Author's Note
Dear reader, you may be looking at this last chapter in some confusion. You may be saying to yourself: "I've definitely read beyond this, in fact, I'm 95% sure there are WAY more chapters in Prodigal than this."
And you would be right. But also wrong.
This book is a beast. Well, was a beast. In the throes of writing the ending (yes, I am THERE, believe it or not), I was doing my thing where I was sourcing everything from prior books, etc., and I said to myself: This is insane. You are insane.
Now, that assertion in and of itself is not entirely out of the ordinary, but the why– i.e. the sheer volume of chapters I had to scroll through in Prodigal to get to various things of note–was. And I allowed myself a brief moment to ask: had I known how enormous this whale of a book would be, would I have kept it as one book?
So here we are. Ten weeks of nail-biting, title-brainstorming, cover-drawing, chapter-organizing later, I am pulling the trigger on this and committing. This is not a trilogy, but a tetralogy.
I've got to tell you, the hardest part of this was finding another P-noun title that made sense.
Here is the plan: 53 chapters are already pre-loaded into the new book. At least one will go out every week. Three chapters will be up once this goes live to give us a head start. While 90% of what is being posted of the 53 will be content you have read before, I am using this as an opportunity to tweak and refine based on the ending, so there may be some changes. I'll try to call out anything major in the chapter notes.
Alright, let's go!
Some personal thank yous:
Arzoelyn - You are the best. ❤️ Anyone who hasn't checked out her Key of the Prophecy series yet, run, not walk, right now to her page and binge it.
ssmith314 - My other package deal + constant reader. If you haven't read the Lost Queen series at this point, what are you doing?
My constant readers - A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has stuck with me this far.
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