Badboyhalo's Pov:
A few minutes ago, I finished cooking dinner, and now Skeppy and I are eating the food at the small dinner table. I watch Skeppy as he eats the food with the same happiness and glow in his eyes that he always has when he eats. That look and his obvious enjoyment of the food that he eats speaks endless amounts of gratitude. An unexplainable flutter and heartache in my chest is present at the scene in front of me.
Recently, I've been experiencing this feeling whenever I eat with Skeppy. It has been happening ever since Skeppy opened up about his past. It all helps understand certain details that I thought were insignificant at first, like how, at first, Skeppy seemed to always hesitate when it came to making his own decisions. That must have been because he was never given the freedom to make his own decisions, always having to follow the same rules, or else he would have to suffer the consequences.
I've been wondering who would be so willing to make someone, a child no less- suffer for so long due to their greed. Though I was a bit hesitant at first, I did ask Skeppy if he knew the name of the lab, but he said that he didn't know. It was never mentioned. Nor does he know what the exterior of the lab looks like since he never looked back the moment he ran out to escape as he was in a panic. He doesn't for how long or far he ran. To him, the memory is a bit blurry because he wasn't really thinking straight, he was just running for his life. I get snapped out of my thoughts once Skeppy says, "Hey, Bad... I've been wondering for some time... for- exactly how long am I allowed to stay here... at your house? I know you said I can stay until I get my life back together... and well- I think I've never been better, but I'm not too sure where else I could possibly go from here..."
I freeze for a moment at the question. I hadn't properly thought about how long I was going to have Skeppy live with me for. I initially thought that it wouldn't take long for Skeppy to want to move out since most people would find my lifestyle a bit boring or solitary. Actually, at the start, I hoped that Skeppy wouldn't stick around for too long. That way, I could go back to living in peace and quiet out here at the outskirts with not much human interaction. But now... I don't think I want that anymore. The thought of living in solitude seems too... lonely now after meeting Skeppy.
I say, "Well, Skeppy, some things have changed since that day and... I want to assure you that you can stay for as long as you like. Until you want to work on, I don't know- getting yourself a house and moving out. I'm not going to kick you out. But if the day comes that you want to move on with your life and try something new, I'll help you with whatever you need to achieve that. Whether it is learning a hobby, buying a house, or even if you want to experience having a job. Given your past, you could get lost in certain things, so I'll gladly help you with whatever you need."
"R-really? You'd- be willing to go through all that trouble for me...?"
I smile softly at him and say, "It's no trouble at all, Skeppy. You deserve the help."
"But... are you really okay with me staying for who knows how long-? I don't even know how long it'll take until I get the courage to do half the things an average person does by themselves- Plus, what if one day you get tired of me-"
"Trust me, Skeppy. I won't get tired of you. I want to help you. Move at whatever pace you want in life, no matter how slow the steps may be, I'll be here, okay?"
Skeppy looks at me for a few seconds with a dazed look in his eyes before he softly says, "...Okay."
In truth, I want Skeppy to say for as long as possible. I'm not exactly sure why. I just do. I guess that's why I'm trying so hard to reassure Skeppy that he can take his sweet time with taking steps such as getting a job and moving out.
After eating, Skeppy and I spent some time on the couch, chatting while letting some random show play in the background. Lately, I just can't seem to get enough time with Skeppy. I want to spend more and more time with him. I want him to feel cherished and loved. I want to make each day for him a bit better than the last, just like how he has completely made my days brighter.
Once he rested his head on my shoulder after falling asleep while watching a movie, I came to a realization. I can't deny it anymore, from how often I catch myself staring at Skeppy, always complimenting him in my head, and how I always feel a flutter in my heart or a small amount of heat rising on my cheeks. I think... if I haven't completely fallen head over heels, then I am definitely in the process of falling in love with Skeppy. Can you blame me? I just can't help it.
To anyone else, it may seem like Skeppy hasn't majorly affected my life, but he has. I've realized quite a few things that have completely changed my perspective in life, thanks to Skeppy. For instance, I used to take so many things for granted, but Skeppy has been a constant reminder of how I should learn to appreciate more things that I have. Like how Skeppy can take interest in almost anything like food, clothes, or just random trinkets and enjoy it to the best way he can, showing excitement and unparalleled appreciation. At first, I found the behavior a bit odd, but I quickly found it endearing as time went on, and now I completely understand Skeppy's behavior due to his past.
He looks at everything with such a childlike wonder because, well, he never grew up like a regular child. He got stripped of many experiences, so it's no wonder that he gets excited over anything relatively new. Due to how he grew up, he appreciates everything around him. Heck, I bet he is more appreciative of our friends than I have been in all the years that I've known them for. It's one of the many things that Skeppy has made me realize that I've taken for granted.
In general, Skeppy has made it possible for me to enjoy life more than I ever have before meeting him. It has now gotten to the point where I just can't even imagine my life without Skeppy. I... can't afford to lose him. Which is ironic, since at the start, I thought to myself how I couldn't afford to have someone live with me for too long due to the kind of behavior that I normally had.
I've realized just how amazing life can be and even more what an extraordinary person Skeppy is. He has somehow brought out a certain depth in me that I didn't know I had, and in return, I have been doing what I can to bring out the best in him. In some way, we've managed to balance each other out. Before, I would have my head in the clouds, just dedicating my life to work without putting anything else in mind or giving anything else a care in the world and never giving it a second thought. But now, Skeppy has grounds me and has made me realize all the wonders that the world has around me. Meanwhile, everyone else has denied Skeppy the opportunity to experience the world and it's wonders, I have given him the freedom to enjoy these wonders as much as he pleases. Before, he had his wings chained, and now, he is able to soar through the sky to his hearts desire.
I uplift him, giving him the chance to dream and experience wonders while he grounds me, keeping me from flying too high up in my own world, making me look at all the things that I'm missing out on. We go so well together, so why would I ever want to break what we have, which is so beautiful? Why would anyone? ...Though, I do want to turn what we have from beautiful to gorgeous.
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