Chapter Fourteen: Disturbia
Chase panted and began to stumble on his feet. They'd been walking at a tireless pace for hours. Even with the sun turned into a dark eclipse, the heat of the desert was still lingering. The sudden lightheadedness hit him so abruptly that he fell, thinking he was going to die here. Yet, he never felt the ground rise up to meet him. Instead, he felt himself being hefted roughly into the arms of someone. Natemare's voice filled his ears, but he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes to check. So, he just listened as Natemare chuckled out. "Human is down, Dark. Think we should have watered him?" From somewhere ahead, Dark grumbled out. "Damn it. Give him something. We are almost to the road." Chase heard a hiss from Natemare, before a wrist was brought to his lips. The warm liquid poured down his tongue with a coppery taste, but against Chase's bone-dry throat it was heaven. Drinking down as much as Natemare was willing to give him, he tried not to think about what it was. Or what it would do to him.
Going limp in Natemare's arms, he didn't wake up again until the soft breeze rustled his hair. Opening his eyes, he stiffened trying to figure out where he was. He was laying across the back seat of a convertible car. Natemare sat on the back of the car, his feet tucked under Chase's legs. He was enjoying the wind that blew past. Sitting beside him was Anti, who howled into the air and threw his hands up into the air. Anti certainly looked a little better as he tapped his feet on the shoulders of the seat of the passenger seat. Dark sat casually in the driver seat, grinning as he glanced in the rearview mirror at the others. His free hand bringing a lit cigarette to his dark lips for a deep puff. When he draped his free arm back along the car door, he slowly exhaled the smoke in a way that left Chase breathless. He'd never been into guys watching Dark smoke was alluring. Continuing to tap his feet to the beat with the radio, Anti asked Dark over the roaring wind. "Where are we going?" Natemare brushed his dark bangs away from his eyes as he yelled out to both Dark and Anti. "I don't care as long as we get to eat! That couple was barely an appetizer!"
Dark adjusted the mirror, and Chase blushed a deep red. Dark's rearview mirror wasn't on the road but on the crotches of Anti and Natemare. Briefly glancing over his shoulder, Dark told them coolly. "Relax. We're going to lay low and get something to eat." Natemare spread his legs more, clearly aware of where the mirror was aimed when he stated out to Dark. "Ya? How far is this place? I'm wasting away... and you haven't eaten enough to feel good surely." Dark took another puff of his cigarette, chuckling out as he checked a side mirror. "A hungry lion hunts best. Just relax. We're almost there." As if unsatisfied by his answer, Natemare crossed his legs and laid back over the small truck of the car. Anti chuckled, singing along with the radio now without a care in the world. Chase thought about sitting up, but instead, decided to stay down. It felt safer and he wasn't sure he wanted to block Dark's view of the others. He napped on and off on the ride, until Dark flicked his ninth finished cigarette out into the wind and told them. "Hang on. We're gonna get some fast food."
Natemare sat up with a wicked grin, scanning around eagerly. Dark stomped on the gas and the car surged to life with a roar. Anti dropped his legs down from the shoulders of the passenger seat, a wicked grin spreading on his face when he pointed to something to show Natemare. Chase shifted on the seat to untangle himself from Anti and Natemare's legs. Dark suddenly yanked up the emergency brake and spun the wheel, causing Chase to fall to the floor as Dark spun the car to a stop. Thick smoke and the smell of burnt rubber filled the air. Dark raised his hand and flipped his middle finger at someone. Natemare stood up with Anti who taunted the person with beckoning hands. A police siren started up and Dark quickly shifted the car and spun out before taking off at full speed! Natemare and Anti slammed their hands on the back of the car, hissing with excitement as the police officer took up the chase. Dark chuckled, pulling another cigarette calmly from his steel cigarette case tucked in his jacket pocket. Then snapping his fingers, the end of the cigarette flared to life.
Natemare glanced back at Dark, cheering aloud. "NICE! He's got a partner! This will be fun!" Puffing his cigarette, Dark glanced at the side mirror, telling them seriously. "Try not to make a mess. Make it look like an accident." Natemare and Natemare flashed each other a look and crawled onto the back of the car like a pair of stalking cats. Dark switched hands on the wheel, reaching back to grab Chase's arm as he ordered him sternly. "You. Get up here and put your seat belt on. It's safer." Chase didn't argue, he carefully crawled up to the front with Dark's help. Dropping into the bucket seat, Chase rushed to buckle himself in. Once Chase was settled, Dark yelled back to the others. "You've got two minutes! GO!" Natemare shoved Anti playfully and he shoved him back, before they both leapt off the car and straight for the cop car! Chase gasped as they slammed into the car, denting the hood and shattering the windshield as they hit it. Natemare fell into the car when the windshield shattered, but Anti didn't. Anti's momentum caused him to roll up across the roof.
The police car swerved behind them but kept up with Dark's car. Inside the cop car, the officers were screaming as Natemare kicked and slashed out at them. One of the officer's removed his gun and began to fire inside the car. On the roof, Anti got on all fours and tore the metal, tossing pieces of it away. When the roof was open enough, Anti crawled into the car and the officers began to scream. Natemare and Anti both took shots to the chest and arms, but it merely slowed them down for a few seconds. The car swerved wildly, threatening to flip as the officers continued to put up a fight. Suddenly, Natemare kicked the officer driving and jammed his foot against the wheel. The police car squealed as the car turned to quickly that the momentum sent the car flipping fast toward Dark's car. Dark put his cigarette between his lips and shoved Chase's head down as the car flew over them and landed somewhere ahead of them. Dark swerved the car to avoid the flipping car, riding the edge of the road and let out a loud whistle that made Chase yelp.
Dashing out of the front and back window, Anti and Natemare leapt back onto Dark's car as it rushed by the police car. Falling roughly into the backseat on top of each other, Natemare and Anti laughed heartily. Natemare tried to shove Anti off, but the two began to wrestle playfully. Their adrenaline was clearly still running high after the fight. Chase swallowed as he saw they were covered in blood. Natemare pinned Anti down, his tongue flicking out to lick the blood off Anti's face and Chase's face paled. Anti's legs wrapped around Natemare and get pulled Natemare down into a heated kiss before licking the blood off him. Dark adjusted the mirror to watch, then took a long puff of his cigarette before flashing a devilish smile Chase's way. The exhale of smoke from between his teeth, prompting Chase to inhale sharply as he huddled against the door. Dark shifted the car into a higher gear, telling the others with pride. "Did you destroy the camera feed?" Sitting up, Anti arched his back as he chuckled out. "Of course! Fuck, that felt good!"
Natemare licked a thick trail of blood off Anti's neck, then crawled up between the seats to coax Dark into a long kiss. Dark was only a little reluctant until he tasted what was on Natemare's tongue. Once he tasted it, he placed his hand to Natemare's cheek and sucked loudly on his tongue. Chase feared they were going to crash, but somehow, they didn't. Breaking the kiss, Dark lightly slapped Natemare's cheek, muttering out in a deep playful voice. "Fucking tease." Anti lifted his shirt, showing the blood that soaked through his shirt and was running down his stomach as he whined out. "Damn... it soaked through. I hope we can still go to eat dressed like this?" Natemare just had to get a look at Anti's stomach, before pouncing on him. The sounds of his sucking and Anti's hysterical laughter filling the car. Dark reached out to turn up the radio, blaring S&M by Rihanna, before telling Chase coolly. "We can go shopping first. It would be nice to shake the smell of I.R.I.S. off."
Dark pulled off briefly to let Anti and Natemare rise themselves in the ocean water. Watching them chase and tackle each other like a bunch of kids. Yet, when he felt they were taking to long, he'd whistle and they'd come running. Their soaked bodies dried as Dark put the car back into drive and within the next hour or two, they were pulling into the city. Anti and Natemare took in the sights of the buildings and the people like predators scouting territory. Dark pulled into a parking garage, then turned to tell the others seriously. "Listen up. I'm only gonna say this once. We go in. We get out of this hospital shit. We come back here. No drawing attention. No fighting. No feeding. Got it?" Anti and Natemare nodded in unison. Getting out, Dark opened Chase's door and snapped his fingers to coax him out. Placing a firm hand on the back of Chase's neck, Dark whispered into his ear. "Not a sound from you. Or I'll be the last thing you see in this world." Dark traced a finger under one of Chase's eyes to imply what he was threatening him with.
Dark draped his arm across his shoulders, holding him to his side like a lover as they strutted into the building. A weird feeling spread through Chase as he watched the people rush out of their way with fearful or concerned looks. It was like being a celebrity but better. Dark hugged him to his chest as they rode up the escalator and Chase was painfully aware of how strong and bigger Dark was. His iron-like embrace made him feel like a shiny toy that Dark refused to share with anyone. He hated that... he kind of liked it. It was comfort to not be in control of anything. At the top of the escalator, Dark adjusted his arms to grip his waist, sheering him in the direction that he wanted him to go. Slipping into the clothing store, Anti and Natemare shot off to explore. While Dark kept him close as he walked him down the racks with a firm hand gripping his arm. When a lady eyed the grip Dark had on his arm, Chase adjusted himself to press up against Dark's side. Resting his head on his shoulder, like he just liked the comfort of having him close.
Dark tensed, his grip tightening momentarily until he caught the woman watching. She met Dark's eyes and quickly rushed away. Leaving Dark to ask him suspiciously. "Why did you do that?" Chase shrugged, avoiding Dark's eyes as he stepped back from him just a little. Chase swallowed hard, when he realized how that had allowed him to smell Dark. He'd been around Mark when Sean had brought him around, but he'd never smelled this good before. He smelled like cigarettes and black licorice. Dark removed an outfit off the rack, then hastily shoved Chase toward the changing rooms. Shoving Chase into one, Dark stepped inside and slammed the door behind him. Blushing, Chase pleaded hopefully. "Wait... I can wait outside. You don't have to-" Dark shoved him down onto the seat, hanging up the outfit before leaning down to whisper over his shoulder. "Over my dead body. Sit and shut up." Chase turned to put his back to the wall and pulled his legs up on the bench. He tried to ignore the mirror but found his eyes peeking at it.
Dark began to strip without shame and Chase's breathing turned shallow. Unwanted feelings from his childhood crept back up within him as he stared at the muscles along Dark's body. Forcing his eyes closed, he tried to think of Stacy. To recall how she'd look in bed... but his body and mind refused to bring her up right now. Reluctantly opening his eyes, his lips parted as he saw Dark's powerful thighs. He desperately wanted him to turn just a bit more. He told himself that he just wanted to compare it to his own... but deep down something was unhinging him. Longing to see it for other reasons. To his disappointment, Dark pulled on some black suit pants and buckled it with a thin black belt. It made him shudder to realize that Dark didn't wear underwear. He'd been pressed back against Dark on the escalator with nothing between them but a layer or two of fabric. Swallowing, he struggled to keep himself from getting hard. When Dark asked him with sudden interest. "Seems Anti chose to bond with the wrong brother. You're tastes fit him better."
Chase realized that Dark was staring at him in the mirror. How long had he been looking, and he hadn't noticed because his eyes were... lower. Clearing his throat, Chase shrugged with guilty shame in his voice. "I don't know what you mean." Dark moved closer, reaching out to lift the bill of his hat back to get a better look down at him. Cupping his jaw, Dark tilted his jaw up and told him in a deep confident voice. "Deny it if you want. I don't care. But know... If you didn't mean so much to Anti. I might have rewarded you for looking at me in such a way. I love breaking straight boys. I get off on the sounds they make." Chase couldn't breathe and could barely think as Dark's thumb stroked the ridge of his jaw with a commanding presence. Closing his eyes shut, he forced himself to growl out. "I'm not... I was married. I had kids..." A whimper left Chase when he smelled Dark's breath and heard him purr out hungrily. "Even better." Dark's thumb brushed over Chase's bottom lips, causing Chase to curl hip lips over his teeth.
With a deep throaty chuckle, Dark released him and finished dressing himself as he told him casually. "Let's get you some new clothes... and a leash." To Be Continued...
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