Talking [Chapter 4]
1st P.O.V.
Willow was really mad those next few days. She always kept me by her side and didn't want me to leave her. I was annoyed by it at first, but then I started to like it. It was currently about 8:00 when I got into her room to go to bed. She's been letting me wear some of her clothes at night. I sat down on the bed and stared at the wall for a bit. Eventually, Willow walked in, looking a bit mad. She held her forehead in her hands, and she sat on the bed.
"Willow? Willow, what's wrong?" I asked, standing up. She just shook her head. Setting the gun down on the end table, she went to go change her clothes. I looked away as she changed. Soon, she came over and laid down next to me. I rested down too and turned away from her. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt something wrap around my stomach. I opened my eyes and looked down at my waist. Willow's arms were wrapped tightly around me, as she leaned against me. I felt my face heat up quickly, as I tried to pull her arms off.
"No," she said, holding on tighter. I sighed and pulled the covers over us. I pushed my head into her soft jacket sleeves, trying to hug her back. My skin turned an embarrassing shade of pink as I went to sleep. I think I made a good choice by joining her. Maybe she likes me? I wasn't sure, but I hope I would find out soon.
The next morning, I awoke to Willow shaking me up. Slowly opening up my eyes, I adjusted to the sunlight shining in her room. My eyes wandered up to hers' sleepily. Willow gave me a bright smile and took my wrist again.
"Hey there, sleepyhead!" She said, patting my head. I smiled, embarrassed. Willow made me feel silly sometimes. She is less stressed in the morning, so we talked for a bit. We talked about what plans we had. I sat up in bed, and I looked over at her. Her eyes shined from the sunlight coming in through the window. I stared deep into them, as they shined with happiness. I smiled at her and sat on my knees on the bed. Staring at her for what felt like an eternity, her voice trailed off and became silent. She started at me back, as my face heated up. I looked away, down at the ground, trying not to be embarrassed. She put her hand on my shoulder, and I looked up at her, my face still red. She smiled at me, and my body shook with happiness, embarrassment, I tried to get myself out of this crush, but I couldn't. I kept rethinking the past few days that I had with her, and I just felt so in love. I started to let my mind wander. So much so, that I didn't notice her hand waving in front of my face.
"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)? You in there?" I blinked rapidly, and then looked back at her. I smiled a bit and tried to reassure her that I was just fine. Willow scooted closer to me, and I had my face turn a bright red. She put her hand on my back and pushed me to her.
"E-eh? Willow what are you doing," I said quietly, setting my hands on her shoulders. Getting even closer to me, her face was just inches from mine. I felt like the room was spinning around me, as I felt the bedsheets below me. Averting my eyes, I looked down at the bedsheets that were now crumpled in my hands. Our lips were almost touching but then...
"OOOOH GUYS WILLOW HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" Rash's voice called out from the doorway. We heard two sets of footsteps bolt over to the door. I whipped my head around, looking at Rash, Kitty, and Tigry all staring at us. Rash had a smug smile on his face, as he crossed his arms, looking quite proud of himself. Kitty had stars in her eyes as if she had just witnessed something heavenly. Tigry looked a little shook, but he was excited. Willow stood up quickly and glared at them, having a deep blush come over her face. I covered my eyes and made a squeak, feeling embarrassed. Willow ran out the door after Rash, who was busting out laughing while running away. He ran all the way downstairs, and I could still hear his laughter. Kitty came in the room, as Tigry left. She grinned at me playfully, and she set her hand on my shoulder.
"Soooooo, how does it feel loving my boss?"
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