Hyungwon pouted. "Because your so cute ahhhh." Hoseok squealed. "No I'm not." Hyungwon blushed making him extra cute.
"I-Is that a smile." Hoseok asked. Hyungwon looked away and smiled which made Hoseok exited. "Aww your so adorable. Me loves you." Hoseok blurted out. Hyungwon hugged the older boy. "I love you too." He said.
They didn't care about the glares people gave them. Or what they said passing by and purposely bumping into then while walking. They honestly couldn't care less. As long as they were happy. "Get a room." Minhyuk sighed. "Minhyuk what are you doing here." Hyungwon asked.
"We've been looking for you two for the past hour and a half." Minhyuk said. "Really." Hoseok asked surprised. "Wait where's HoSeok." The older asked. "He's in the bathroom." Minhyuk answered. They looked over at the bathrooms and saw HoSeok walking out.
"Hey guys." He waved. "So how was the mall." Hyungwon smiled. "I-It was really fun." Minhyuk smiled at HoSeok and they held hands. "Awww young love." Hoseok awwed. "Shut up I'm only one year younger than you." Minhyuk blushed.
"The mall is closing in 20 minutes" The speaker phone lady said.
"We should go. I have to get up early in the morning." HoSeok sighed. "Ok." Minhyuk frowned. They went outside and tried finding the car. Walking extremely slow until...
"H-Hey get away from my car."
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