Full Name:
Samantha Gold
Sam- She prefers to be called Sam, she doesn't enjoy her full name
Bug - No one in her family is sure how she got that nickname, but that's what all of her family calls her
June Bug- Another version of Bug, her birthday is in June for her family all calls her June bug.
Beetle Baby- One of her many nicknames given to her by Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo. Seeing as she's the youngest of the four, the baby, and everyone else calls her bug. They typically call her that to annoy her
The Archer- Given to her by Technoblade. The Archer and the Blade. It's because of her excellent aim with bows. She almost never misses her targets. She can be chasing someone and still hit them.
Buggo- A name given to her by Tommy just so he can says he's joined by Buggo and Tubbo. That's literally the only reason
Lemon- She doesn't remember to origins of this. But it's another one by Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy. It's possible because it's known that she takes a shot of lemon juice before every stream.
Little Will- Given to her first by Dream when he was still learning her name and many people on the SMP call her that, seeing as she is Wilbur's little sister.
Minecraft username:
Twitch/Youtube username:
" Welcome back guys, girls, gays and gamers! Today is another great day for a stream!"
"Well that's all for today my little bugs! See you all next time! Stay gaming!"
June 14
She's a generally a really sweet person. She's easily scared, and cares a lot about her friends and family. She isn't one for violence in real life. However. She is a good actress. In the smp, she's cold and is loyal mainly to wilbur. She doesn't take commands from anyone unless they have leverage over her.
She's fairly short, around 5'3. She has short and curly light brown hair, similar to Wills hair. She has a gentle jawline and soft brown eyes. She has a lot of freckles and a few acne scars around her face. She is pretty skinny as well, not having much in the way of hips or a waist. She has a small nose sat in the middle of her face as well.
She wears a lot of button ups and sweaters. She typically wears jeans as well as beanies. She likes to steal her style from her brother. But she also wears tall platform shoes to make herself taller in public.
She's good at building and fighting in minecraft
She is insanely good at baking and cooking and always gives treats to tommy and tubbo when she sees them.
She took dancing lessons since she was younger until she was about 14, so she's really good at dancing, but in her own style
Something she doesn't like when people know is that she speaks fluent russian, self-taught, though a lot of people know
She also doesn't like it when people learned she does poetry. Only wilbur and tubbo know, because they've gone to her poetry slams.
A hognose snake named Buddy

A cat named Tigger

Relationships with people:
Wilbur- He's her older brother. They get along really well. They game together frequently and act like siblings. He is pretty protective over her and tends to make sure she's safe. He can get in her nerves sometimes, but she loves him. She also loves playing games with him.
Tommy- He's like her brother. They aren't that far apart in age, though he sometimes pulls the respect your elders card. They constantly pull pranks on each other, in fact they have a Minecraft realm, along with Tubbo and Ranboo, where they all just cause mischief. They're so close, they're truly best friends.
Tubbo- He's also like her brother. He lives closer to her, so they see each other more often than she sees tommy. They hang out a lot with each other, but their friendship is a little more chill than her and tommy's. But when all three are together. It gets crazy.
Ranboo- They aren't as close as she is with the other two, but they are good friends. They have never met in person, but he's one of those friends where they can talk for hours on end about whatever. He's kind of her shoulder to cry on. But they also flirt a bit, but it's all fun and games. It's not actually flirting. Just the play flirting. They do want to eventually meet in person.
Technoblade- He's her Minecraft mentor. She knows how to play of course. But he gives her tips and tricks. He also taught her how to get better at combat because she used to suck. They don't play a whole lot of other games together, but they text back and fourth some.
Dream- They get along pretty well. I mean, she doesn't get along with him in the smp, but that's what the script is. In real life they talk while playing their own games. They don't do it all the time, but because they both have A d h d, they understand each other's fast minds. So sometimes they also help each other improve their fast minecraft strategies.
She has none. The only few that are in her age range are like her brothers or are very close to her. So no crush on any of the minecraft boys. None.
She does have a boyfriend. His name is Quin. However, he's a piece of shit. He manipulates her and in some cases yells at her for playing games with Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo. Basically he only comes into play if we want angst or if we want either tommy, Tubbo or wilbur to cheer her up once they break up. Also, Tubbo would've warned her about quin, but didn't tell her why so she didn't listen.
Her Role in the SMP:
We're starting after Wilbur destroyed Lmanburg.
She wasn't exiled from the SMP yet, but she went kind of rogue on her own. She left the smp and built a base there, having a farm and everything. She did go back to the smp a few times, having a bridge in the nether from her portal to the smp portal. Then one day, after technos attempted execution and Tommy's exile, she walked into the smp, decked in all heavy enchanted netherite. She pulled the ultimate move and took Tubbo hostage. Ranboo and eret tried to free him, but that resulted in a cannon death for Tubbo and almost one for Ranboo. But she was stopped. Someone had contacted dream and there he was standing in front of her, with a weapon of technos that he got from someone. She agreed to go into exile but on the terms that he never ever came and visited her unless he had a death wish.
She started helping Tommy and techno more, also hanging out with her brother and trying to figure out if she could get his memory back because he didn't remember anything before he died and he forgot all the bad things that happened. He forgot multiple times that she was in exile. That of course didn't stop her from going to the smp to get her potions and weapons from her hidden storage. One day, wilbur stopped visiting her. At first she thought nothing of it. She just kept training and building up her arsenal, working with techno to upgrade defense and weapons. Until she got a letter. Wilbur was being held hostage by dream and he demanded to see her.
He had found out about her visits to the smp. He also found out that she had caused another death in the smp. So, he was offering her a trade. It was simple. Wilbur's freedom from a steam chamber, which hadn't turned on yet, for her being pulled out of exile and welcomed back into the smp on the simple conditions that she kill anyone she sees that she knows cannot be there. No bargaining. And if she caused anyone else a cannon death she would be executed.
She took the deal, regretfully because she felt she was betraying her friends, but she had to protect wilbur. If she hadn't taken the deal, he wouldve been tortured. So, she left a note at her house to Tommy and Techno telling them to be careful when they go back. She told them her patrol route and where she would most likely be. She became a dream drone.
That brings us to the hostage situation with conner. She was with Tubbo, talking when Ranboo came up. They ushered her to the nether portal, knowing that she would kill techno and tommy if she knew they were there. So she waited by the nether portal. Until dream came through. He confronted her about the hostage situation. She said she knew nothing, then techno and tommy appeared right there. Let's just say. Tommy and techno weren't super happy with the girl in front of them.
"Tommy. Technoblade. I can't help you anymore. Dream. Do I shoot?" She asked simply as she loaded her crossbow. Dream in shirt, told her no and tommy and techno got away. But she followed them. And that ended with Wilbur confronting her when she got to her old exile base.
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