"Wh-What happened today wasn't terrorism." Hyungwon said. "What do you mean." Minhyuk questioned. "The guy that I lived with before Hoseok. I think h-he did this as a warning." Hyungwon frowned. "A-A warning. Us almost blowing up was a warning." Minhyuk snapped. "I think it was. I don't know. He's never done something this extreme to me." Hyungwon said sitting down.
"This extreme. We almost died Hyungwon." Minhyuk scolded. "Minhyuk calm down yelling won't get you anywhere." Hoseok sighed. "Yeah well then it'll teach him. Next time Chae Hyungwon, deal with your past so we don't have to or don't be here at all." Minhyuk said angrily.
He went upstairs and slammed his door shut. "He didn't mean it hyung. He'll be back to his cheerful self by tomorrow. He's just scared because of today." Changkyun said softly. Hyungwon got up and hugged Hoseok. "Next time Hoseok...you should have let me jump." Hyungwon said with no expression to his voice and went into their room shutting the door and locking it.
Hoseok was shocked by what he said. "D-Did I say something wrong." Changkyun asked. "No you didn't say anything wrong. You should go to your room and comfort Jooheon. He went through a lot today. We all have." Kihyun said softly.
Changkyun nodded and went upstairs. "Minhyuk loves having Hyungwon around and so does Jooheon we all do." Kihyun said. "Hyungwon didn't bring his past into our lives. I did when we moved in here." Hoseok sighed looking down. We should have rented another apartment or stayed somewhere else.
"We let you in knowing about his past. Its none of your faults." Kihyun sighed. "Does your foot feel better." Hoseok asked changing the subject. "A little bit. I thought it wouldn't hurt getting stitches. You and Hyungwon make it seem like it doesn't hurt." Kihyun sighed again.
"Because we aren't as feminine as you and we know how to take the pain." Hoseok lightly smiled. "I'm not that feminine right." Kihyun asked looking at Hyunwoo. He didn't answer but looked away scratching the back of his neck.
Hoseok laughed a little but it faded in just a few seconds. He was deep in thought and so was everyone else. "Hyungwon could you open the door." Hoseok asked. There wasn't an answer. "Hyungwon please. I have to grab something." Hoseok sighed knocking harder.
Still nothing. Hoseok grew worried and twisted the door handle it was unlocked. The door opened and the window was open too, Hyungwon was no where to be found. "Maybe he went upstairs without us knowing." Kihyun said.
Hoseok went upstairs and Kihyun followed as fast as he could. Opening the storage room. Nothing. Kihyun went into Jooheons room and Hoseok went into Minhyuks. "What do you want know." He snapped. "Did Hyungwon come in here." Hoseok asked.
"No why." Minhyuk sighed annoyed. "He's missing." Hoseok said. Minhyuks face went from angry to a little worried. "He's not in the storage room." Minhyuk asked. Hoseok shook his head. "Guys he left a note." Hyunwoo yelled from downstairs. Everyone went downstairs and Hyunwoo read the letter out loud.
"I'm sorry I caused you guys pain and hid things from you. I'd never want anyone especially Changkyun to get hurt. I didn't mean for my past to get in your way. I'm going to find him and put a stop to all this mess. Hoseok I found the gun you had from when you and Jooheon went to the apartment to protect myself. If he wants the chip so bad he can have it." Hyunwoo read.
"Don't you have the chip." Kihyun asked instantly. "Nae its around my-...the necklace its gone. He must have taken it when he hugged me earlier." Hoseok said. "I told him that he shouldn't have brought his past into our lives." Minhyuk frowned regretting the words.
"And I told him I didn't want any of you guys getting hurt again." Jooheon sighed. Changkyun grabbed onto Jooheons arm. "I'm scarred something is going to happen to him." He sniffled. "We're gonna find him don't worry." Jooheon said.
"Where do we start looking." Minhyuk asked. "No you guys can't go. Its too dangerous." Hoseok demanded. "I said those things to him. I-I didn't mean it." Minhyuk said. "Hoseok let them look around town. He didn't leave that long ago." Kihyun said.
"Fine. Jooheon and Changkyun will look together. Minhyuk and Hyunwoo will look together and Kihyun will stay here incase he comes back." "Why can't I go." Kihyun sighed. "Because you'll just slow us down. If we want to find him fast you need to stay here where its safe." Hoseok said.
Everyone nodded and grabbed their phones to talk to each other. It started raining so they grabbed their coats and started searching around town. Jooheon and Changkyun reached near a park where the ice cream stand was but had to cross a road to get there.
Jooheon went first not able to see much he made it and yelled for Changkyun to come. Who made it half way and fell in a puddle. "Changkyun." Jooheon yelled over the rain. There was a car coming and Changkyun was too tired and cold to get up. Someone helped him quickly and they fell onto the sidewalk.
"I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to Changkyun." A familiar voice said out of breath. "Hyungwon." Changkyun said hugging him. "I'm sorry hyung." Jooheon said kneeling down. He too was out of breath. "Don't be you were right Minhyuk too." Hyungwon sighed.
"No we weren't." Jooheon frowned. "Hyung don't leave like that. I was so scared." Changkyun demanded. "You guys should go home. I still have to take care of my past." Hyungwon yelled. The rain was very cold and loud. "Hoseok would kill us if we went home and let you go to that psychos house." Jooheon yelled back.
Changkyun was still hugging Hyungwon. "I don't care. You all are too valuable to me to loose. Jaesang knows that and will take you all one by one." Hyungwon frowned. "Not if we make a plan to get him." Jooheon said. "He's too smart he'll find a way to prevent that." Hyungwon stated.
"Its so cold hyung. Come home with us." Changkyun whimpered. Hyungwon was infact very cold and even though Changkyun had a coat on he could feel him shiver and his teeth chatter. "Fine only because I don't want you to get sick." Hyungwon sighed.
"Thank you." He said getting up. He pulled Hyungwon off the wet ground. Then helped Jooheon who got his phone out of his pocket and called Hoseok and Minhyuk. Letting them know they found him.
The older couldn't really feel his body it was so cold. He'd for sure catch a cold if he hadn't already. All he could feel was anger and fear. After about 20 minutes they found the house.
Seeing everyone through the window. They looked worried and wet from the rain. "Hyung is something wrong." Changkyun asked. Hyungwon hadn't realized he stopped walking. He shook his head and opened the door.
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