Killua didn't really know how he got into this predicament, but all he knew was that he had no idea where the hell he was and that there were police officers with guns aiming at him from all sides. A bloody mess below his feet, some poor woman who'd been murdered. "Put your hands behind your head and stay where you are!" One of them barked. Killua placed his hands behind his head like he always did, rolling his eyes. "Why are you pointing guns at me?" One of the officers frowned, then gestured to the body. Killua blinked. "I didn't do that"
Another one of them scoffed. "You have blood on your clothing" Killua frowned, then glanced down. His eyes widened. There was blood on his shirt, and a good amount of it. He felt something sticky on the back of his neck, before realizing they were bloody as well. What the...fuck? I didn't kill her, why's there blood on me? Suddenly his hands got shoved behind his back and snapped into handcuffs, Killua was too confused and disorientated to really care though. What...?
Killua was in a cell. It was cold, damp, and dark. He was in a prison. This is bullshit. He thought he'd play along until he knew where he was though, couldn't be that hard right?
"Name, age, birthplace, and crime" Some middle aged male said, sitting across from him in an interrogation type room. Killua sighed. "Killua, 13, Japon, and murder" The detective spit out his coffee as he was taking a long sip. "I-I'm sorry, I think something's up with my ears-" Killua chuckled, then placed his elbows on the table with a smile. "13, committed murder. You heard that right" he cleared his throat, trying not to look unsettled. "Anyways, what was the motive?" Killua blinked, then shrugged. "I don't actually know" The interrogator frowned slightly. "I'm not following" Killua shrugged.
"I'm fairly certain I didn't do it, but the blood was on my hands. I honestly don't even remember what happened, just that all of a sudden I was standing over a body with guns pointed at me" The man frowned slightly. "if you didn't do it, why aren't you defending yourself?" Killua huffed, rolling his eyes. "Nobody would believe me anyways, what's the point?" The man frowned deeper. "You also don't seem very concerned that you're in a prison" Killua sighed. "I have no idea where the hell I am, thought I'd play along until I got some answers"
The man's eyes narrowed. " 'play along?' " Killua blinked. "I mean...I could just straight up walk out that door if I wanted to but until I know where I am there's really no point in that" The man chuckled, then leaned back in his chair and looked less nervous. "You have no idea what your talkin' about kid" Killua gave him a blank stare and he froze, frowning slightly again. "Listen here asshat, you're getting on my nerves acting like I'm some sort of foolish idiot" he huffed. "But you are. If you think you can just walk out of here without hinderance your delusional"
Killua stood up, scowling. "Watch me" The man put a hand on his hip, where his walkie talkie was. "You take a step towards that door and I'll call security" Killua glanced up, there was a vent. "No need" The man's eyes also went up, and he stiffened. Killua leapt onto the table in the blink of an eye, then latched onto the vent cover. "hey!" The man grabbed his legs, but it actually helped him unscrew the bolts with his fingers sharpened into fine points. "Thanks, see you outside!" He said, slipping from his grip and closing the vent behind him.
There was rapid footsteps and lots of shouting as he crawled through the vents, activating En and seeing guards all over the place. The vents were too small for an adult, but since he was a child slightly smaller than average it was easy enough for him to slip through. He located the nearest vent to the exit and went in that direction, then paused. He noticed a phone laying on a table through the vent cover, nobody else was in the room. He activated Zetsu and slipped out through the vent, grabbed it, then climbed back up and replaced it.
"Let's see..." he went to the browser and typed in. 'where am I?' then frowned slightly. Dashinu prison in Manassas Virginia? What's...Virginia? Was that supposed to be a continent? Or maybe a state, probably a state from how it was listed. A link for something called Google maps came up, he clicked on it because it was a map. He zoomed out more and more, trying to find something familiar. He let out a frustrated sigh when it stopped zooming out. "Damn it-" Killua clicked on the text box and typed in 'kukuroo mountain'. Nothing came up.
Killua frowned. He typed in a few other locations, teeth gritting as nothing came up. Fuck... He decided to look up his full name in the phone, then froze. 0 results. Everything else, was annoying. But that? That, was shocking. Suddenly, he got yanked out of the vent. Killua was too confused and utterly baffled to really care about the fact that he was caught. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now. "There you are you little-" The man blinked at his expression, then he glanced up. "Where the actual hell am I right now?" His arms were wrenched behind him by another two officers, then the phone was picked up.
He hummed as he checked the search history, then paused. "Killua...Zoldyck?" He froze, pupils dilating. The man paused, noticing his change. "Your last name is Zoldyck?" Shit. He had to leave, right that fucking moment. So, Killua flexed his hands and looked down. I'm sorry for this... "What are yo-" he stabbed each of his hands into the chests of the two guards who were holding him, and the man who'd been interrogating him froze. Killua slowly lifted his head, pulling his arms out. The bodies hit the floor with a sickening thud, the man's eyes wide and horrified as the phone fell from his grip. Killua slit his throat, eyes dark. "No witnesses..." After that, he brought his foot down on the phone and smashed through the wall. Killua ran, without looking back. Fuck...
1064 words
To be continued...
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