-Keep the smoochy woochie dooderino at a PG14 level
-don't be an all powerful god with 2837728 powers, 1.I cant remember them, 2.Too OP characters kinda annoy me
-Don't have too many characters that you use a lot, theres no specific limit, just don't
-Don't do anything too extreme to other's characters without permission, like "And then Snape ripped out James heart and wore it as a hat"((actually I'd pay money to see that))
-Don't copy other's characters, IK that rule is kind of stupid but it bothers me when people do it to me sooo
I might add more rules later, and I'll adda cover at some point
The way this works is that each chapter is a different rp, and you rp through comment sections (typically chains). If you want to join one or create one, just ask.
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