☆•Chapter 1:"Club name?"•☆
𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓸,𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓪𝓫𝓫𝓲𝓽 𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓼
Miyamasuzaka campus,empty classroom
Saki sat alone,drumming her fingers on the desk she was sat at.
Obviously,she seemed to be waiting for something..
Or rather,someone.
"Saki!"A voice called out.
The person she was waiting for-Ichika!A wide grin spread onto Saki's face as she excitedly waved at the other,practically vibrating with excitement.
Though,she didn't hear the door open when Ichika entered.
It was a strange fact,but she ignored it.
Maybe she wasn't paying enough attention.She was busy making music with her hands on the desk.
"What to you so long,Ichi?"
"I got held back.But that's besides the point!"
Saki quirked a brow.
"What point?"
Ichika laughed lightly,flicking Saki's forehead.
"We need a club name,silly!"
Of course!How could Saki forget?A club can't be a club without a name!
"Hrrmm...but what can we name it?"She muttered thoughtfully,tapping her pointer finger against her chin.
"Maaybe..something to do with blue?A pleasant,soft,pastel blue."Ichika hummed,gesturing to Saki's cardigan.
Saki sat still,pondering it for a moment.
"We can make a gyaru club?Since you are considering being one."
Saki's anxiety suddenly heightened,and she stared at the other.Her mind was basically Olympic sprinting.
"What the heck?How did she know that?I never told her!"
"Aha..maybe not...Since not everyone likes the same style I do.."She eventually spoke out.
Ichika didn't notice-or maybe ignored-Saki's change in demeanour and nodded.
"Interesting...Well,what about 'the Losers Club'?We could make it a place for lonely and outcasted people to hang out!"
Saki hesitantly smiled,still a little unnerved by someone she had just met knowing a personal fact about her.
"Sounds good to me,Ichi..."
"Alright!We'll meet here again tomorrow and get started!I'll even decorate,you go home!But,before you leave.."
Saki had begun to feel more nervous at the pause,but she waited for what Ichika had to say.
Her new friend got closer before suddenly pulling out her phone and pointing towards it.
The blonde stared at it for a moment,tilting her head to the side.
She clearly didn't get it.
Ichika let out a slightly exasperated sigh at her cluelessness and just decide to be straightforward.
"I need your number,Saki."
"Oh right!Here!"Saki said with forced enthusiasm,taking out her phone.
She was getting exhausted.
After Ichika had put her number in,she immediately started getting ready to leave-she wanted to get some rest.
"Okay...See you~♪"
Saki hastily picked up her bag,running out the classroom doors.
She started feeling a combination of overwhelmed,confused,disorientated
...and that mild headache was still there,though becoming more prominent.
Maybe it's some kind of effect after suddenly going off of medication after being on it for so long.
Tenma Household,living room
"So,how was school,Saki?"Tsukasa asked his sister,poshly drinking his cup of tea.
Saki sat quietly on the sofa next to him,unsure whether to talk about her entire day or leave some of it out.Well,she didn't want him barraging her with questions about Ichika,so she may as well leave her out.
Saki smiled,picking up her glass of orange juice with two hands and taking a sip.
"It was super fun~☆"
"How informative!You make it sound so splendid!"
"Did you have a crappy day or something,big bro?"
Tsukasa shook his head,still grinning his signature grin.
"Of course not!My day was just as perfect as yours,sister of mine!"
Saki nodded,drinking some more of her juice.
The thought of Ichika couldn't leave her mind.
Where did she come from?Why hasn't she seen her before she stopped going to school due to health reasons?
The girl stared into space,still plagued with thoughts about this new person...until Tsukasa interrupted the thought track.
"Sister!It's time for you to take your medicine!"
Saki internally groaned.She absolutely despised those dumb capsules,but since it was her beloved brother reminding her,she'll take them.
Saki let out a long exhale through her nose,nodding."Alright..I'll take them.."
"Good!We wouldn't want it to get worse,would we?!Don't forget to take some before bed,too!"
She rolled her eyes and dug her pills out of her uniform pocket and tipping two out of the bottle,staring at them intently.
They looked unappealing.
A dull,dingy yellow.
She didn't even know color connotations,but this color was clearly distasteful.Saki sighed once again before forcing the two in her mouth and drowning them down with her orange juice.
The taste of the citrus really helped dull the taste of the pills,she should use orange juice instead of water more often.
Saki's headache seemed to finally fade away,and she let out a relieved sigh.
She even felt more grounded,too.
Tenma Household,Saki's room
Saki lay still that night,staring up at her colorful ceiling.She had an urge to text Ichika,but she wasn't sure if she was awake.
After all,it's a school night.
Saki decided to just go for it.She rolled onto her side,picking up her phone and unlocking it,opening the messenger app.
But,to her surprise,Ichika's contact wasn't there.
Her eyebrows raised in surprise as she kept scrolling through,desperately trying to find her friends contact.
"Where is she..?Did she pull some kind of prank?"Saki muttered to herself,starting to feel her chest tighten in frustration.
After a good five minutes at grumpily staring at her screen,she turned her phone off and placed it back on her bedside table.
Maybe her pills were messing with her brain.
After all,she did just have a bedtime dosage.
Saki huffed,rolling back onto her back and stretching out into a starfish under the covers.
"I swear,it's the medicines fault.It looks so gross,and now it's playing mind games with me.."She said to nobody in particular.
Saki tended to talk to herself when she was upset over something.She kept grumbling,before her exhaustion finally caught up with her and she stared to fall asleep.
She'll talk to Ichika about it tomorrow.
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