Mystery Man (Part 1)
Part 1.5 of many Christmas one shots
Ok so, with how long this fic was getting (legit it was at 6k when I last worked on it) I decided to split it up into two parts. Also my motivation is slowly leaving me again because my mood has been down lately. BUT I WILL FINISH THEM, THEY'RE IN THE WORKS. Ok so this is the Spideydevil fic (originally Irondevil but I felt Spideydevil fit better), it's kinda a One Night stand/College AU. And also a mix of a chat fic and regular fic. This is my first time actually writing these characters so they may be OOC, and I apologize if I disappoint. Some mature themes and things in here too so be warned
In all his life of being a superhero, Peter Parker never thought he would be caught in this messy of a situation. It felt like being trapped in his own web. It took him a while to finally process the information, he woke up with such fuzziness in his mind and eyes. His head throbbed in pain, he imagined a knife being stabbed in his brain. After groaning in pain, and wiping the black spots away from his vision, he could finally register the white of his ceiling. He started registering every other sense. He moved his arms and legs, worried that if he lifted his head he would pass out again, and he even stretched to try and release the tension in his muscles. Until he paused, his eyes narrowed, because somehow it felt...weird. The feel against his skin was not the cloth of his pajamas, no these felt like, like sheets? Wait, he paused and moved again, this time he felt more panicked. It definitely felt like his skin rubbed against his sheets, he was sure of it. In the shock of realization, he sat up abruptly, and then immediately regretted it as pain seared through his entire skull. He took a moment to himself, and then he blinked seeing his dimly lit room. He scanned his room, rather slowly, and his heart accelerated seeing how ruffled his sheets were, and how his clothes scattered into an unorganized pile on the floor. His hands went to his face to rub the fatigue out, maybe he was dreaming. But, to his dismay, the room remained the same. He muttered a shocked curse, lifting the blanket, and then screaming. He covered his face in shame, and felt it even more so because he didn't remember what happened. What the hell happened?! He had so many questions buzzing in his head in his alarmed state, but he had no answers. The killer headache wasn't helping him either. He yelped, hearing the sudden, loud alarm from his phone on the nightstand. He had to quickly avoid the first shot of the light that came from the bright screen, otherwise his eyes would hurt again. He quickly glanced at the time displayed on his screen.
"IT'S 3:00 PM??!!" He screeched, seeing how late it was. Just how long was asleep? Enduring the large pain in his cranium, he unlocked his phone and checked all of his notifications. 2 missed calls from Aunt May, 30 unread messages from the group chat, and one message from Danny; he worried a little about the lashing of words he would get from May for not answering her calls. And in the group chat, Danny probably spammed another weird image he found from google again. Danny was well, Danny. He would contact them later, and probably die of embarrassment doing so. He just needed to get his head together for a moment. He squinted, noticing another notification in his messages. He looked at it, only to end up more confused. Because he did not recognize the number. Even the message, left him in the dark.
"Sorry I left without warning. But I think I should have more time to myself before I talk about it."
What did that mean? Also why didn't this person at least tell him their name at the end. His hand ruffled his messy brown locks in frustration. He wondered how he should figure out what happened. He closed his eyes, and tried to picture back to the night before. He remembered Danny threw a Christmas party, there were drinks, a LOT of drinks. And obviously he must have had drank a lot considering the killer hangover he had right now. He talked to some people? He thought hard, but that was all he got. Everything after drinking remained completely erased.
"Ugh, Parker what did you do?" He grumbled tugging his hair in his shaky hands. He felt his head start to pound, until the pain became unbearable. So, he dragged himself out of bed to put on his pants, and then trudged himself down the stairs to get painkillers. He also grabbed his phone, to text the group later and figure what happened to him after he got drunk. Walking down the stairs proved to be difficult, since he did still feel sort of dizzy, he held onto the rail tightly. Each step he took he had to make sure he didn't skip a step and fall. Even if he did live by himself, that would be embarrassing, and painful. He really couldn't deal with more pain at the moment. Finally he found the bottle sitting at the end of the counter. However, the sun shining through the window stung his eyes a bit so he knocked it down. Grumbling to himself, he picked it up and swallowed two pills rapidly, and then grabbing water a minute after. He waited for a few minutes for the pain to subside for a bit, and then he opened up the group chat. He read through the messages carefully, he saw mentions of Danny's party, the relationship between Luke and Claire as well as what everyone did while they were drunk. Nothing really out of the ordinary, or so he thought until he saw the recent messages.
Received 2:15 pm
Drunk_on_Gay: Hey have any of you heard from Peter?
Lukedicrous: No, I left early with Claire since she felt sick from the alcohol. What happened?
DragonFisting: I haven't heard from him since he got drunk. Maybe he's still asleep at home?
Lukedicrous: Peter got drunk? Wow that's unlike him...
Drunk_on_Gay: I remember he seemed very nervous, maybe because he saw a cute guy and wanted to loosen up for him?
DragonFisting: Now that I think about it... he was staring at Matt quite a lot recently, even last night. But, I was way too drunk to remember anything.
Drunk_on_Gay: Same. Thank god we don't have any classes, I would've skipped my morning class cause fuck that.
Lukedicrous: Ok, but maybe we should make sure Peter's ok? One of you call him I'm busy today.
Drunk_on_Gay: With what?
Lukedicrous: Just some asshole causing trouble on south campus, and people want me to deal with it so, I thought why not, I would take care of it. Also I have a massive paper due, and unlike you two I'm responsible with my academic work.
Drunk_on_Gay: I really don't give a shit for some of my classes
DragonFisting: Hey, I'll have you know I'm very responsible with my academic work.
Lukedicrous: Danny you tried to do your English 110 essay 30 minutes before it was due, and then tried to excuse yourself by pretending you had a stomach bug.
Lukedicrous: You may take crime fighting very seriously, but with school you have like zero work ethic.
DragonFisting: Sometimes. I'm very responsible sometimes. I just really hate essay writing ok?
Peter felt himself snicker, and he covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing. Danny was still the same guy since high school, he could work but could never stop himself from procrastinating. After rereading the previous message, he kept on reading.
Drunk_on_Gay: Lmao
Drunk_on_Gay: Anyways, I can't either. I'm working on something and then meeting up with Miranda later.
DragonFisting: lol
Drunk_on_Gay: Shut the fuck up
DragonFisting: I didn't say anything
Drunk_on_Gay: But I know what you're thinking. Anyways I'm logging off first, so I'll see you.
Lukedicrous: Yeah, think I'm gonna head off too. Danny remember to contact Peter.
DragonFisting: Yeah Yeah, don't worry. I'll check up on the guy later.
The messages ended there, and Peter stared at his screen for a minute trying to put together everything. He scrolled back to reread them, again, picking out all the details. They laid in front of him like a puzzle. So, now he knew Danny had a huge Christmas party, and he probably invited half of the campus over to his place. Also, now he was certain he consumed enough alcohol that his memory remained fuzzy, and his head felt like splitting. Damn, being Spiderman for all of these years really gave him a newfound confidence, he never thought he would ever consume this much alcohol. Nonetheless, he had the two pieces of the puzzle in his hand. Then he obtained the third, because Danny mentioned the name Matt. Matt, Matt, he repeated in his head, trying to think of exactly which one Danny was talking about. He couldn't have meant...Murdock, could he? Matt Murdock, one of the most renowned names at Peter's school, mostly because he was blind and the subject of a lot of gossip. But, he studied harder than any student and remained at the top of the school in terms of academics. Peter always admired him from afar, but never had gotten the confidence to talk to him. He always got choked up when he even imagined talking to Matt in his head. Also apparently he was very popular, so why would he bother, it wasn't like he stood out. Even now, he still did not know what Danny and his other friends saw in him, even if they did know he was Spiderman.
Peter reminisced about Matt, did something did happen between the two of them at the party? But, Peter barely knew Matt...maybe he could pick up on what he knew about Matt to give context clues? It was worth a shot. From what he remembered, Peter met him in one of his elective classes this year. To be completely honest, he only chose a political science class because his other class would not take anymore students. He remained salty and bitter the first day in that class. But, he saw a kid sitting in the front row, and he arrived pretty early since there were only 4 other students in the room. He had dark brown hair and pale skin from what Peter could see, and he observed the round sunglasses that blocked his eyes. He found it strange as to why someone would wear that indoors, but he really didn't bother to question it. He dressed pretty proper for a college student, since he worse a dress shirt and beige pants, however Peter thought it looked...really good on him. And then he slapped himself mentally for the thought. The boy maintained perfect poise and notebook at the ready on the small desk, and that was also when he noticed the cane at the side of his seat. Then he realized, the boy was blind, and the fact that he wore sunglasses actually made sense. He actually didn't know how to respond on the subject of Matt's blindness but, there really wasn't much he could say could he. When students started swarming in, he noticed that the boy always remained silent to himself, not even bothering to start conversation with the new students. Peter found that extremely relatable and if he was going to be honest, sometimes he made his conversation quote on quote "too nerdy" for others to contribute. Which, he found extremely idiotic, because what's wrong with nerdy? Actually, five minutes before class started he saw another boy run through the aisle, into the empty seat next to Matt. Maybe that was his friend. He remembered Danny explained to him later that that boy was Franklin Nelson, aka Foggy, Matt's best friend. Matt seemed like a pretty knowledgeable person, always participating in class, and even turning in his assignments early that got him praises from the professor. Peter also caught sight of him on campus from time to time, a majority of the time he was with Foggy, but other times he would be aiding a professor with something; or he would be studying diligently in the library in one of the isolated seats. Peter found it pretty admirable, and for some reason the little things he noticed made him more drawn to this person named Matt Murdock. He asked Danny many questions about Matt, many questions he was too nervous to ask Matt in person. The most important ones that he recalled, were that he was a very, VERY devout Catholic, and he was studying to go to Law school at Columbia once he graduates. That in itself Peter found very impressive, and only made him more apprehensive because he thought of Matt being one of those overly serious students. That didn't stop the overall urge to make friends with Matt however. Also, Peter couldn't deny the slight attraction to him that just kept on persisting. He admitted it was there, but it was small.
But the problem on how he should approach Matt remained. It wasn't like he could go up to him and say, "Hey you're in my political sciences class and I never talked to you, but you seem cool. Also I've been talking to Danny, you know that guy you know, behind your back. Alsoyou'rekindacute." Because how lame, creepy, and embarrassing would that sound, he was just begging for Matt to avoid him. Danny told him to just be honest with Matt, and make friends with him. A majority of feelings stemming from the fatigue of answering endless questions for Peter about Matt, he got tired of playing 20 questions pretty quickly. But, Peter's insecurity and overall anxious mindset got the best of him, and he would always get such deprecating thoughts when he wanted to approach him. So he just stayed quiet, and that was all he knew of Matt. Danny, Jessica, and Luke on the other hand, always spent more time with Matt, and they all seemed to get along really well. Ok sometimes Jessica complained a lot in the group chat about something that Danny did or about something that Matt told her occasionally, but that did not change the fact that they knew Matt more than he did. Peter felt discouraged about it, or rather he felt discouraged with himself from every time he would chicken out from making conversation with the guy. Peter thought long and hard, and a realization hit him. There was one time he did encounter Matt, a few days before the Christmas party.
"Oh yeah..." He mumbled, his eyes widening slightly, as he remembered the big group research project assigned in class that he partnered with Matt for, and well Foggy too because they were together so much. The only reason for him to work with Matt being that everyone else partnered with their friends, or whoever else they were close to. He watched silently, as the two boys discussed things between themselves, and he didn't want to bother himself with trying to interject. When they did start working, for the first time, Peter heard Matt speaking to HIM. He addressed his name and offered ideas and suggestions on what they should do and how the work should be split up. He spoke with such politeness it surprised Peter, since he normally never heard that type of voice directed at him before. The times he received praises after saving the city did not count, because he was Spiderman. Even when he tried to focus on working, Peter became distracted with Matt's voice, it sounded deeper up close, but at the same time smooth. Also he observed how focused and serious Matt was, he seemed to be the type to take immediate action. He felt himself mesmerized. Too bad the only time he had with Matt like this was because of a project, it felt gravely disappointing to him. If only he had the confidence he did when he fought crime, he would have made friends with Matt already, or perhaps they would have been more than friends...
He slapped himself to get himself to focus at the task at hand. He decided to go through his contact list, because if he worked with Matt and Foggy on the project then he must have registered Matt's number. He frowned, however, when he could not see Matt's name. He saw Foggy's number instead, so he registered Foggy's. Then for what reason was Matt's number not in his phone, he could not for the life of him remember.He looked intensely at Foggy's number, his finger hovered over his message button. Should he ask Foggy about Matt's condition? He wanted to, but at the same time he could not think of a way to ask without leading into the...event...that occured. Peter grew red just thinking about it himself, and once again slapped himself to focus. Nonetheless the events started coming together. He also knew that he did come into contact with Matt anytime before the party. Before Peter even started thinking about the party, his phone emitted a loud ping startling him enough to nearly drop his phone. Danny's name appeared on his lockscreen, and Peter scrambled to open his messages.
Are you ok? We haven't heard from you since last night, and you still haven't contacted anyone.
Peter rapidly tapped away to reply. He really needed someone to discuss this with him, and Danny was the only one available, and possibly the only one who would not make a big fuss about it...possibly.
Yeah, I'm fine. I just overslept and woke up with a killer headache.
Oh, ok so you're ok. That's good.
Yeah sorry about encouraging you to get drunk.
That's fine. Just, I have a few questions.
I figured, you drank enough to have an entire three days erased.
So, can you explain what happened to me after I drank?
Anyways I don't remember that much either, but from what I heard from other people, first off you were pretty reclusive for the entire first half of the party. They saw us talking for a bit. And then you came from out of nowhere and downed like 5 shots in one time.
Peter blinked, then narrowed his eyes. Did he really do that?
Then, after being stopped by Jessica you then downed probably two or three more shots before you became totally wasted. Apparently you were loud, and very flirty and honest, which surprised a lot of people.
He choked from the air he deeply breathed in. Flirty?!! Is that the kind of drunk he was? He rather himself be a sleepy drunk, or hell even a sentimental drunk. Just anything but flirty, he could feel his face warm up just thinking of the possible things he said to people. Oh god, he felt really embarrassed.
After awhile you just disappeared, so we all assumed you went home. Oh yeah and thanks for the heads up by the way.
Even through text Peter could hear the sarcasm that laced his words.
At least you weren't kidnapped.
Ok, so now he knows a little of what happened at the party. Although he really wished he hadn't cause now he had to sit with his own shame. He, however, still had many questions and hoped Danny had the capacity to answer.
Dude I have a question.
So, did Matt come to this party or no?
Ah, I see you're wondering if you delivered some good lines to your crush.
What?! NO! I was just wondering.
Well, yeah I invited him. I didn't see him much though. He really isn't much for loud parties. Says the noise gives him headaches, so he must have left early. I was too drunk to remember though.
Why do you ask?
Peter hesitated to answer. He already felt himself dying internally from predicting Danny's reaction to his night. But, if he didn't answer then Danny would grow suspicious and then bother him until he caved and told him. Either way Peter would lose. So, he thought for a moment and decided to take a turn.
Oh, I was just wondering.
Really? That's it? This is the boy you had a crush on since the start of the semester.
You're just lying and avoiding the question aren't you?
What?! How did you know?!
Actually I didn't.
I just figured something must have been going on since you asked about Matt, also that reasoning was very weak.
Ok, so now really what's up with you?
Peter muttered a curse. Danny played dirty, but Peter was horrible at keeping up lies. Actually it was a miracle he kept up his other secret for so long. His heart raced so fast he could feel himself lose air in his chest. Sweat accumulated on his forehead at the million potential ways that appeared in his mind of how badly this could end up for him. Yet, he could keep it to himself no longer, so he swallowed his pride and typed away.
Ok, so I don't remember much but
I woke up this morning,
In my bed, with the hangover
Stop stalling and tell me
I'm getting there!
Ok I woke up naked in my bed
And I had a mysterious text from someone
Probably the person who I
...You know
Peter sat there silently dying of embarrassment while waiting for Danny reply. A few minutes passed and Peter actually started worrying about him. His mind raced of so many things Danny could be saying or thinking, all of them bad. It made Peter want to vomit.
Did you actually?
Go to the group chat
What? Why?
You're not gonna tell anyone about this are you?!
No, now
Don't question it and just go.
Peter's eyebrow raised in suspicion, wondering why Danny was so adamant of bringing this subject into the group chat. Reluctantly, he opened the chat up.
DragonFisting, Drunk_on_Gay, and Spider Pan have entered the chat
Drunk_on_Gay: So Peter I heard you got laid
And immediately he regretted it.
Spider Pan: Danny I fucking hate you. YOU TOLD?
DragonFisting: Come on! This is huge news!
Spider Pan: I told you not to!
Drunk_on_Gay: So it's true? Damn Petey...I never thought you would be this wild.
Spider Pan: Ffs
DragonFisting: I can't believe how fast Peter grew up. I remember just yesterday he wanted me to be his wingman in freshman year for this really cute guy he couldn't talk to without fainting. I think I'm gonna cry
Spider Pan: Just shut up Danny
DragonFisting: Why're you being so rude?
Spider Pan: Cause I'm mad at you
DragonFisting: Ok, honestly that's fair
Drunk_on_Gay: So who's the lucky guy you got to tangle limbs with?
Spider Pan: jESS
Drunk_on_Gay: What? Hey you were the one who left without contacting anyone, it's only fair you tell us.
Spider Pan: Doesn't this seem too personal?
Drunk_on_Gay; Dude we're superheroes, who save the streets of New York from fucked up shit on a daily basis. Also we're college students, I think we can talk about sex
DragonFisting: Besides we trust each other
Spider Pan: I no longer trust you
DragonFisting: cOME ON
Drunk_on_Gay: LMAO. Ok but seriously who was it?
Spider Pan: Well um
-Lukedicrous has entered the chat room
DragonFisting: Oh hey Luke
Lukedicrous: This is what I get for not muting my phone. Fucking spam
Drunk_on_Gay: Hey that's your fault not ours
Lukedicrous: Peter did you seriously have sex? Damn
Drunk_on_Gay: Ikr. I'm trying to find out who with
DragonFisting: Actually I think you were the one who did that
Spider Pan: OMG SHUT UP
Drunk_on_Gay: I bet he's blushing on the other side of the screen. So, did the mystery man deliver well?
Spider Pan: J E S S I C A
Lukedicrous: First of all gross, and second of all just let the boy say who it was
Spider Pan: I crave death's sweet release right now
DragonFisting: Hey didn't you say you had the guy's number?
Drunk_on_Gay: He does? Wow he scored big time
Lukedicrous: We can help you you know Peter
Spider Pan: Thanks Luke, but lemme just..have some time to myself.
Peter set his phone on the table, after setting the group on mute, rubbing his face tiredly with his two hands. Man this day just got so much worse, not only was he confused and in slight pain, but now he became embarrassed. Now he regretted sharing this information, and he should've just solved the mystery on his own. But, even if he really wanted to, he was at a loss at the moment. He really did not trust anyone to keep the fact that he did what he did to themselves, also he did not know many people on campus. Curse his inability to socialize. His phone sounded notifications again, and Peter did not need to look at the screen to know it was Danny. He gave himself another minute to relax and contemplate to himself before he grabbed the device again. He saw the long apology, and his anger dissapated a bit.
Jess and Luke went to do things, so we can just discuss this between the two of us if you want.
The message read, and Peter being his easily forgiving self replied to him.
Alright. I just want to find out who it was and apologize to him. Even though it was consensual
You remember it was consensual?
I mean I assume since he didn't give me any bad messages. I HOPE
Ok, calm down. So you said you had his number?
Mind giving me a screen shot?
Peter went back to the message he recevied from the unknown number, and took a screenshot just showing the number.
The image presented itself really large under his message. Peter waited, getting a little anxious when he took his time to respond again,
Uh, Ok. Peter you might not believe this but uuh
This is Matt's number
So basically Matt and Peter don't know each other, but Peter knows Danny and Danny made him meet Jess and Luke. The only reason Matt's not a part of the group was because of Peter.
And as for their ages:
Peter: 19-20
Matt: 20-21
Danny: 20-21
Jessica: 19-20
Luke: 21-22
I messed with their ages a bit. Part 2 is where the fun starts.
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