Hoseok and Hyungwon got out of the car. It had been 2 weeks and they could finally go home. Jooheon and Changkyun helped carry in their things. "I could have brought those in myself." Hoseok sighed.
"It's the least we can do hyung." Changkyun smiled setting their stuff down. "Yeah besides when was the last time we helped you guys out." Jooheon asked. "You found out where we were." Hoseok said. "Yeah we owe you our lives." Hyungwon smiled. Jooheon smiled feeling worthy to his hyungs.
"Anything you need buddy we'll help you. You too Changkie." Hoseok smiled. "R-Really." The maknae asked. They nodded. The younger boys hugged them thanking them and left the room. It felt a little odd like things had changed but everything was how they left it.
"I miss this room." Hoseok sighed. "Yeah me to." Hyungwon smiled. "So what do you wanna do." Hoseok asked looking around. "I'm gonna draw on my cast for fun." Hyungwon said exitedly. He grabbed a new package of sharpies. Trying to open it with his mouth.
"C-Could you help." He asked. "Yeah." Hoseok smiled. He opened the package and let Hyungwon pick a marker. "I'll probably need help doing things around the house." The younger sighed. "Only for a few months."
Hyungwon sighed again and sat down. Hoseok sat down next to him. "Is everything ok." He asked. "Yeah probably just tired." Hyungwon yawned. "You should get some sleep then." Hoseok whispered. The younger boy shook his head.
"I-I don't want to have a nightmare." He frowned. "Here." Hoseok said laying down. "I'll be right here if anything happens." He added. Hyungwon laid down on his chest. "Thank you." The younger boy smiled. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
"I'm gonna wait in the shade order me whatever you get." Hyungwon smiled. "You can't just leave me here." Hoseok sighed. "Yes I can." Hyungwon said kissing Hoseoks cheek. Recieving a smile from the older boy. Hyungwon left to sit in the shade. "Hyungwon." Someone called from behind him. "Back so soon." He said turning around. Then someone hit him on the back of the head. Then he woke up taking a deep shakey breath. Hoseok wasn't in the bed with him. He looked around and saw a figure near the door. "H-Hoseok." He asked. The figure giggled creepily and walked closer to him. He could hear the pounding of his heart. "You're just a broken toy waiting to be thrown out." Yeomin said. "NO." The younger yelled.
"No." He yelled again this time he was actually awake. He shot up into the air. "Hyungwon it was just a dream." Hoseok said sitting up. Hyungwon hugged him crying. The older boy shushed and calmed him down.
"I-I'm a broken toy waiting to be thrown away." Hyungwon cried. "No you're not." Hoseok said hugging the younger tight. "But I am." He sniffled. Hyungwon was indeed broken but not a toy in Hoseoks eyes. "Then why do I feel like it." Hyungwon asked. Hoseok moved Hyungwons face so he looked him in the eyes.
"You're not broken okay. You are just in a really bad situation." Hoseok said softly. "I love you okay and nothing will change that." "I love you too." Hyungwon smiled a little. There was a knock on the door which startled both of them. "Hoseok you have a visitor." Hyunwoo announced at the door.
Hoseok was confused. He never really had visitors. Hyungwon was scared he didn't want Hoseok to leave him alone. He got up and headed for the door then opened it. "E-Eomma what are you doing here." He asked. He closed the door behind him leaving the room dark and Hyungwon more scared.
"I heard what happened and had to come right away." She said. "Oh." He mumbled. "That boy Chae Hyungwon did he drag you into this." She asked. "No he didn't." Hoseok said looking down. "Did he talk you into it. Is he apart of one of those gangs." She gasped.
"A-Ani eomma he didn't talk me into it and he's not apart-" Hoseok was cut off by his bedroom door opening. It revealed Hyungwon he looked as if he was crying again. "Hoseokie." The boy said. "Wonnie what's wrong." Hoseok asked. His mother gasped and backed up knocking something down which startled Hyungwon.
"Hoseok why did this boy come out of your room. He's the one who lead you to that place." She yelled. Hyungwon backed up in fear and ran to the nearest room away from them which was the stairs leading to 3 rooms. 2 of them had beds and things one was for storage from fans and extra stuff.
He ran into the empty one and locked the door. He had seen a shadow in the room and remembered his dream so he went to find Hoseok. But then someone started screaming and it scared him making him run. "Eomma why did you do that." Hoseok yelled. He ran upstairs after Hyungwon who slammed the door locking it.
It was a lot darker then Hoseoks room. This one had no windows or lights. Then there was banging on the door like the dream. "Hyungwon open the door." Hoseok yelled. "Its all my fault." Hyungwon yelled back. "I already told you. It wasn't your fault. We don't blame you. I don't blame you." Hoseok sighed.
"That lady does." Hyungwon sniffled. "Sh-She didn't mean it, now can you please just open the door." Hoseok asked. "What's going on." Minhyuk asked opening his door. "He locked himself in the storage room again." Hoseok frowned.
"Again. The spare key should be on top of the door." Minhyuk sighed. Hoseok couldn't find it. It had fallen off when the door slammed. There was shuffling in the room and then a loud thud. "Hyungwon are you okay." Hoseok asked.
"I-I fell on my arm it really hurts." He yelled. Hoseok tried opening the door again. "Can you find the door." He asked. "N-No its too dark. Hoseok I'm scared." Hyungwon said. He curled up into a ball with his casted arm up to his chest. Hoseok looked for the key and found it on the ground beside the door.
He unlocked the door. The room was pitch dark. There was no light to switch on or off since no one came in there at night. "Hyungwon can you hear me." Hoseok asked. "Y-Yeah." He answered. Hoseok found him around some boxes that had been tipped over.
The younger looked up and saw Hoseok. "Does it hurt a lot." He asked. Hyungwon shook his head. "Hey you gotta stop locking yourself in this room. Your gonna get badly hurt by something in here one day." The older sighed.
"I'm sorry." Hyungwon frowned. "We also talked about apologizing. You do it too much." Hoseok smiled. "Why don't you hang out with Minhyuk for a little bit. I have to talk to my eomma about something." Hoseok asked. "That was your eomma." Hyungwon froze.
"Yeah." Hoseok chuckled. "I wanted to make a good first impression when I finally met her." He pouted. "Your so cute." Hoseok giggled. Hyungwon got up and went to Minhyuks room after the older kissed his head and made sure he was safe. "Hoseok I left the room to give these to you." Hyungwon said holding his hand out.
It was the pills Hoseok had to take. "Take them I know when you don't." He demanded. Hoseok nodded and went downstairs. "Mind explaining what just happened." His mother snapped. "Yeah just give me a minute." He said taking a cup and filling it with water.
He drank the pills down and set his cup in the sink. "Sit please." He asked. His mother sat down and so did he. "Why did that... boy come out of your room." She whispered. Hoseok took a deep breath.
"H-He's my boyfriend."
garbage chapter but i feel like y'all knew what i was trying to do and am doing. it'll get better soon i promise. semester exams are so hard :(
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