I thought I posted this earlier sorry guys
Hyungwon woke up from his dream. He bad been auctioned off to someone again. It was pure torture. "Hey you okay." Kihyun asked. "Y-Yeah just dreaming about the past again." Hyungwon sighed wiping his tears. "Where did Jooheon and Changkyun go."
"Everyone went to the store for more food since we're almost out. Its just you and me." Kihyun said. "Great." Hyungwon sighed. "So what were you dreaming about." Kihyun asked sitting down. "Something from my past." Hyungwon shrugged and mumbled not enjoying his dream at all.
"Hoseok said if you had another dream about your past to tell me. I won't judge or anything." Kihyun said. "I've had this same dream before. It just won't leave me alone." Hyungwon whined. "What was it about." Kihyun asked.
"Y-You had asked if me and Hoseok...did it. Well m-my first time was forced everytime was actually. S-So Hoseok and I plan on waiting for a while longer." Hyungwon stuttered. "Y-You guys make out though. Doesn't that scare you." Hyungwon shook his head. "I know he wont hurt me of force me into anything." "I feel stupid saying those things the other night." Kihyun sighed.
"No it's okay. I didn't want anyone treating me differently so I didn't tell anyone." Hyungwon said instantly. "That must've been terrible going through that." Kihyun said softly. "I don't remember much. Usually they would drug me so I wouldn't remember." The younger sniffled.
"Thats still really bad." Kihyun said. "I-Its probably all on the chip. If you look at it more. But please don't. I already asked Hoseok not to look at what's on it." Hyungwon sighed. "Minhyuks first time was forced too. He won't tell anyone what happened and we all understood to not bother him." Kihyun said.
"B-But he's so cheerful and happy all the time." Hyungwon said. "He acts like that but once the cameras turn off he's usually pretty quiet and shy." Kihyun said. There were footsteps from upstairs. "I thought you said no one was here." Hyungwon said quickly.
"I-Its just me." Minhyuk mumbled. "M-Minhyuk I thought you went with them to the store." Kihyun asked. He walked down the stairs. "I didn't want to chance HoSeok seeing me." He frowned. Hyungwon motioned Minhyuk to sit down with them.
He walked over and Hyungwon held out his arms for Minhyuk to fall into. The older sat down and went into the youngers embrace. "He'll understand." Hyungwon sighed. Minhyuk nodded. "I'll go make us some tea." Kihyun said going out of the living room.
"I'm sorry to hear about your first time." Minhyuk said quietly. "Its okay. I'm sorry to hear about yo-." "I don't like talking about it." The older snapped. "I understand." The younger nodded. "H-He made me feel so weak and powerless." Minhyuk sniffled.
Hyungwon wiped the tears away from the older boy. "I-I tried so hard to make him stop." His voice cracked. "You don't have to talk about it." Hyungwon said. Minhyuk took a deep breath and nodded. "H-How do you talk about it and not cry." Minhyuk asked.
"I have you and everyone else here who I trust." Hyungwon said. "I guess you probably trust Hoseok a lot since he saved your life." Minhyuk said. "Yeah the first time was on purpose the second time was an accident. I accidentally fell asleep in the bath." Hyungwon sighed.
"That's not good." Minhyuk chuckled making Hyungwon chuckle as well. "Yeah. He's saved my life a bunch of times after that. I just don't know how to repay him." Hyungwon frowned. Kihyun had came back with the tea. "I-I got to go. I have to meet up with BamBam." Kihyun said.
"Isn't it dangerous to hang out with other people." Minhyuk asked. "Yes but we're gonna be in JYP 2.0 since its brand new and he wanted to show me around." Kihyun said. "Be careful." Minhyuk demanded. Kihyun nodded and left.
"Guess it's just us." Hyungwon said. "What should we do." Minhyuk asked. "I was gonna go back to sleep but we can watch a movie or something till the others get back." Hyungwon shrugged. Minhyuk got the remote and turned on a movie.
He had fallen asleep and so did Hyungwon. Everyone walked in quietly after shopping. They saw Minhyuk and Hyungwon on the couch sleeping. "Should we wake them." Changkyun asked. "No let them sleep for a while." Hoseok whispered.
Kihyun: He had a dream about being auctioned off again. He said to not treat him differently or look on the chip. I'll be home shortly.
Hoseok: Ok thank you. Did something happen with Minhyuk. It looks like he was crying.
Kihyun: I didn't hear what they were talking about but Minhyuk heard Hyungwon and I talking. I wouldn't talk about it to them especially Minhyuk.
Hoseok put his phone down and went into the living room and turned off the tv. "Hoseok when did you guys get back." Hyungwon yawned. "Shhh he's still asleep. We just got back. Kihyun told me what happened. Are you gonna be okay." Hoseok asked.
Hyungwon nodded and sighed. Minhyuk shifted around but remained asleep. "Where's Kihyun." Hyunwoo asked. "He went to JYP 2.0 to meet up with Bambam." Hyungwon whispered. Hyunwoo nodded a bit of jealousy shown on his face and went into his room.
"You should go back to sleep." Hoseok said softly. Hyungwon nodded tiredly and closed his eyes falling back to sleep instantly.
Hyungwon opened his eyes feeling cold. Minhyuk wasn't in the living room anymore. He heard footsteps from upstairs and decided to go check what they were doing, but no one was upstairs. He searched every room and saw no one. "Hello." He yelled.
There was silence until he heard screaming from downstairs. He quickly ran seeing...no one. "What the hell." He said. He heard footsteps going upstairs and turning around there were bloody handprints going upstairs. He went to investigate and put his hand on the rail feeling wetness.
He looked at his palm and saw blood. Then something stung his side and he looked seeing his own blood. "HELP ME." Someone screamed from upstairs. "MINHYUK." Hyungwon ran as fast as he could opening his door. "Their all gone." He cried.
"Who's all gone." Hyungwon asked sitting down next to him. Minhyuk looked up his face was all beaten up with scratches and his eyes black. Hyungwon jumped back and the room changed to all black. He couldn't see anything and kept screaming Minhyuk's name. He looked around and saw all of his friends.
Their clothing ripped and bloody. Some had their throats slip and some had bullet wounds in their heads, and body their eyes also black. "We're all gone." They said in unison. They walked up to him and stepped back. Taunting him and repeating 'We're all gone.' "N-NO." He yelled. Hoseok was the closest to him.
His throat had been slit and his face had been cut all over. The younger couldn't look at him. "Hyungwon." He said. Hoseok grabbed Hyungwon and now staring at him shaking him. His black eyes staring into his eyes, looking at him with agression. "Hyungwon." He said again. He kept repeating it and shaking him.
cliff hanger!!!
if you didnt see it I linked it on top :)
hope you guys had a good spring break
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