Hyungwon jolted his head up gasping from his dream. Then rested it back on the sofa. "Hyung are you okay." Changkyun asked worried. He was still snuggled up to him. Hyungwon nodded wanting to go back to sleep. "Its just another nightmare I'll be okay." Hyungwon yawned.
"Its not normal to have nightmares a lot." Changkyun pouted. Hyungwon tiredly patted the youngers head. "They don't last long." He mumbled. "But you were moving around a lot. Mumbling words and stuff." Changkyun sighed.
"Changkyun leave him alone. He's probably still tired." Hyunwoo said. "I didn't wake you did I." Hyungwon asked. "You don't remember." The maknae questioned. He shook his head. "You woke up screaming a few hours ago. Everyone was worried. You kept looking around anxious but then you fell back asleep." Changkyun frowned hugging Hyungwon more.
"I'm sorry Changkyun. I promise I won't do it again." Hyungwon yawned. "Hoseok was very worried about you." Changkyun sighed. "W-Where is he." Hyungwon asked waking up a little. He hadn't noticed the older wasn't there. "He went to go get breakfast with Jooheon. Kihyun didn't want him to ancidently wake you up." Hyunwoo said sitting down next to them.
"Hyungwon your awake." Minhyuk smiled. "Sorry I scared you." "Its ok. Everybody has nightmares sometimes." He said sitting down on the sofa. "Yeah sometimes." Hyungwon said quietly. "I think hyung needs to tell someone about his dreams. Its not normal to have nightmares all the time." Changkyun whined.
"I do tell people. I tell Hoseok and sometimes Kihyun and Hyunwoo hyung." Hyungwon said. "Usually when I dream about something bad people try and look for something I have. Is that what happens in your dreams." Changkyun asked.
"Y-Yeah something like that." Hyungwon said looking away. There was a loud thud from the kitchen and the sound of glass braking then Kihyun screamed. Everyone looked to the kitchen. "Kihyun what happened." Minhyuk asked. He got up and headed towards him. But Hyunwoo beat him to it.
"Stay back you could step on glass." Kihyun said grabbing his leg. "Does it hurt." Hyunwoo asked concerned. He looked at Kihyuns foot making sure nothing was missing. The now hurt boy nodded biting his lip. Hyunwoo picked him up and brought him to the couch.
Getting the first aid kit the eldest carefully watched his step as he came back to the sofa. "Should I sweep up the glass." Minhyuk asked. "No I'll do it." Kihyun sighed. "Ani your foot is hurt. I'll do it." Hyunwoo said quickly. Kihyun nodded and shed a tear.
(glass hurts a lot expecally when you step on it just saying) "Let me see the bottom of your foot." Hyunwoo said softly. Kihyun lifted his foot higher and it had a big chunk of glass in it. "This is gonna hurt." Hyunwoo frowned. Everyone watched as he pulled the glass out of Kihyuns foot.
Hyunwoo started wrapping his foot up, Hoseok and Jooheon walked in the door. "What happened." They asked. "Kihyun dropped a glass cup and got it in his foot." Minhyuk sighed. "Don't go in the kitchen." Hyunwoo demanded. Hyungwon was glad to see Hoseok. "There you go. Try not walking today so it has time to fully stop bleeding." Hyunwoo said softly.
Kihyun nodded and relaxed his foot. Hyunwoo cleaned up the glass and little bits of blood off the floor. Everyone was already eating the pizzas and other foods they brought. Hoseok sat next to Hyungwon. "I'm sorry if I worried you this morning." Hyungwon whispered.
"Usually you don't remember waking up to those dreams." Hoseok said taking a bite. "Huh." Hyungwon asked. "You have them a lot. Sometimes I have to wake you up from them." Hoseok frowned. "Why didn't you tell me." Hyungwon asked.
"I just didn't want you to worry." Hoseok sighed. "Its ok. What else do I do in my sleep." He questioned. "Nothing much just mumble about things." Hoseok shrugged. Kihyun tried getting up but his foot hurt too much and he sat down hissing in pain.
"Hey I said no walking today." Hyunwoo frowned. "C-Could you get me some water." Kihyun asked. Hyunwoo nodded and got up to get water. "Does it hurt." Hoseok asked. "Duh it hurts." Kihyun snapped. "Why did you drop the cup in the first place." Hoseok asked.
"I was reaching for a cup but then another one fell and landed on my foot. Its not like I tried." Kihyun sighed. "Let me see." Hoseok asked. Kihyun showed him the bottom and the bandage was already covered in blood. He got up and went to the cabinet. Reaching for a bottle of pills.
Then tossed it at Kihyun who was drinking some water. "I'm no doctor but its bleeding a lot you should go to the hospital and get it looked at." Hoseok said sitting back down. Kihyun looked at his foot and shook his head. "I'll be fine as soon as the bleeding stops."
He sat back and took the pills. Changkyun went next to Jooheon and sat down. "You guys took forever getting back I almost starved to death." The maknae whined. "Yah we came back within an hour." Jooheon said.
Changkyun opened his mouth and said "Ahhh." Hoping to get a bite of Jooheons pizza. "Why can't you get your own." He asked. "I already ate mine and Hyunwoo took the last piece." Changkyun pouted. Jooheon held his piece to the younger boys mouth.
He smiled and took a bite hugging the older. "Thank you." Changkyun chirped. "Your so cute." Jooheon smiled ruffling his hair kissing his cheek. "Get a room you too." Minhyuk giggled. "I thought you were meeting that Jhope guy for lunch today." Jooheon said his face turning serious.
Minhyuk looked at the clock. 11:45 He was meeting HoSeok at 12pm and took about 10 minutes to get there. He got up from the couch and rushed to get ready. "That hyung." Jooheon sighed shaking his head. "At least he stopped nagging at us." Kihyun said.
"Your one to talk." Hoseok scoffed. "Hey I'm injured." Kihyun whined. "So was I. Don't see me whining about it." Hoseok said. "Guys don't fight. Kihyun you do nag a lot and Hoseok... good morning." Hyungwon said. "Morning." Hoseok smiled. "I don't nag that much." Kihyun frowned.
"Not like you used to." Hoseok said. "Stop fighting." Jooheon whined. "We should watch a movie or something." Changkyun asked. Everyone said meh and went on their phones. "I'll watch a movie with you." Hyungwon mumbled finishing his pizza.
"Thank you hyung." Changkyun smiled. The younger boy turned on Netflix and put on a kdrama for them to watch. After a few hours Minhyuk got home. He was very excited and told them how it went. Hyunwoo took Kihyun to their room since he didn't feel good and looked a little pale.
"So who do you think is the dominate one in the relationship." Changkyun smirked. "Definitely not Minhyuk. He's too feminine." Jooheon said instantly. "I hate you guys." Minhyuk whined slapping their arms hard.
"Hyung don't worry I'm sure that guy is pretty feminine too." Hyungwon laughed. "I hate you all." Minhyuk blushed. "Says the guy who's smiling." Hyungwon smiled. Minhyuk started throwing pillows and soon they were having a pillow fight.
knock knock
"I'll get it." Hyungwon said. He went to the door and opened it.
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