Chapter Eight: Water
I wake up looking at the back of a soldier. He has the same colored hair as David. Huh? "Hello?" I croak. My mouth and throat are dry. The guard turns around. It is Aukland! His dark brown eyes dart all around me, checking me over. I would get up and hug him if it weren't for the wires and tubes hooked up to me.
"What do you need?" David asks.
"Can I have some water?"
He nods, briskly walks away for a moment, then returns with a big sports bottle full of water. I pull open the cap and drink three-fourths of it just in one drink. This water is the best water I have ever tasted in my entire life. Aukland comes over and kisses my forehead. "David Aukland. Did I ever tell you I liked that name?" I ask. I don't feel right. Kind of loopy.
"Yes, Sapphire, you have told me you liked my name."
"Huh? I'm out of it aren't I?"
"They gave you morphine for the pain. Off the record, what really happened to you? Your Mistress says you were attacked by another Programmed. She said the Programmed had 'Faulty coding, or something.'"
I almost scoff at the comment. "She gave me the beat down. Ha! Mistress thinks she is big and bad. All I did was tell her the president was coming. I want a bagel!"
David laughs,"I will get you a bagel I promise." He sprouts his serious face. "She beat you up because you told her the president was coming? That's stupid."
"Did you seriously just say the letters I-K-R?"
"Yes, wacha gonna do 'bout it?" I ask.
"Nothing BFF! I wuv you so much wite now!"
I shake my head at him and facepalm. Why is he so goofy? I try to turn on my side. Pain erupts through my entire body. I pull back the covers and look down at my side. It is covered in black and blue. I looked like one of those ink pens that have all the different colors like pink, red, blue, green, purple, and black had exploded onto my side.
I'm almost afraid to look into a mirror. "H-how long have I been out?"
"About 3 days, but your aren't getting up any time soon!"
"Has Aimee visited at all?"
He nods his head. I frown at the fact Aimee took time off of her schedule to be with me. "What's wrong?" he asks.
"Nothing, probably just the meds."
He shrugs it off. *click clack click clack* I hear heels clicking on the tiled floor. Mistress sashays into the room. Her glare finds its way to me. "How are you feeling Sapphire?" She clicks her way over to me. I feel her cold hand grab my bruised shoulder.
Mistress applies pressure to my shoulder using her thumb. I hold back a shriek. "I can't believe Liza attacked you! She really did a number on you didn't she? Maybe learning to fight would have prevented that." Mistress slugs my arm. This time, I do scream.
About 5 guards and 5 doctors rush into the room. "What happened? Is she alright?" They all ask.
"Yes, she is just tender," Mistress is something akin to a serpent. She can lie through her teeth without a second thought.
"Could we get everybody out of the room? I wish to speak with Sapphire alone," a female doctor states. Everyone files out of the room one by one. She shuts the door and locks it. "Sapphire, I would like to tell you something. I just want you to be calm when I tell you. Okay?" I nod my head slowly.
"Sapphire, it is a miracle you are alive. What or whoever beat you, almost took your life. None of the Programmed or guards have bruises, or scrapes, or anything, and I KNOW you wouldn't just sit there and take a beating from someone equal to you. It's just not in your Programing. I have a feeling someone isn't telling the entire truth. Now what really happened?" She asks.
Should I tell her the truth?
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