So my mortal dad came to my volleyball practice (which I just came back from) and when I was on a bench, this blonde, buzz-cut guy came up to us with his blonde mohawk friend.
Buzz-cut Guy: Hey, remember me?
Me: Um...
Mohawk friend: Aw, dude!
Me: Art? Duct tape camp? (Me guessing where I met him)
Dad: Soccer?
Mohawk friend: It's Joey!
Me: Oh! I remember now! Yeah!
Buzz-cut Guy: Yeah, sorry, I forgot your name.
Me: I forgot your's so *shrugs* It's Mikalee.
Buzz-cut Guy: Mikalee?
Me: Oh yeah! You probably know me as Mickey. (Nick name)
Buzz-cut Guy: Oh yeah.
Mohawk friend: Wait, what?
Me: Mickey.
Mohawk friend: Dude, Nickey or Mickey?
Me: *sings* M-I-C-K-E-Y
Mohawk friend: Oh.
Buzz-cut guy: M-I-U-S-E
Me: *laughs* Dude, you spelt "mouse" wrong.
Buzz-cut guy: Ha! M-O-U-S-E
Mohawk friend: *laughs*
That's all I can recall, I had to go to my team soon after that. I still don't know, Was. He. Flirting? (Seriously, I'm asking you to comment the answer.)
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