Jealous Girlfriend
Before in Problematic 2 : Boboiboy
"Hahaahahha! It was just a joke! Hahahaha why you took it so serious fang!" I laugh and some of our team start laughing.
"Its not funny boboiboy! " i look into his eyes i smiled. He starts to laugh.
That was the first time in so long we actually laugh at each other.
Ling's pov.
I walk in and saw fang laughing really hard with boboiboy. His hands around Boboiboy's shoulder.
Is boboiboy taking fang away from me? This can't be done.
Boboiboy's POV.
Me and fang is getting closer by day! I like it! He can easily talk to me now.
"Boboiboy! Wanna some drinks? I want to go to the vending machine. Toooooo thirsty!" I saw fang walking out the hall door.
"Yeah!" I ran to him and went to the machine.
"What drink do you want?" Fang putting in his money.
"Urmm.. maybe some carrot juice?" I smiled at him.
He gave me a shock face and he smiled back at me and took two juice.
I took a sip and i was shock i look at him.
"What's wrong?" Fang ask me
"Now i know why you like it! Its really nice!" I was happy knowing what he likes and likes what he like.
"Ikr!" He comes near me and start laughing.
I look at him. I smile. Fang I'm happy you are happy.
"Hey! Boboiboy do you have anything to do after this?" Fang ask me. I blush.
"I don't think i have." I smile at him.
"Lets eat with yaya gopal and ying. We haven't celebrate you coming back." He told me that i became so happy.
As i agree, i saw Fang's girlfriend.
"Hey.. i need to go.." fang walks to the girlfriend.
"Sure." I didn't want to look so i went in the hall.
Fang's POV
I walk to my girlfriend. She doesn't look that happy.
"Fang.. what are you doing with that boy?" She looks at me with mad eyes.
"What's wrong with him?" I ask.
"He is your ex. Why are you talking to him!?" She start raising her voice. I couldn't listen to her disrespecting me.
"Are you shouting at me?"
Her face went pale when i ask that question.
"No.. no.. it's just that he is your ex.. i don't want you to get close to him!" She holds my hand.
I took my hand away.
"Listen here.. he is my friend even though we are ex. Being friends is enough. If i would want to do anything with him why the hell i would be with you and tell everyone we are together? He practically knows you and i are together!" I look straight on her face.
" And plus if it upsets you about me being with my ex as friends that just means our relationship is to fragile to last!"
"No i don't mean it that way."
"You do not even believe in me. Where's your faith in this relationship? You making it sound we aren't even together. I believe in you. And where is yours."
I walk away and i know She starts to tear up.
We just need that alone time from each other.
Boboiboy's pov.
Everyone packing up. I sat down on the floor. It bugs me about fang. I stretch out my feet. I look down to my feet.
"ITS FINISH! THE COSTUME!" After i heard that jump and stand i saw fang approaching me.
Omg no.. my man hood.. RIP to my manhood!
"Fang try this!" The girl who did the costume gave to him.
"Okay i will" he change in front of everybody.
"Boboiboy! Come!!" One of the girls took my hand and brought me to change.
Fang's pov.
After wearing my costume. It looks really good. The costume potrays the prince.
Then i saw all the girls looking at me. They are all blushing... why?
The leader look at me and was stun.
"Fang you actually look really handsome." Said the leader.
"What..? No lah..." i feel embarrassed.
I look around where's boboiboy?
"Boboiboy is coming!" One of the girl ran back to the hall look really nervous.
Everyone concentrate on the door waiting for boboiboy to come in.
Then i saw a feet walking in. I blush so hard and close my mouth.
I was shock looking at how cute boboiboy look in that costume.. and he is wearing a black wig hair.
He was blushing so hard he can't even open his eyes.
"Omg boboiboy you look like a girl!"
"No I'm not.." he opens his eyes and blush even harder that he is going red. He looks at me. He close his mouth too.
Then boboiboy came near me. I took out my hand.
"My princess.." i said that word he took my hand.
Then everyone squeal! And some of the boys was actually blushing.
"Its only a gimic for our play." I told everyone to cover.
"Yeah nice it will be good for our play." Our leader blush. And came to boboiboy. "You actually look really good. And cute too."
When i heard that my blood rise till my head. I feel like killing the guy.
Boboiboy was blushing and looking down the floor. "No.. i don't i feel stupid"
"No you don't boy." He short Boboiboy's name as i called him before.
He look at our leader and blush with a shock in his face.
No.. he will fall for the guy.. no.. im loosing boboiboy.
To be continue..
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