A Couch Talk... Or is it More?
A few weeks have passed since I saw that doctor, and thankfully, nothing bad has happened since. Right now, Bad and I are chatting while sitting next to each other on the couch. We had been talking for who knows how long when I suddenly ask, "Hey Bad... have you ever thought of me as annoying?"
Bad pauses at the unexpected question. He blinks a few times and then raises an eyebrow at me in confusion. He asks, "Why... are you asking me that?"
I just casually shrug like it's nothing and say, "Well, I guess I'm just curious. I grew up being told many things, one of the less hurtful ones being annoying, and I've always had a feeling that you only kept me around at the start because you pitied me. So I would like to know if at any point you thought of me as annoying. I'd... like to get some insight into what others' first thoughts of me are that aren't necessarily... biased."
Bad stares in silence for a moment. He then says, "Skeppy, I will admit that at first... I wasn't necessarily fond of having you live with me, but that was purely because I've always had a preference for being alone, especially in my own house. But I can assure you that I have never thought of you as annoying. I have thought you were weird at times, but now that I know more about you, I think that the way you acted was completely natural given the circumstances."
I slowly nod as I process this information. Back then, I would've been panicking at the mention that someone thought of me as weird since I so desperately wanted to fit in. But now, I've realized that it's not so bad to be weird. Everyone can seem a bit weird at times. Even if you're weird, many people could still be close to you. But if you're annoying... then it may be a bit harder for someone to like you if they consider you to be intolerable.
I break out of my thoughts once Bad grabs hold of my hands, making me feel all tingly inside for no reason. ...Or is there actually a reason? This, along with other feelings in my body, has happened much too often lately for there not to be a reason. I look up to see Bad gazing at me fondly.
He says, "If I'm being honest, I didn't really think much about you at the start since we didn't talk to each other much. But that's fine because unlike what other people say, I believe that first impressions and stuff like that aren't everything as those moments won't truly tell you everything about a certain person. What actually matters is when you spend time with a person to actually get to know them. That's when you truly realize all person's true colors. And after spending time with you, Skeppy, I can say with certainty that your colors are beautiful. Despite what you've gone through, you've managed somehow to be a kind, good-hearted person, when others would turn cold and mean towards others, and I think that's brave of you. You're truly amazing, Skeppy, one of a kind."
The loud thumping of my heart and the burning sensation on my face is an immediate reaction. Oh, f*ck... can Bad hear how loud my heart is right now!? Despite my body's reaction, I stay frozen for a moment. I then barely manage to utter out, "T-thank you..."
Once I manage to speak, I notice that Bad is staring at my face. That look in his eye is unrecognizable. I've never seen it before. ...Is there something on my face or what? But before I can dwell on that thought too long, Bad smiles, erasing any trace of that look in his eye that he just had. He then pulls me into a hug, surprising me, but I still accept it. For a moment, I wonder if he can hear my heartbeat from the closeness, but I immediately forget that thought once Bad whispers near my ear, "No, thank you, Skeppy..."
Confused, I ask, "...For what?"
I don't see it, but I can hear the smile in his voice as he says, "Everything. ...I know that I've helped you and gave you things like shelter and food, but you don't know just what you've given me, Skeppy."
He pulls away from the hug, allowing me to see him, and goodness, does he have the most loving look I've ever seen. To not end the physical contact, he moves his hands over to mine, holding them again. He says, "Before meeting you, I unknowingly was starting to treat life as a chore, since I was only ever thinking about work. But you gave me the motivation I needed to actually start living. You've given me the ability to look at the world from a new perspective and actually appreciate it. I am closer than ever to my friends, and I'm learning not to take for granted, even the smallest things, just like how you have never wasted a moment to appreciate everything around you. You have given me these gifts, Skeppy. Without you, I wouldn't be who I am today."
I'm in silent shock as I process those words. Soon enough, I feel my eyes starting to water, tears threatening to fall at the realization that... someone is thanking- appreciating me- for... being me. It's something completely new for me after being hated most of my life for a part of me that I never even chose to be born with. Surprisingly, I managed to keep the tears from falling, especially once I realized that Bad was starting to look a bit sad. I try to keep my voice steady as I ask, "Bad? ...Is there something wrong?"
Bad chuckles for half a second and then looks up at me with a sad smile on his face. He says, "I know that you've already asked me about how long you can stay here for... but I want to ask you something now. Do you actually... want to leave, Skeppy? ...Move out? Is it something that you actually hope to do one day? ...Please be honest with me."
I suck in a sharp breath. Why is he asking that? Is he... expecting a certain answer from me? Does he want me to leave!? No- wait. Don't panic... I can't know for sure what he wants to hear. I should... be honest, just like asked. I look down at our joined hands, still worried for some reason, and say in a small voice, "I... don't want to go... I want to stay for as long as possible. I- don't want to make plans to leave..."
I keep looking down. I don't dare look at Bad's face. But soon, Bad makes me look at him by placing one of his hands on the side of my jawline, tilting my head up. If that action alone made me feel all tingly inside, you can imagine reaction my heart had at the sight of Bad's gentle smile and the enchanted look in his eyes. He says in a wispy tone, "...I don't want you to ever leave either."
I let out a breath of pure relief and... something that I can't place my finger on just yet. We stay quiet and just stare at each other for who knows how long. I... don't think I'd mind if we stay like this forever. Somehow, this feels comfortable. Bad then says, "Skeppy, do you feel this too?"
I blink a few times before asking, "Feel... what?"
Bad lets out an exasperated puff of air. I would've thought that he was annoyed if that didn't sound so loving. Bad says, "This. This... tension. These feelings. This... love. But not just any kind of love, the love that makes your heart soar, makes you feel giddy, sometimes makes you want to stop having these feelings, but you secretly know you love it."
Is... that what this is? Because it definitely feels like my heart is soaring. I say, "I... think I do. I feel all warm and tingly, especially in my heart."
Bad grins in a relieved manner and says, "I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way."
Bad gently strokes his thumb over my cheek, and I feel my face burning again. He looks into my eyes and says, "I love you so much, Skeppy. I- I'm in love with you."
I say in a breathy whisper, "I... I think I love you too."
Bad smiles so beautifully at that. He shifts in closer to me. He asks, "Skeppy... would you like to be my boyfriend?"
Without thinking, I say out loud, "Boyfriend?"
Bad lets out a small giggle and then says, "My lover."
Lovers... that would make us an official couple, no? Despite acting all calm and quiet, the thought of being lovers sends a surge of energy throughout my body as my heart rate significantly increases. I respond with, "I'd like that."
Bad smiles so wide, and his eyes seem to shine brightly in excitement. I can't help but smile myself at his reaction. His gaze soon shifts onto my lips, and I feel the tension rise as he continues looking at my lips. He suddenly asks, "Skeppy, do you know what a kiss is?"
A kiss? As the thought runs through my mind, small flashes of memories run through my head of a few workers at the lab, sharing a short, intimate moment. Even a short memory of my parents runs through my head of what appears to be them sharing a kiss. I say, "I know what it is, but... I don't think I ever truly understood why people do it."
Bad shifts the hand that is cupping my jawline down to hold my chin, his thumb grazing just below my bottom lip. He hasn't stopped staring at my lips. But he finally stops staring at my lips to look me in the eye. He leans in closer and asks, "Do you want me to show you why?"
I let out a low breath of air, feeling breathless. My lips stay slightly open. My heart feels like it's about to jump out of my throat. After a moment, I breathlessly say, "Yes. Please."
With that, Bad doesn't waste another moment and quickly, but gently connects our lips together. My mind goes blank, and my body feels weak as I don't think or feel anything other than Bad's lips on mine. Bad moves his lips in a slow, steady rhythm, giving me time to get used to this. I try my best to kiss back, though I don't have much idea of what I'm doing. But it's fine because Bad is patient, and it feels great when he moves both of his hands to cup my face, holding it almost as tenderly as he's kissing me. Oh, how amazing this feels. The kiss goes on for who knows how long as I completely get lost in this perfect moment. But at some point, we break the kiss, sharing a soft intake of breath as we do so.
I open my eyes to see Bad opening his eyes as well and a red color staining his cheeks. I wonder if my face is red as well. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment. I then say, "I... really liked that."
Bad grins and says, "Good, because I'm planning to have many more moments like this in the future with you."
I grin myself and say, "I can't wait."
(Sorry for the long wait, everyone. These past two weeks have been busy for me as I've literally had to stay up to midnight or close to midnight so that I could finish work that my teachers give me. 😭 Hopefully, I have more time to write this week since there's testing going on this week for the whole school, so I SHOULD not be getting as much homework as before.)
(Also, I will warn you guys that either the next part, or the one after that, will contain SMUT. It will depend on how much I write. It might be moving a bit fast-paced for you guys, and I agree. 😅 But there have been other skephalo writers that literally make them do the thing before or on the same day that they start dating. So I would say that this is better than that. 😂)
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