Appendix: Characters
Don't read this until you have completed the book.
The Seven
ALLAYRIA AKALIA - /all-aR-E-ah • ah-k-awl-E-ah/
Status: Alive
Age: 20
Skill: Nature, Smith, Beast, and Spirit | Paragon
Nationality: Keesark
Height/body frame: Tall, solid
Eye color: Black
Hair: Black, straight
Skin tone: Ashen
Notable attributes: Scarring (sternum)
LEI CHAUDRI - /l-AY • ch-aw-d-ry/
Status: Alive
Age: 20
Skill: Nature
Nationality: Jarles / Halften
Height/body frame: Medium-tall, slim but muscular
Eye color: A cool brown
Hair: Black, short, straight
Skin tone: Pale
Notable attributes: Intensive scarring (back), Orphan
HIRAN BAULIEU - /H-ir-AN • ball-E-U/
Status: Alive
Age: 26
Skill: Nature
Nationality: Solveig
Height/body frame: Tall, muscular
Eye color: Hazel
Hair: Golden, wavy
Skin tone: Fair
Notable attributes: Handsome
FAE URILONG - /f-A-ye • err-E-long/
Status: Alive, Kicking Ass
Age: 21
Skill: Archery | Knives | Beheading
Nationality: Keesark
Height/body frame: Medium, slight
Eye color: Green
Hair: Brown, wavy
Skin tone: Nude
CAJ - /K-AH-jeh/
Status: Alive, Traumatized
Age: 20
Skill: Smith | Broadsword
Nationality: Halften
Height/body frame: Medium-small
Eye color: Green
Hair: Black, curly
Skin tone: Brown
FINN - /f-INN/
Status: DEAD ;(
Age: 16
Skill: Beast | Body Controller
Nationality: Keesark
Height/body frame: Very small, skinny
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin tone: Pale
TARA LEAFT - /ta-R-A • l-EE-ft/
Status: Alive
Age: 20
Skill: Beast | Hawk
Nationality: Roften
Height/body frame: Medium, sinewy
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Blond
Skin tone: Tan
The Cabal
BEN - /be-N/
Status: Alive, kinda nuts
Age: 20
Skill: Hand-to-hand combat | Knives | Ruining lives
Nationality: Solveig
Height/body frame: Medium, medium-build
Eye color: Blue/gray
Hair: Brown, short, straight
Skin tone: Pale-tan
Notable attributes: Total lack of self awareness
MEG - /meg/
Status: DEAD
Age: 22
Skill: Nature | Quadrupedal Skill (Feet)
Nationality: Solveig
H: Short, finer-boned but muscular
Eye color: Hazel
Hair: Black, short (pixie), wavy-straight
Skin tone: Dark
Notable attributes: Missing right arm
IAVES - /I-ahyv-s/
Status: Alive
Age: 22
Skill: Beast | Wolf (Rex, deceased)
Nationality: Keesark
Height/body frame: Tall, reedy but muscular
Eye color: Green
Hair: Black, long, straight-ish
Skin tone: Tan
KENO - /kE-no/
Status: Still kickin'
Age: 24
Skill: Stealing | Letter writing
Nationality: Keesark
Height/body frame: Medium, slim
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Black, medium, wavy
Skin tone: Pale
Notable attributes: Long fingers and a wide smile
Other Foes
ISATI CHAUDRI - /is-aw-t-EE • ch-aw-d-ry/
Status: DEAD
Age: 21
Skill: Smith | Also, beheading
Nationality: Jarles
Height/body frame: Medium-tall, fit
Eye color: Tawny brown
Hair: Bald
Skin tone: Pale
Notable attributes: Metal staples up the back of the neck to the center of the head, rods sutured alongside temples, piercings along cartilage of ears and below bottom lip. Also, insane.
DYNAST QUI WREN - /die-NAST • k-I • re-N/
Status: DEAD
Age: 39
Skill: Nature
Nationality: Halften
Height/body frame: Medium, frail
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Black streaked with gray
Skin tone: Tan
Notable attributes: Glasses, bad knees
IMPERATOR ABADI CHAUDRI - /imp-er-A-tor • Ab-aud-E • ch-aw-d-ry/
Status: DEAD
Age: 44
Skill: Smith
Nationality: Jarles
Height/body frame: Tall, built
Eye color: Gray
Hair: Black
Skin tone: Tan
Notable attributes: Installed metal rods
KING HAI SOFO - /k-E-ng • h-I • so-fo/
Status: DEAD
Age: 89
Skill: Former acrobat
Nationality: Keesark
Height/body frame: Small, frail
Eye color: Icy blue
Hair: Gray/white, wispy
Skin tone: Pale, liver-spotted
Notable attributes: Stooped, surprisingly flexible
CHIEFTAINESS AREN DOST - /ch-E-f-tain-ess. • R-en • dost/
Status: Headless (DEAD)
Age: 49
Skill: Beast | Panther (Jasper, deceased)
Nationality: Roften
Height/body frame: Medium, stocky
Eye color: Brown
Hair: Gray
Skin tone: Dark tan
Notable attributes: Tattoos all over body, injured right hand
HIGH KING RASTIEL (RAST) FEUILLES - /h-I • k-E-ng • rast-yr-elle • (rast) • f-i-ells/
Status: Somehow alive
Age: 55
Skill: Nature
Nationality: Solveig
Height/body frame: Tall, medium build
Eye color: Green
Hair: White/blond, long, straight
Skin tone: Pale
Notable attributes: Long, pointed nose; ragged scar on left cheek
RUBEN - /rue • be-N/
Status: DEAD
Age: 57
Skill: Nature
Nationality: Solveig
Height/body frame: Medium, stout
Eye color: Blue
Hair: Gray/black, medium, wavy
Skin tone: Tan/pale
Notable attributes: Quite the beard
COMMANDER BEINSHO - /comm-AND-er • b-E-in-show/
Status: DEAD
Age: 45
Skill: Broadsword
Nationality: Halften
Height/body frame: Tall, broad
Eye color: Green
Hair: Black
Skin tone: Tan
Notable attributes: Well-defined sideburns; facial hair; toasty
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