+ live stream links for final episode
Here are the streaming links for tonight's episode!
Mwave Special Live Stream: http://mwave.interest.me/en/mnettv/videodetail.m?searchVideoDetailVO.clip_id=180480
Skpb K-music Streaming Site: http://skpblive.blogspot.com.au/2016/10/live-stream-dailymotion.html?m=1
Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5l1vgp_e_tv
AQ Stream: https://aqstream.com/mnet/Mnet
I have in-line commented each of the links so it's easier to copy-and-paste them. Let's all hope the stream links work fine today though, since a lot more people will stream for tonight's episode for sure, but hopefully it won't lag too much..
Forgot to add sorry! -- The broadcast starts like usual @ 11PM KST
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