"Your what." She said. "He's my boyfriend." Hoseok said louder. His mom never knew about his sexuality. Neither did he until he met Hyungwon. "So he did seduce you." She sighed. "What no." He said quickly. "Then how did you end up at that place with this...boy." She scoffed.
"His name is Hyungwon I'd appreciate it if you don't call him 'that boy'. I asked him on a date and we went out for ice cream. He found a spot in the shade and when I went to him with our ice cream he was gone. His phone shattered on the ground." Hoseok snapped.
"So he made you follow him to that place." She asked. "Eomma do you even hear yourself. I told you he didn't do anything. It was my fault. If I had made him stay with me in line he'd be fine." Hoseok sniffled. "Those people were looking for him not you." His mother sighed.
"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave if you keep acting like this." Hoseok snapped again. "He did not bring me there. I brought him there. I was the one who suggested to leave the house. I just wanted a simple date. Ice cream and maybe a movie. But I failed him." He yelled.
"What do you mean sweetheart." She asked. "I let the bad guy get him." Hoseok sighed. There was a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Kihyun. "Mrs.Shin Hyungwon is not the one to blame and neither is Hoseok." Kihyun frowned.
"What does this boy mean to you." She asked. "He's the love of my life and as I said before his name is Hyungwon." Hoseok sighed. "I don't understand." She frowned. "It's simple Eomma." Hoseok scoffed. "Hyung calm down." Kihyun whispered. Hoseok got up and held his side as it hurt.
"M-May I see it." She asked pointing to Hoseoks burn. Knowing what had happened. He took a deep breath and nodded. He didn't let anyone see it but seeing as it was his mother he allowed it. He walked over and lifted his shirt slightly. "My poor boy." She said tears in her eyes.
"Why did you allow this. Your size how couldn't you beat them up." She asked. "That's only in movies and books eomma. Plus we were kept in a cage. There was no way of getting out and there were others to make sure we couldn't get loose." He sighed. "Hyungwon went through this too everyday." She asked.
"He did a long time ago way longer then almost 2 weeks too. I promised him I wouldn't let him get hurt again. I couldn't let him go through it again so I went everyday. I bared through the pain so he wouldn't have to. But I was too weak on the last day. He went and ended up worse then me in just a few hours." He frowned.
There were creaks at the top of the stairs. "Hyungwon is that you." Hoseok asked. He walked over and saw Hyungwon hanging onto the rail. "Hoseokie." He sobbed. Hoseok went up the stairs and sat down next to his boyfriend. Hyungwon hugged him immediately.
"I'm sorry." Hyungwon sobbed. "Hey remember no more sorry. Its okay we're safe now." Hoseok whispered. "H-Hyungwon." Mrs.Shin asked. Hyungwon looked at Hoseoks mom. "I-I'm sorry for accusing you of hurting my son." She frowned. "I-Its okay." Hyungwon sniffled.
"Does your arm still hurt." Hoseok asked. Hyungwon nodded. Falling on a broken bone probably would have hurt like hell. "Let's get you something for that pain." Hoseok said getting up. Hyungwon followed holding his hand and took some pills.
The three sat down and talked for a while. "I should get going. It was great meeting you Hyungwon." Mrs.Shin smiled. She left and Hyungwon took a deep breath. "I'll make you some dinner." Hoseok said getting up and taking out a bunch of ramen.
"Why ramen." Hyungwon asked. "Why not." Hoseok asked back. "We just had ramen at the hospital before we left." The younger said. "Oh...w-what would you like then." The older asked frowning. "We can have ramen." Hyungwon smiled. "Yes." Hoseok cheered quietly.
He continued making ramen as Hyungwon watched him. "Hurry up I'm hungry." He whined. "You can't rush magic." Hoseok said bringing the food to the table. They started eating and found the ramen very yummy smiling and laughing at the sound of noodles bring slurpped.
"I'm gonna clean up quickly I'll be in the room in a minute." Hoseok yawned. He went to the sink and started cleaning the dishes. Hyungwon hugged him from behind resting his head on the olders shoulder. "Thank you." Hyungwon sighed.
"For what." Hoseok asked. "Everything you did for me. Saving me at the bridge. Taking all the pain so I didn't have to. Putting up with everything." Hyungwon frowned. Hoseok stopped what he was doing and turned around hugging the younger boy.
"I was almost too late at the bridge. If I had been one step behind, you would have been gone." Hoseok said. "I regret jumping. If I could go back I would have waited for you to stop me." Hyungwon sniffled.
"You take care of me everyday. I want to take care of you too but I'm helpless." He frowned. "Lets go into the room. You must be very tired." Hoseok whispered changing the subject. Hyungwon let go and they went into the room. The eldest had to put on the cream for his burn.
"H-Hey do you wanna do it. I always do it wrong." Hoseok lied. He remembered what Hyungwon said about taking care of him. He nodded and grabbed the cream from a bag beside the bed. Hoseok took his shirt off and layed down.
He knew how Hyungwon felt when he said it burned everyday even though he wasn't getting physically hurt. "I dream about that place too." Hoseok mumbled. Hyungwon stopped for a second but then continued. "You said he did everything to you. D-Did he burn you." Hoseok asked. Hyungwon slowly nodded.
"O-Only for a few minutes. Th-Then he-" Hyungwon couldn't say anything. "You don't have to tell me." Hoseok said. "B-But I want to." He sniffled. "I just wish I didn't cry so much and I wish I was as brave as you." Hyungwon sighed.
"You are brave. Your the bravest person I know." Hoseok said. "I'm a coward. I tried killing myself to be free of the pain instead of dealing with it." Hyungwon sobbed. "I would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes." Hoseok said softly.
"No. You can't do that. Never ever." Hyungwon snapped. "I'm not going to I'm just saying." Hoseok sighed. Hyungwon didn't answer after that. He finished up and lightly blew on the burn so it didn't hurt too much.
"Kiss me." Hoseok asked. The younger smiled and leaned down kissing him. He did it again and again. "I'll always love you no matter what." The older said. He intertwined their hands and got ready to go to sleep.
if I wasn't so bad at writing this chapter would be gr8
i think y'all know what i was trying to do.
happy late birthday Hyungwon
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