My Work
Badboyhalo's Pov:
It has been quite some time since I first met Skeppy and allowed him to live with me. He hasn't caused any sort of problems, which is good, but I feel like he worries way too much about doing something wrong. I honestly wouldn't mind an honest mistake, but Skeppy always seems to be extra cautious around me. I guess that's why, at the start, things were pretty awkward between us, barely talking or spending time together.
But ever since I took him to see the fireflies, we have started to get closer, more comfortable around each other. Skeppy seems to be less hesitant when speaking to me, so our conversations sound more normal and less forced. We have started to hang out a bit more often, and not only at the dinner table. At first, we would mostly hang out when Skeppy eagerly asks me to join him outside, mostly at night to see the fireflies, but now we also get to sit down on the couch and talk. When this happens, Skeppy seems slightly happier and less solemn, as it must be pretty lonely to just sit alone on the couch while staring outside the window all day.
When we are on the couch, we talk a lot, well- mostly Skeppy, but the majority of the time, he is commenting on random stuff that he likes or is admiring. Almost like a giddy child who is experiencing something for the first time. When he starts yapping about something random, it feels like such a huge difference to the quiet man I saved that first day. But it's fine, I don't really mind this version of Skeppy. When he talks, it gives me an insight into what he likes- which so far is basically everything. I guess he is the type who is easy to please. Sometimes I really want to say something in the conversation, for the sake of putting some effort into this new friendship and so that Skeppy can get to know me more, but I don't so that I don't interrupt Skeppy's cute rambling. (Cute, you say? 🤨) After all, it is quite endearing to see him comfortable enough to share things with me. A development from our first proper interaction.
Of course, we don't only talk on the couch. Sometimes, when I'm cooking a meal, Skeppy decides to join me in the kitchen to talk as I cook. The conversation normally continues as we eat our food. I feel like they are the only times that Skeppy gets up from the couch for a reason other than to go outside, eat, use the bathroom, or go to the bedroom that he is using to sleep. It's good that I don't see him all the time sitting on the couch, as that won't do any good for him. Maybe I should start thinking about taking him out to do something in town. It could be quite boring for someone like him to do the same things every day...
Anyways, if Skeppy and I are hanging out but aren't talking to each other, it's because we are watching the TV in the living room. It doesn't happen very often, but there is always a comfortable silence between us as we watch the TV. I'm honestly kind of surprised that Skeppy hasn't used the TV once in here until I started to watch it with him. Though, he may have thought he wasn't allowed to use it or something, which is what he probably thought when it was obvious that he wanted to go outside, but he didn't. But in short, things have been going pretty well so far at home.
Right now, I'm at the hospital working. Throughout the day, a part of me has been desperately wanting for work to be done quickly so that I can go back home. The reason why I want that is something quite embarrassing for me to admit, even to myself. (But I think we all know the reason why already 🤭) The feeling of desperately wishing for work to be over is something weird to me since I've never experienced it before. On one side, I don't like it because it means that I'm not enjoying my job as much as I used to, but on the other side, I like it because I'm starting to enjoy having company at home instead of preferring lonelinesss. ...They both scare me. I'm starting to realize that I'm changing, but I'll let that thought linger another time. Let me live oblivious just a bit longer.
Anyway, I'm currently with a patient who is very ill. They've been in the hospital for over a day, as we needed to do a bunch of examinations in order to figure out what's wrong. Of course, we know now what's wrong, and it isn't very good, but it's not the worst either. The patient is lying down in bed as I take notes of the current state that he's in, making sure that he isn't getting any worse. The patient looks very tired in his sickly state. He tiredly looks at me and asks, "Hey, doc... when will I be receiving Dream's medicine...?"
I look up from my clipboard so that I'm looking back at my patient. Right... Dream's medicine. What is that, you may ask? Well, a famous doctor in town named Dream Wastaken came up with a miraculous medicine that could heal and cure any illness or disease. (It could technically also help quickly heal any wound on the body, even ones that would normally guarantee you death, but nobody knows that or else it would be too op) When you first hear it, it sounds absurd, but it's true. I've seen it myself, and not only does the medicine completely cure anyone, it also does it in less than a day.
The only place where they offer the medicine is here, in the hospital that I work at. It is called Dream Hospital, and just like the medicine, it is named after the founder, Dream Wastaken. Originally, Dream wanted to spread the medicine worldwide, but our town is so disconnected and unpopular with the rest of the world due to our town being "stuck" in the old times. The world immediately thought that our town didn't have any chance to be innovative or of collaborating something useful to the rest of the world. Due to this belief, they refused to accept the fact that Dream created a life changing medicine, even when there was proof presented before their eyes.
So, Dream decided to keep the use of the medicine within our town, only making it available at the hospital that he founded. Due to the medicine, many people go to this hospital when they feel unwell in hopes of experiencing the effects of Dream's medicine. The medicine's popularity grew quickly, making this the busiest and most popular hospital in town. And, with a lot of patients in need of care and attention, there was a high need for employment. This is why I came to work here, as there is always something to do with so many patients, making the job pay well.
Now, have I ever seen Dream? Yes, but we have never spoken. The moments were short, and they were only a few rare times. Dream is actually rarely at the hospital. This is because he spends most of his time at his lab, monitoring the production of the medicine, along with the forgery of unbreakable weapons using a special, ore that Dream discovered. I've always wanted to buy a gun with the special ore, but I never found the time to do so. The specific resources used to make the weapons and medicine are a secret that only Dream and probably some, if not, all of the workers at his lab know of. When the idea of this medicine and weaponry was introduced, Dream called it as, "Project Skeptical." Why? Who knows. Maybe it is meant to play some sort of irony because the idea of his project made many be 'skeptical.'
The medicine and weapons have been continuously made and spread throughout town, never disappointing any demands to buy the products. But for the first time ever since it became popular in town after almost two decades, the production is becoming limited, and Dream wants to be careful with whom he sells the medicine to. He wants to make sure that if someone receives the medicine, it's because they desperately need it. I tell the patient, "Actually, sir, we are starting to limit the number of patients that receive the medicine, and you don't meet the criteria necessary to require Dream's medicine."
Through his tiredness, the patient can only manage to raise his eyebrows slightly in surprise and curiosity. He asks, "Since when have they been selective to who they give the medicine to?"
"We only recently got the order to limit the amount of medicine we prescribe since there is a lack of resources for making the medicine. But don't worry sir, even without the medicine you are capable of making a good recovery. You may be very ill, but your life isn't necessarily at risk, hence why you aren't going to be given Dream's medicine."
After a beat of silence, the patient says slowly, "Okay... thanks doc."
"No problem. Now get some rest. A nurse will come by later with your medication. I have done all I needed to do here, so I'll see you another time."
The patient tiredly nods his head at me before closing his eyes and fully relaxing in the bed, already falling asleep. I quietly leave the room to not disrupt him and make my way down the halls to where my attention is required next. The whole time, I'm wondering how much longer it'll take until I can finally go home and see Skeppy.
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