"So are you guys thinking about kids." Minhyuk and Hoseok asked Kihyun. The younger boy choked on his drink. "I-I'm only 24." Kihyun coughed. "Yeah but Hyunwoo hyung is 27." Minhyuk shrugged. "What about you huh. You planning to have any kids with that Jhope guy and what about you and Hyungwon." Kihyun asked.
"We haven't dated for long. We've only been on a few dates. And don't change the subject." Minhyuk said. "In the future maybe. I-I mean we haven't been dating for that long either. But I'd like to have my own family." Hoseok said quietly.
"Does Hyungwon feel the same." Kihyun asked. "W-Well I don't know. We haven't talked about it yet." Hoseok said looking down. "Well do you know if he wants kids." Kihyun asked. "I hope so. D-Don't change the subject. Are you having kids with Hyung or not." Hoseok said.
"Well-" "We already have kids." Hyunwoo said sitting down next to Kihyun. "You do." Minhyuk questioned. "Duh we've been rasing you guys." Hyunwoo smiled. "That doesn't count." Hoseok and Minhyuk said at the same time. "For real hyung." Minhyuk sighed.
"We don't have to tell you anything. Its none of your business." Hyunwoo said putting his arm over Kihyun. A phone went off and Minhyuk quickly left without saying a word. Jooheon came down the stairs and headed into the kitchen.
He tripped and fell. Hoseok got up quickly and walked over. "Jooheon are you- H-Hyungwon. Are you guys ok." Hoseok asked helping them up. "Y-Yeah." Hyungwon said rubbing his arm. "What happened." Kihyun asked. "I walked into the kitchen and tripped over Hyungwon. Hyungwon why were you on the floor." Jooheon questioned.
"W-Well I-I dropped something and was picking it up." Hyungwon said quickly. "Watch out next time." The younger scolded. Hyungwon nodded. He regret listening to their conversation. He couldn't provide Hoseok with kids. He wasn't a girl and wasn't planning on kids for a long time.
Jooheon went into the fridge and grabbed something to drink going back upstairs. "Is your arm ok." Hoseok asked. "Y-Yeah." Hyungwon sighed. "What did you drop." He asked. "M-My glasses." Hyungwon lied. "You know I can tell when you lie." Hoseok frowned.
Hyungwon looked down. "What's wrong." He asked. "I-I heard your conversation with them." Hyungwon said. "O-Oh." Hoseok mumbled quietly. "Karmas a bitch." Kihyun yelled from the living room. "I'm gonna go back into the room." Hyungwon said quickly.
"D-Do you wanna talk about it." Hoseok asked. "I-I'm a little busy." "We're planning on watching a movie in a little bit. You should join us." Hoseok said softly. Hyungwon nodded and went back into the room shutting the door. Hoseok walked back to the living room.
"Is he ok." Kihyun asked. "I don't know but he's been distant since the concert." Hoseok frowned. "He'll come around. He's probably just not used to so many people yet." Kihyun shrugged. "Its been almost a year." Hoseok said.
"He's been through a lot for about 6 years before he met you." Kihyun said. "Plus he has a lot of nightmares and is very shy." Hyunwoo added. "What do you mean." Hoseok asked. Hyunwoo shrugged. "You saw him at the concert. He was happy and joyful. He had a really good time." Hoseok frowned.
"Yeah but it can get overwhelming here. This house isn't that big." Kihyun said. Hoseok nodded. Minhyuk came back downstairs. "Did something happen when I was gone." He asked seeing Hoseok a little upset.
"Its nothing. Um...what movie do we plan on watching." Hoseok asked changing the subject. "I was gonna let you guys pick since I picked the last few times." Minhyuk said. "Ok well I'll go get Changkyun and Jooheon then." Hoseok said.
"I'm gonna change into comfy cloths." Kihyun said. "Me too." Hyunwoo said. "I'll get Hyungwon then." Minhyuk smiled. Minhyuk made it to the door and knocked. "Hyungwonnie we're gonna start the movie soon." Minhyuk smiled. He opened the door and gasped.
"Hyungwon no." He yelled. He ran over to Hyungwon and took the sharp object out of his hand. "Minhyuk I-I can explain." Hyungwon said getting up. "What the hell were you thinking." He yelled again. "What's going on." Hoseok asked. "Hoseok I-"
"He was going to cut himself." Minhyuk interrupted. The older went up to Hyungwon and pulled his sleeves up. Nothing was there. "I-I'm sorry." He cried. "What were you thinking." Hoseok snapped. "What's going on." Kihyun asked.
Minhyuk gave Kihyun the blade. "Hyungwon." Kihyun said covering his mouth. "Did you do it." He asked. Hyungwon shook his head. "I can't believe you would do that." Minhyuk kept yelling. "What was I supposed to do." Hyungwon sniffled.
"Don't you like it here. Are we not good enough to be your friends. What about Hoseok did you ever consider what he would do when you've killed yourself." Minhyuk snapped. "Minhyuk calm down. He didn't do anything-"
"Yet. What would have happened if I hadn't walked into the room." Minhyuk asked. "I wasn't going to kill myself." Hyungwon said quietly. "What did you say." Minhyuk asked. "I wasn't going to kill myself." Hyungwon yelled. Hoseok silently cried sitting on the bed.
"I messed up I'm sorry." Hyungwon said. Minhyuk walked up to Hyungwon and hugged him tight. "Don't ever do that again. We can't loose you." Minhyuk demanded. Hyungwon was shocked by the sudden hug. "Now talk to Hoseok. He doesn't look happy right now." Minhyuk whispered.
Hyungwon nodded. Kihyun and Minhyuk left the room. "Hoseok I-I'm sorry." Hyungwon said softly. "Shut up." He sniffled. Hyungwon sat down and Hoseok turned away. The younger boy took a deep breath and hugged him from behind tight. "I know I should have talked to you or said something."
Hoseok moved his arms trying to make Hyungwon let go. The younger understood and was about to let go when Hoseok grabbed his arm. "Why would you do something like that." He asked. Hyungwon couldn't answer. "Was I the reason you were going to..."
"N-No. I-It was all me. I shouldn't have tried to do that." Hyungwon said immediately. Hoseok nodded and finally looked at Hyungwon. "Don't ruin your arms. They're so pretty." Hoseok said. "They aren't pretty. They're already ruined by h-him." Hyungwon said looking away. Hoseok sighed and hugged the younger boy.
"Things have changed a lot for me. I just wanted to...feel something you know." Hyungwon said. Hoseok shook his head. He didn't understand. "I-It's hard to explain." Hyungwon sighed. Hoseok pulled the younger down and held him from behind.
"I'm sorry." Hyungwon sniffled. "Promise me you'll never do it again." Hoseok asked.
"I promise."
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