a goodbye
Before in Problematic 2
"Hey Fang listen to me." He looks at me. As his height did not change that much. He is still shorter then me. "I came back for you too you know. I mis-"
"Don't fucking continue i don't want to listen to your nonsense." Then i saw ling walking down alone. "I need to meet my girlfriend."
He had a shock in his face as if he wants to cry.
"Wait fang.." i walk to ling. And greet her and walked away.
"Bye." I said no more.
Boboiboy POV
As he said that it gave me a slap on my face. And i was kindda down.
"Hey Boboiboy its okay he is just hurt." Yaya comfort me.
As i arrived home. I look at my room. I remembered the time we shared here. I sat down on the bed and lie down on my bed.
After accident i was in a coma for a month as the doctor put me under. Due to the fractures i went through at my stomach. My right kidney and my stomach got hitting as my mother's cars crash. Me and my mother's driver were safe only i got worse cause the trailer truck was losing control and hit my side of the car that i was sitting.
And the day i woke up eveyone in my family were there. But i wanted to meet fang. So i ask my mother to bring them here.
Then a day before they came i heard from a doctor telling that i might not survive this. Due to the riped part on my kidney till my stomach.
At that time i lose in hope.
The day they came i saw Fang and the others come greeting me. I was trying my best to keep on smiling until fang and me were alone.
Flash back.
"Boboiboy.. i miss you.." he hugs me.
"I know.." i could feel he is always crying but this time he is making his best so he would make me happy.
I look at him. I thought of what the doctor told me.
"Fang.." i look down on the bed sheets that is covering my feet from the cold of the room.
"Yes.." he pulls to look at me.
"You can let go of me.." i look at him. "Let's breakup.."
"Wait... why are you saying this? " i look at him.
"I'm not in love with you anymore..." it hurt while saying this. But at least when i die he wont be so sad he might get someone better then me. "Go find a girl. A decent want."
He looks at me and i push him from hugging me. His hands when off from me. He gave me a very sad face.
"Who are you kidding? We aren't not even a loud to be together man.. we are both boys.. hahaha." Wait what am i saying i must stop he will cry.. "Let's break this off for good. It seems I'm not ever coming back to Pulau rintih anymore."
He stood up and look away giving me a drop of his tears and he ran away.
"Fang..."i reach my hand out to him. He went running out from the room. i curled down in the bed and cried. Then i haven't meet him at all.
After that happen i got worse and worse. But i had one light for me to live. My sickness got better and i can start walking like normal. How it happened it was a miracle.
But I've told fang i will not come back. So i told myself to start a new life. And never to come back here. My ego were to big.
My mother told me i need to stay for check ups until its totally cure. So i took the chances to stay.
Trying middle school here was different and difficult to the max. Poeple bully you a lot. I rarely use my power until i really need to use it. I didn't care about the criminals any more. Till news ask where am i. I use my other name. So people wont know me.
And i tried to get love. As days come i miss fang more and more.
But i couldn't even thought i have a girlfriend i still couldn't forget him my heart is still running back to him.
I even tried boys. It still didn't help. It gave a worse impact.
Every time I'm feeling sad or down my stomach will have this pain sensation so bad that i fall on the ground. I've checked the doctor's for this problem. He said is not life threatening its just that when ever i get tense my body react to it especially the pain parts.
Then my mother told me i need to go back to Tok Aba and stay in Pulau Rintih. I couldn't do anything but agree. I didn't have any courage to meet him after doing that.
After 4 years i come back, and I'm not shock he has already someone else. Cause i left him after 4years and without any contact, no calls or text to even apologise. My ego was to big.. to big over Fang's love.
I miss him.. help me..
I cried and went to sleep.
Fang's POV
"So what do you want to do Ling?" I ask ling.
"Maybe.. maybee we can go drink at Tok Aba store? I like thr hot choco there its delicious." She smiled while coming close to me.
When she said about Tok Aba store i kept quiet suddenly remember that boy.
But I'll just follow what she wants. I agree and we walk to Tok Aba's store.
"Fang?! Its been a while!" Ocobot came to me.
"Hello Ocobot! Sorry i rarely come you know why." Ocobot looks at me at pats.
"Its okay. So what do you want? " ocobot taking our order.
"Special for the lady and one hot cocoa for me. Tq ocobot." As i ordered ocobot reaction change on his monitor and he agree. I look at ling she is blushing.
"Sorry.." she cover her mouth and look away.
Man.. she is embarrassed? Well just appreciate then i could do.
"So.." i took her chin slowly to me. "How was your day?"
She turn and look at me she blushed even more. She started blinking.
"Well.. today was.." she started telling her story. Quite long but it's okay i just listen. I think on 20% of her story when in which i don't understand.
After we spend time she said she wants to go back. I told her i need to take some more of the cocoa and then i will go back.
"I love you fang."
"Me too.." i still couldn't say love to other people.
She walks away with a blush.
"Ahh.." i sigh.. i can't fall for this girl why? She is the most popular student in the school. One of the most unique student half chinese half pan asian. I still can't fall for her. All the boys that i know are like drooling over her.
Maybe i will adapt? Maybe not?
"Fang.. can i ask you something?" Ocobot came near me.
"Yes ocobot.." i smile to him.
"Are you really in love with the girl?"
"Why are you asking this ocobot?"
"It seems she really likes you. And i known you long enough i know how you feel towards her."
"Really ocobot?"
"You will hurt her when u realises it. And i know you are only lonely."
He said right on the dart. it was absolutely right.
"Well ocobot tq for the advice. I need to go do errands meet you some other time." I stood up gave him money.
"Fang, i know you. You can't forget him." He pats on me. "You will lose."
I was shocked to his statement and ran off.
I've told myself to cut myself from him. I wont remember him at all! Fuck everything.
then i remembered what ocobot said.
"You will lose."
My mind told me off. And i stood at the side of the road.
To be continue..
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