And then the door opened again, catching all of their attention.
There was the sound of footsteps shuffling slowly through the laundry room, the kitchen, and then a boy appeared in the living room, holding a backpack strap in each hand.
"You're late." Holden growled and the boys head shot up from where he had been looking down.
His mouth opened, but then his cat-like eyes saw Namjoon and he froze, no sound coming out.
"Hurry up, get to your room." The man ordered, while the woman didn't even pay any attention to the boy, turning back to admire Namjoon. "I put your dinner in there already, so don't come down and bother us. You got homework?"
"Yes, sir." The boy mumbled so softly, Namjoon strained to hear him.
"Then get started on it." Holden ordered. "And you had better not get any wrong."
The boy winced, quickly hurrying to the stairs. He paused just briefly, looking over his shoulder at Namjoon.
He looked worried...and very, very sad.
Turning away, the boy hurried up the steps, and a moment later they all heard a door shut.
"Thanks for getting him out of the way for us, baby." The woman hummed, grabbing her lovers jaw to pull him in for another kiss.
"Tonight is all about us." Holden confirmed, grabbing her.
Namjoon tried to tune them out, staring up at the steps to where the boy had gone.
He wasn't sure who that had been, or what his role in all of this was, but he knew for sure that he wanted to learn more about the sad boy who just might his one shot at getting out of here.
Namjoon winced as he was jostled inside the cage as the man set him down- to his great discomfort- right in the middle of the dinner table.
The food was served all around him in bowls and on plates and platters, and he felt like a living centerpiece.
The man and woman took seats at the table, as if nothing was out of the ordinary about any of this.
"I still can't believe you did all of this for me, Holden." She gushed, serving some of the food onto her plate. "I love you so much, baby."
"Anything for my girl." Holden stated proudly, helping himself.
Namjoon eyed the food. Partly so that he wouldn't have to look at them, and partly because he was starving.
It looked and smelled good- chicken and sauces and mashed potatoes and some kind of pasta thing. Behind him he could hear the soft gurgle of a chocolate fountain, surrounded by slices of fruit, cake and bacon.
He curled in on himself a little more, hoping to conceal any noises his stomach may make, as he didn't want these people's attention on him for anything.
He stared at a bowl of gravy, listening to the couple talk and kiss and laugh, trying to imagine himself anywhere else.
"I want to feed him." The female's voice suddenly said, and Namjoon's heartrate shot up, lifting his head to stare with wide eyes.
Holden frowned. "Mm, I dunno. I don't trust him enough yet to let him out."
"It's my present." She glared, and Namjoon cringed at 'it'.
"Vylette, we're sharing him." Holden said. "And I don't want him to escape before we get to use him."
She pouted, stomping her foot under the table. "You're going to keep him all to yourself! Just like you did to the last one!"
The last one? Namjoon wasn't the first one they had taken and used? What had happened to the last person who had been in this cage? Did they escape?
Holden sighed. "Alright, fine. You can give it a few bites. But none of the dessert, I don't want him getting fat."
She squealed happily as Holden stood up, pulling a small key out from his pocket. He inserted it into the heavy padlock and twisted it. The lock clicked and fell open, the door swinging open just slightly.
Namjoon's heart pounded, torn between wanting to make a run for it and knowing he shouldn't.
Vylette moved some dishes out of the way so that the door could open fully on the table.
"Come on, out." Holden snapped his fingers, as if Namjoon was a dog. "My girl wants to give you a gift, so don't fuck this up and try anything stupid."
Namjoon hesitated for a brief second, before leaning forward until his hands touched the bottom of the cage, and he slowly crawled out. It was hard to do with his bound wrists, and the metal dug painfully into his knees and palms.
He sat criss cross on the table, feeling horribly exposed in the lingerie, especially with the way they were both staring intently at him. He sat still, hardly daring to breathe, as he waited for them to realize he wasn't going to fight them or try to run.
"Wow," Vylette commented with a smirk, watching as the boy hung his head. "He's a lot more submissive in real life than he is online. I always thought he was kinda dominant, but now I can see he's just a little bitch."
Holden grinned. "Even better. I was going to have fun breaking him in, but now I can just enjoy the way he won't dare say no to me."
Namjoon hated the way they were talking about him, like he wasn't even in the same room as them, but there was no way he could stop them.
At least, not right now.
Vylette turned to her plate and scooped up some of the pasta, holding it out to him on her fork.
Namjoon smelled it first, and then lifted his head slightly to see the food being offered to him. He didn't really want to eat off a utensil that had been in another person's mouth, but one quick side glance at Holden made him quickly part his lips, accepting the bite of food as she pushed it into his mouth.
She cooed as she prepared him another bite. "He's so cute, can he sleep with us tonight baby?"
Namjoon absolutely did not want to share a bed with this insane couple, but he knew they weren't going to ask for his opinion on the matter. He silently opened his mouth as she gave him some chicken.
"We'll see." Holden hummed, shooting Namjoon a look. "Depends on how well he behaves."
Their conversation amazingly turned away from him as they began talking about the house, their jobs and other people, and Namjoon let his mind wander back to the boy. Was he this couple's son? He had to be adopted, as he was Asian while the adults were white. Or was he another kid they had kidnapped and forced to live with them until he was so brainwashed that he didn't try to escape anymore?
Namjoon wanted to look behind him to the stairs, knowing the boy was somewhere in his room over there, but he didn't want to risk getting these people angry. Maybe tonight he could sneak away and talk to the boy. Maybe he knew a way out of the house.
The couple finished eating, with the girl giving him a few chocolate covered strawberries when Holden had turned to put the dishes away, and while Namjoon had despised the way he had been treated, he was reluctantly grateful they had given him something to eat, even though he was still hungry.
"Dessert time." Holden said as he returned to the table, helping Vylette stand. "How about you head up to the room and get ready for us, hmm?"
"Okay," she giggled, kissing him and then turning to flaunt up the stairs.
Holden turned to Namjoon, his smile dropping into a glare.
"Listen up, pet," he hissed, grabbing a handful of Namjoon's hair, yanking his head back painfully to expose his neck, holding a steak knife up to the tanned skin. "You better make this a perfect night for my girl, understand? I'll be real pissed off if you don't. Do whatever she wants without any arguing or hesitation, or else."
Namjoon winced, nodding fearfully as the sharp blade pressed against his neck.
Holden kept it there for a moment, before pulling it away.
"Good. You might actually last."
Namjoon didn't want to think about what that implied.
Holden grabbed him, lifting him off the table, and Namjoon found himself being carried by the strong man again as he headed up the stairs to the bedroom.
Vylette was already on the bed, stripped down to just her bra and panties, with a few toys scattered around the duvet. Chains, a few different kinds of vibrators, a blindfold, a large plug and a spreader bar.
Namjoon's heart pounded as Holden set him down on the end of the bed, wrapping his tied arms around his drawn up legs. He had known for a while that this was all leading up to sex, but that didn't make him any more ready for it. At the very least, he consoled himself that it would just be between him and the female- who he could try to pretend was his sexy date. Either she would ride him or he would fuck her- neither desirable under these forced circumstances, but still better than being flat out raped by the male.
Thinking this, he had managed to calm himself down slightly. Maybe they would even let him go after this. Or maybe, if he was terrible at pleasing her, the man would get angry and shove him outside, where he could run far, far away from this house and the fucked up adults in it.
"What do you want tonight, baby?" Holden hummed, rubbing her thigh as he leaned down to kiss her.
"Mm, you know I've always loved his pretty mouth. I want him to eat me out." She said, as if she was ordering off a menu.
Namjoon was a little disgusted at this, as he didn't want to put his mouth on a strangers genitals, but at least she seemed like she maintained good personal hygiene, and it was better than having to put his cock inside her. He had no idea of their sexual histories- what if one or both of them had an STD? As stupid as it was, Namjoon thought about how his stream would suffer if he caught an STD-
His stream!
He had been live when he had been kidnapped- thousands of people had witnessed a man break into his house, drug him, tie him up and carry him away! Surely most of them had realized it wasn't a stunt, or a consensual non consent roleplay, especially since the feed would still be live now, unless his battery had died. Some people would have called the police, and maybe some of those people were people who lived around Namjoon's area. Maybe the police were already investigating the case, maybe they had even tracked him down to this house and would break in at any moment.
He had to just stay alive as long as possible. He had high hopes that the police would be here soon, he just had to last until they got here.
Filled with new hope, he looked up, seeing the couple break apart from their messy kiss.
"Okay baby, whatever you want." Holden pulled out a switchblade from his pocket and climbed onto the bed, beside Namjoon. He took the boys tied hands, cutting through the rope and discarding it.
"Remember our talk, boy." He whispered, and Namjoon gave him a stiff nod.
He was a little confused when Holden picked up the chains, until he realized the man was making sure Namjoon couldn't escape by switching out the rope for something impossible to break out of.
"Hands behind your back." The man ordered, and Namjoon held back a sigh, obediently placing his wrists together at the base of his spine. Holden locked the two cuffs around them, tightening them until Namjoon winced. He gave an experimental tug to see how far apart he could separate his hands, and discovered it was only about half an inch.
"I want to put this on him." Vylette said eagerly, grabbing the blindfold.
Namjoon leaned back quickly on instinct, not wanting to have his vision taken away, but he backed up right into Holden's strong arms, and the man held him still.
The black fabric was draped over his eyes and tied behind his head, over his hair.
Namjoon's heart started to pound again, and he had to keep reminding himself that the police might show up at any minute, he just had to do as these people wanted until he was rescued.
He heard shuffling on the bed, felt the mattress shift as the two people moved, and let out a soft gasp of surprise when a hand on his back pushed him down. He had been sitting on his shins, and now was leaning so far down that he could sense the mattress a centimeter away from his face. He was glad he was so flexible, or this would be killing his lower back.
"No biting," the man warned him, and then the hand left his back.
Namjoon stayed in that position, knowing he would just get shoved back down if he tried to straighten up, and tensed when he felt fingers curl into his hair, tugging him down further. Judging by the sharp nails brushing his head, he assumed the female was the one to now have a hold of him.
He knew she was right in front of him, he could smell her perfume. She must be laying on her back, her legs spread wide open on either side of him. Which meant...
Namjoon had eaten girls out a few times in the past, ex girlfriends and one night stands, but this was different. He had no idea what this woman liked and disliked, and he knew fucking up would have consequences. Plus the fact her boyfriend was watching him intently, armed with a sharp blade didn't ease his anxiety at all either.
"What are you waiting for?" Holden barked, startling Namjoon. "Down!"
Namjoon cringed- he really was just a whore to these people- but reminded himself he didn't have a choice in this, and lowered his head.
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