Hyungwon clung to Hoseok tightly and this made Hoseoks chest hurt for some reason.
"What's going on in here." Minhyuk asked. Hyungwon was still sobbing so Hoseok put his finger to his lips and motioned Minhyuk to go away. "I-I'll be right back. My friend is here." Hoseok whispered. Hyungwon nodded but he was still clinging to Hoseoks shirt.
Who looked around and found a blanket. "Here take this. I'll be back." Hyungwon held the blanket shaking. The older got up and left. Wiping tears away and taking a deep breath. "What do you want Minhyuk." He asked annoyed.
"You didn't show up for practice so I came to get you. But w-what happened." Minhyuk asked. "I-I think someone is abusing him-I know someone is abusing him." Hoseok frowned. "Are you sure. Last time someone said that to you they used you for your fame and looks."
"I'm sure and Hyungwon isn't like that." Hoseok said. "He could have waited for you and went on the bridge to get your attention." "Minhyuk stop he's not like that. He- He almost drowned in the bath this morning and he had bruises." Hoseok whispered.
"I hope your right. You know he's kinda cute." Minhyuk smirked. "Shut up." The older blushed. "Are you blushing Shin Hoseok." Minhyuk said loudly. "Shhh. I'm not going to practice for a few days. I'll work here if the manager doesn't agree."
"Fine but we miss you back at the dorm." Minhyuk sighed getting up to leave. "I hope you feel better Hyungwon. Hoseok will protect you from anyone and anything." Minhyuk smiled. Hoseok looked at the hallway and saw a tear face stained Hyungwon holding a stuffed plush Wonho.
He walked up to the younger and wiped his tears away. "Y-You should go to work." Hyungwon sniffled. Hoseok smiled seeing Hyungwon with his plush, he found it very adorable. "It's fine don't worry about it. W-Who are you scared of." He asked.
They sat down on the sofa. "I'll see you in a few days. Tell the guys I have important things to do." Hoseok told. "Good luck hyung." Minhyuk nodded and then left.
"M-My boyfriend h-he makes me do bad things." Hyungwon frowned. "Why are you with him then. Can't you just leave." Hoseok asked. "I've tried to b-but h-he won't let me leave. He...punishes me if I try to go." Hyungwon said looking away. "C-Can I see." Hoseok asked.
Hyungwon hesitated at first but nodded and took off the sweatshirt revealing marks and bruises on his arms. Taking a deep breath before lifting up his shirt. Which revealed lots of more bruises and marks. "He did this to you." Hoseok gasped about to reach and touch the marks. Hyungwon pulled the shirt down and put the sweatshirt back on nodding.
"He's gonna be really mad when I go home." "N-No your gonna live here. I don't want you to be there. I have a spare bedroom for you to sleep in." Hoseok suggested. "I owe you my life but I can't burden you. Especially since I don't know you." Hyungwon sighed.
"Think of it as...owing me. It's always lonely here and I'd like someone to share this big place with me." Hoseok smiled. Hyungwon took a deep breath and thought then nodded. He had better chances of surviving with a stranger then with his so called boyfriend.
"Ok but I'll get my stuff you don't have to come in." Hyungwon said. "Where do you work. Maybe I could get a job and help pay rent." Hoseok laughed. "Can you sing and dance." Hyungwon made a questioning face. "I'll show you when we are done getting your stuff." The older smirked "We'll go in a few days when you feel better." Hyungwon nodded and sunk into the couch more.
They made it to Hyungwons house. He looked scared for his life. "I'm right here if something happens just scream my name and I'll come." Hoseok put a hand on Hyungwons. Then the younger got out of the car.
He walked up to the door and opened it. Walking in he instantly got shoved to the wall. "Look who it is." "J-Jaesang l-let me go." Hyungwon chocked out. He ripped Hyungwons or Hoseoks sweatshirt at the arm and neck and then his shirt.
"Please don't." Hyungwon begged. The older smirked and made a deep cut on his arm making Hyungwon scream. It was deep and slow for sure leaving a mark. Then the door was kicked open. Jaesang let Hyungwon go and he dropped to the ground. "Who are you." He spat.
"I'm the person who's gonna kick your ass." Hoseok said angrily. The sun was going down and Hoseok didn't see the knife in the others hand. They fought for a few minutes and Jaesang was gonna stab him. Hyungwon got up and pushed Hoseok out of the way and got hit in the stomach by the blade.
Gasping he fell to the ground grabbing his side in pain. "No." Hoseok yelled. His anger grew bigger and bigger. After a few seconds Jaesang was on the ground unconscious. "A-Are you okay." He asked. "He got my side." Hyungwon hissed in pain he looked at his hands and saw blood.
"I-It'll be okay. It doesn't look deep. Right." "J-Just h-help me up Hoseok." Hyungwon said holding out his arm. The older helped him up and stumbled back holding his side. Hoseok held Hyungwon by his waist supporting him up and guided him to his room.
It was filled with garbage and blood stains. Holes in the walls and knifes stuck in some. "This is where you sleep." Hoseok gasped. "N-No I usually sleep in the...bathtub. He ne-ver lets me in any room besides the living room and bathroom." Hyungwon sighed.
Grabbing a box full of clothing Hyungwon winced in pain and dropped the box grabbing his side. "Here let me take it. Just... put everything you need in here." The older said taking the box. Hyungwon nodded and put a few more things in it.
They made it back to the front door. Hyungwon paused for a minute before turning around. "Go ahead I-I'll catch up in a minute." He sighed walking back to Jaesang. Hoseok watched as Hyungwon walked up and took a deep breath.
Then kicked Jaesang and started crying. "This is for making my life miserable. And this is for making me weak, ugly, and... and...AHH." Hyungwon screamed continually kicking the unconscious man. Hoseok put his hand on Hyungwons shoulder about to say something.
Hyungwon immediately turned around and pushed him back. Then stopped everything he was doing. Hoseok didn't expect the sudden push and fell back almost falling. Hyungwon realized what he did. "What have I done."
"I'm sorry." He cried and hugged Hoseok begging for forgiveness. The older hugged back but felt something cold and wet on his hand. Looking it was full of blood from the youngers side. "W-We should get back." Hoseok suggested.
Thank you all who are already reading. And those who voted the first day I updated the prologue. Please share this story with other Monbebe or other people. This is my first official Kpop book so it's not gonna be the best one out there. WHO'S READY FOR THE NEW ALBUM BECAUSE I'M NOT. Plus Stray Kids new album that's coming out soon as well. My phone isn't ready for that shit...
Thank you all <33 byeeeeeeeeee
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