Chapter Fifteen: Unholy Sinners
An hour later, Chase stood at Dark's side wearing a fresh pair of clean cut jeans and a simple grey t-shirt with his favorite baseball cap. The only thing Dark hadn't let him pick out was the collar around his neck. It was glossy black leather with a padlock that locked it shut and kept it attached to the chain leash that Dark had wrapped around his wrist. As much as he was humiliated by the looks people gave him, he was happy that they didn't have to hold him like a troublesome child. This allowed him room to breathe and kept them from bruising his skin with their fingertips. Sitting in a chair, Dark waited as Anti and Natemare took their time with their selections. Eventually, Anti stepped out in tight black jeans with ripped up knees. His black t-shirt hugged his torso, and his dark brown hair was now streaked in lines of acid green. The black gauges in his ears had reptilian green eyes with narrowed irises that gave Chase chills. Around Anti's wrists were braided ropes of varying colors.
While laced through his belt loops was a silver chain of razor blades that hung down one leg. Around his neck was a matching chain of razor blades that drew Chase's eyes to the bleeding cut across Anti's throat. He looked so different. So... wild. Looking him over, Dark chuckled out. "That is much better." Anti flashed him a sharp grin, his eyes flashing a bright green, when he purred out. "I feel much better." Dark beckoned him over and Anti walked up to him. Chase quickly averted his eyes, when Anti straddled Dark and kissed him hungrily. From somewhere by the counter, a woman uttered aloud with condescension. "Disgusting. Have you no shame? There are kids here." Anti menacingly pried his lips off Dark's, his eyes flaring to a bright green with a throaty growl as he looked in the woman's direction. The woman didn't notice Anti's eyes as she restoked the glass counter. Anti started to sit up, but Dark turned Anti's chin to draw his attention back to him. Giving him an amused smile, Dark whispered to Anti. "None of that. We're laying low, remember?"
Anti hissed, his low voice wheezing a bit as he sneered back. "What's one more?" Dark brushed a thumb over Anti's slit throat, telling him softly. "You'll draw too much attention to yourself and get yourself dirty again." Anti rolled his eyes, sitting back on Dark's legs as he huffed out dryly. "I've already removed us from the cameras. They'll never know." Dark licked Anti's blood off his thumb, before saying softly. "It will look suspicious on camera if she suddenly gets shredded alive." Anti put his hands on Dark's shoulders, purring to him sinisterly with a wild look in his glowing green eyes. "I'll fix that. Let me have her, Dark." Dark seemed torn, until the woman called out to them. "HEY? Did you hear me? Break it up or get out!" Turning his head slowly to look at her, Dark told Anti without any reservations. "Don't make a mess. Make it quick. Don't be seen." Anti purred deeply, then slid off Dark's lap to stroll up to the woman slowly. The woman straightened up fearlessly, snapping out. "What? You got a problem, Cocksucker?"
Anti stopped at the counter, laughing manically before stating flatly to her. "I've got a lot of problems. One of them is with your bitchy voice." The woman straightened up to say something back, but Anti struck her so fast that she staggered back a step in shock. Chase didn't understand what he'd done, until he saw Anti lick a razor blade he held between his fingers. Chase gasped in horror as he saw the red line appear across her throat. She started to reach up to touch it, when Anti sprang over the counter to tackle her to the floor. The sound of gurgling screams filled the space, causing Chase to shudder and nervously look around for people who might hear or see this. There was no one in this clothing shop and those outside the doors simply walked by without so much as glancing inside. Dark stared off toward the counter, enthralled until the woman stopped screaming. Strutting out of a dressing room, Natemare leaned an arm against one of the other doors, his grin truly frightening when he purred aloud. "I'm ready to break some rules and set this world on fire."
Dark looked Natemare over, his smirk full of amusement as he said coolly. "You look it." Chase gulped, unable to stop himself from looking Natemare over. Natemare wore loose fitting black jeans with big holes in the knees and smaller ones in varying places. He wore a purple V neck t-shirt and over it was a sleeveless black leather jacket with a dark hood. His eyes were lined in black eyeliner and running down his cheeks from his eyes were two different colors. One blue and one purple. Even his black hair was highlighted with lines of purple and blue. Giving his dark eyes a mysterious allure. He wore black gauges like Anti's but his had no center. Resting on his head was a silver lined pair of black sunglasses and he wore black fingerless leather gloves. Chase could even see a silver wallet chain hanging along his thigh that was adorned with long thick spikes and smaller skulls. Raising a hand, Dark beckoned him closer with narrowed eyes. Without hesitation, Natemare strolled over to him.
The second he was in range; Dark grabbed the wallet chain and pulled him between his spread legs. Reaching up, Dark brushed his thumb over Natemare's lower lip, where a small silver lip ring was. Smirking, Natemare eased away from Dark's hand, rolling his eyes as he told him. "It's fake. Just felt like trying it out." Dark's smile was sinful when he purred up against Natemare's throat. "I like it. It's a nice touch. But... you're missing something." Natemare furrowed his brow, then looked himself over with a shrug. Getting to his feet, Dark removed something from his pocket as Natemare looked back up to question him. Holding out a black leather cord necklace with a smooth grey beach stone rock that had a treble cleft carved flawlessly into it, Dark whispered to him. "I saw this and thought of you. Turn around." Smiling to himself, Natemare turned his back to Dark. Draping the necklace around Natemare's neck, Dark fastened it as he whispered over his shoulder. "Now you're gonna break hearts, my little rockstar".
Natemare swatted Dark's thigh with composed embracement, but it seemed to be his way of thanking him. Dark's hands slid around Natemare's waist, pulling him back against him to nibble at his throat. Taking his eyes off them, Chase looked to the counter, where Anti was just now standing up. Hiccupping, Anti wiped his reddened lips before grumbling out. "Ugh. She tasted as bland as her attitude." Adjusting his head to Natemare's other shoulder, Dark asked Anti seriously. "Did you finish all of her?" With a sudden hacking sound, Anti spit a ball of hair onto the counter, before grumbling out. "Unfortunately... I think I'm gonna be sick. She was so lotioned up and oily..." Natemare chuckled softly to himself, while Dark shrugged out. "Toss her up in the bathroom and then let's go." Anti let out a disgusting sounded burp, before running off to the restroom. Leaving Natemare to chuckle out quietly. "He'll be tasting her oily ass all day. I hope he washes his mouth out." Dark smiled, humming out in a calming deep voice. "He's not as picky as you are."
Natemare chuckled, rolling his eyes again before glancing at Chase and asking Dark seriously. "So, what do we do with him?" Chase stiffened, remaining perfectly still as Dark told Natemare simply. "Anti needs to bond with his body. He can't do that if Sean is still alive. So... We keep him around." Natemare tilted his head back against Dark's shoulder, grumbling aloud. "Anti will struggle to keep himself solid without one. Should we... speed up the process and kill Sean ourselves?" Dark brushed his lips across Natemare's temple, thoughtfully answering. "I'm considering it. But first, we need to stretch our legs and refresh ourselves. Some of Sean's friends won't be easy to dispatch." Natemare nodded, reluctantly adding. "And I.R.I.S. will be looking to contain us again. So, what's your plan to stay hidden while we... recover?" Dark grinned, watching Anti reappear from the bathroom, before answering. "We hide in plain sight." Natemare raised an eyebrow, but Dark didn't elaborate.
Existing the clothing store without paying, they climbed back into the car. The drive this time wasn't nearly as long though. Pulling up to curb, Dark tossed the keys of the car to a random guy on the corner and told him to keep it. The man didn't think twice about hoping into the car with his friends and taking off at full speed. Chase stared after them confused, until Natemare said to Anti happily. "Well, that takes care of the car. Now what?" Dark strolled past the line of people waiting to get into a neon club. When a bouncer stuck his hand out and ordered sternly. "Hey. You four got IDs?" Natemare crossed his arms and Anti leaned on Natemare with a low defensive hiss. Grabbing the bouncer's arm that touched Dark's suit to stop him, Dark stared the bouncer down with blazing red eyes as he growled back sternly. "Don't touch me." The bouncer began to convulse and cough up blood, prompting Dark to release him as he added nicely. "You should take care of that cough. It might kill someone."
The bouncer dropped to his knees, clutching his chest as he hacked up mouthfuls of blood. Causing people in line to scream out. "Oh my god! Someone call an ambulance!" Without a care in the world, Dark pulled Chase as they slipped into the club unnoticed. Leaning against Natemare, Anti chuckled out excitedly. "Nice! He'll be dead long before that ambulance gets here." Natemare chuckled, stating back. "Serves him right for thinking he could square off with us. What an asshole." Slowing to a stop in front of him, Natemare suddenly purred out. "Speaking of assholes..." Anti let out a cat-calling whistle, causing Dark to stop before he choked Chase from the distance between them now. Chase's cheeks burned a bright red as he glanced around the gentleman's club. The whole place was dark and glossy and accented with bright neon lights. There was a large stage with a group of strippers dancing to a song that thumped throughout the joint. There was a bar with neon stripper poles and a few large dining tables had strippers entertaining guests.
Chase had never seen so much skin from both men and women. He had NEVER set foot in a place like this. He'd gotten Stacy pregnant straight out of High School and she didn't even approve of strippers at his bachelor party. The place was smoky, and outfits glinted with sparkles in the stage lights. Anti licked his lips, his hand reaching out to stroke a hand down along a female's arched back on a table. She flashed Anti a lusty smile, then winked at him. A male stripper that slid off a table, wrapped an arm around Natemare's waist, whispering something into his ear before walking away. Natemare watched him walk away with a raised eyebrow of surprised interest. Dark shortened the distance of the chain, bringing Chase closer to his side. When he was right beside his shoulder, Dark told him over the music. "You like a nervous sinner in a church. Relax. People here will prey on you with a look like that." Chase swallowed, then asked uneasily. "Why are we here?" Dark flashed him a devilish smile when he answered sarcastically. "Where else do you think demons hang out in their spare time?"
Hoping to start something, Chase asked him curiously. "You're ok with Anti and Natemare lusting after every scantily clad person in here?" Dark glanced at the others who were starting to spread out to rub up on some strippers. When Dark's eyes returned to his, he chuckled out with amusement. "They don't belong to me. They're free to pursue their desires." Chase narrowed his eyes on him, blurting out. "Then how come they obey your orders?" Dark's hand grabbed his collar, pulling him a little too close to his face, when he stated so deep voiced that it gave Chase goosebumps. "They obey because they know I like it that way. I get off watching them play and tease. My composure only spurs them on. Makes them feel untouchable. Makes them feel..." Dark drifted off, his black eyes wandering down Chase's neck and chest with an expression that made Chase cover his thickening groin. A smirk tugged at Dark's lips, before his eyes met Chase's again and he finished off teasingly. "Unholy. I make them work for my attention. In return... I take pride in taking care of them."
Dark let the chain slide through his fingers as he backed up, while telling him bluntly. "I thought breaking your straight brother's ass would be fun... but boy... you are proving me wrong with the looks you so desperately try to hide." Chase couldn't move. He could only stare helplessly at Dark. Taking a seat in a booth, Dark flourished his hand in a seductive manner that wrapped the chain around his wrist. Forcing Chase to inch closer to him. Even when he was within reach, Dark kept curling the chain, until Chase was forced down to his knees in front of Dark. Pushing the brim of Chase's hat up, Dark pulled him between his legs and whispered over his lips in a dominating deep tone of voice. "Tell me. Did you sleep with her because you were curious? Desperate? Or dared?" Chase closed his eyes tight, refusing to answer. Feeling Dark's warm breath over his lips, he curled them over his teeth, trying to ignore him as he whispered teasingly. "Based on what Sean used to say about you... I'd say you were dared. And she took full advantage of that to lock you in. What a lucky girl. Did she figure out why you spent so much time around your male friends? Desiring something you denied yourself?"
Chase shook his head, refusing to admit anything. His whole body was shaking but he kept his eyes shut. Suddenly, Dark's hand caressed his cheek as he whispered right against his ear in a voice that made a pleasurable moan slip out. "A little birdy told me you followed your brother's best friend around like a puppy. Mark? Say yes to Anti's offer. Bind yourself to him and I'll give Mark to you. I'll fuck you so good, you won't even remember you had a family afterward." Dark kissed a soft spot just under Chase's ear, causing Chase to gasp and accidentally rest his hands on Dark's thighs. Unable to control himself, he tilted his head against Dark's palm to give Dark easier access to his throat. Dark smiled against his neck, before grazing his teeth over Chase's flesh. A violent shiver ran down his spine, before Dark pulled away and grabbed his jaw to say warmly. "Think about it. We can set you free in ways your brother has never seen. He is a weak coward. Are you, Chase? Do you wanna live in his shadow forever? Or become the darkness that shrouds him for a change?" To Be Continued...
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