1 - The plan
So I read a book by @Artsylatina and they wrote a Sterek book that I really enjoyed and I wanted to write a Larry version.
I hope you like it :)
3rd Person P.O.V
Louis' eye lids fluttered open slowly when he felt a familiar pair of soft lips against his forehead, he smiled when he saw his beautiful husband stood next to the bed with his hand in Louis' hair, gently combing through it. "Morning." Louis mumbled before closing his eyes again and relaxing into Harry's touch.
"Morning, love. I'm heading to work so I will see you later." Harry smiled sweetly before pressing another kiss to Louis' forehead.
"M'kay." The blue eyed boy mumbled before Harry walked out of their bedroom and left the house. Louis fell asleep for another 20 minutes before he realized he needed to get to work so Zayn wasn't running their tattoo parlor on his own. He groaned and dragged his tired body over to his wardrobe and quickly grabbed some black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a jean jacket, he put them on and jogged down stairs to grab something to eat.
He was about to leave the house when he noticed Harry had left his phone and his USB stick that Louis knew had things Harry needed for today. He picked them both up without a second thought and got into his car, he would just drop them off with Harry before heading to work as the university of London, where Harry worked, wasn't far from their house.
Once Louis arrived he quickly walked up to the double doors and pushed them open before walking inside, most of Harry's colleagues knew Louis so he wasn't worried about somebody seeing him. He reached Harry's classroom and students were still walking into the classroom so Louis walked in behind the last student and was going to walk over to Harry who was looking down at his desk when his deep voice filled the room. "Sit down now, I dont care why you were late as long as it doesn't happen again." The words were directed to Louis as he was the only one still stood up, and Harry had yet to look up so he didn't know it was Louis and not one of his students.
Louis thought before walking towards the seats, he could either embarrass Harry in front of his class, or he could sit through this lecture and then give him what he left at home when it was over. He decided the latter was the best option as he quickly walked into the middle row of seats and sat down behind a tall blonde haired girl. Plus he was kind of excited to listen to Harry teach, they never really have a lot of time together as Harry is always busy, so it would be nice to hear him talk about something he's passionate about. "You got lucky that professor Styles is in a good mood today, he hates when people are late." A brown haired girl spoke up from next to me. "Oh and by the way I'm Lilly, are you new?" She smiled.
Louis looked over at Harry to see he was now writing something on the board. "Err, yeah. I'm Lou- Lucas." Louis lied in case at some point Harry would over hear their conversation. Harry turned around to face the class, and started talking.
"Alright everyone, today we are talking about poems. Specifically love poems." His deep voice filled the room and everyone looked up at him while Louis shifted further down into his seat. "I hope you have all bought your books I gave you last lesson."
"Did you not bring your books?" Lilly whispered as she took a pen out her bag and Louis shook his head. "Oh, you've already broken rule one." She said as she moved her book closer to Louis so he could see it.
Louis looked at her confused before she spoke again. "Never be unequipped for class." Lilly pointed to Louis' lack of school bag and books. "Rule two: never upset or make Professor hottie angry." She whispered making Louis chuckle a little.
"Professor hottie?"
"Yeah, that's what he's called over campus, he is the best looking teacher here and almost all the students want to get with him." Lilly told Louis as she handed him a pencil which he gratefully took.
"Note taken." Louis smirked and looked up at Harry who was still writing on the board before deciding to play along. "What happens if you break the rules?"
Lilly shrugged a little. "Well he'll either kick you out or make you stay after class and lecture your for ages about not committing to your work enough."
"Wow..." Louis was genuinely shocked, he couldn't imagine Harry being mad or angry. He was always a soft teddy bear at home that would apologise for stepping on a snail.
"But I admire that he takes this job seriously, he's a great teacher." Lilly smiled.
"And he looks great in those pants." Another girl cut in from behind them.
"And his hair just looks amazing, I want to touch it." A guy chirped in.
Louis hid his laugh with his hand, he found it quite funny to hear what people thought about his husband. He just sat back and listened to the people around him admire Harry.
"He has to have a wife, there's no way a man like him doesn't have one." The girl from behind, who Louis now knew was called Emma, said once Harry got the class to read through pages of a book.
"I heard he has four." One of the jocks next to Emma smirked and leant back in his chair as Emma rolled her eyes.
"Pff as if." Another person spoke up from next to Emma.
"Okay then what do you think, Lexi?" The jock asked smugly.
"Well dickface, I bet he has a wife, one wife, and kids at home." They scowled and continued reading their book like Harry told the class to.
"What do you think new kid?" The guy in front of them asked Louis.
"Huh, oh err he's... something." Louis mumbled unsure of what to say.
"That's it? No first impressions?" He asks and Louis shrugs as Emma speaks up again.
"Jeez Kevin give the new kid a break, not everyone thoroughly watches over their teacher." Emma laughed as Kevin blushed a little.
"I do not watch him, I just pay attention. Which is why I'm an A student and Tanner is failing." Kevin shot back as he pointed at the jock and smugly smiled before turning back round when Harry looked over at them with his brows furrowed.
"Keep the noise down over there." Harry mumbled as Louis shrunk in his seat more and ignored the weird look from Lilly. But she quickly brushed it off and moved closer to him.
"Don't worry I'll fill you in on all the professor hottie gossip." She smiled and looked back at her book, leaving Louis to wonder if what he was doing was wrong.
The lecture had ended and Louis managed to sneak out with all the other students without Harry seeing him, he waited a little while before walking back inside the room acting as if he'd just shown up and walked over to Harry's desk.
Harry saw him and immediately smiled as Louis got closer. "Hey love, what are you doing here?" He asked before kissing Louis' cheek quickly.
"You forgot these and as I woke up late I decided to give them to you before going to work." Louis partly lied as he handed Harry his phone and USB drive.
"Thanks honey, you're a life saver. I need these later." He smiled and kissed Louis once more before Louis stepped back.
"Right, I need to go so I will see you at home later." Louis smiled and walked toward the door still facing Harry.
"Alright, bye." Harry smiled back before sitting down at his desk and picking up a piece of paper.
Louis let out a breath of relief when he reached his car, he quickly got inside and thought about what he had just done, he laughed to himself a little before starting his car and driving to work.
The bell attached to the door rung when Louis walked into his tattoo parlour, and Zayn looked up at him from the desk. "Where the hell were you? I had to run this place by myself!" He yelled as Louis walked further in and chucked his phone onto the couch next to him.
"If I tell you, you can't call me crazy or weird okay?" Louis pointed a finger at Zayn who leaned back in the chair.
"Did you kill someone?" He asked making Louis' eyes widen.
"No you idiot of course I didn't k- ugh y'know what don't worry." Louis mumbled as he started to walk over to the break room.
"No wait Louis! I promise I won't call you weird or crazy!" Zayn called after him making Louis stop and turn to face him.
"Okay, here goes nothing."
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