New Life, Same Past [Chapter 8]
1st P.O.V
~6 months later~
I sat down with Zizzy, talking with her happily. We weren't talking about anything in particular. Just random stuff. Zizzy is my best friend, and she's like a sister to me. The red couch was comfy, and I hugged onto the pillow in my arms. Soon, we agreed that it was time for bed. I and Zizzy got up and went our separate ways. When I got to my bedroom, I jumped onto my bed, and just laid there. Once I moved my door closed with my foot, it wasn't a carefree atmosphere anymore. It became dark and dull. Every night when I got into my room, I couldn't stop thinking of Willow. She was my friend, and maybe more, but I had to leave her. The things she was just wasn't right. I understand about missing her family and wanting to get revenge, but she was taking it way too far. She poisoned Officer Doggy's food with a potion. The potion turns you into a monster and it can't be cured. I may have hated Doggy, but I wouldn't even do this. I curled into a ball on the bed and hugged my wrapped up (F/C) blanket. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep at all, but I at least tried. I knew she was looking for me though. She wasn't the type to just give up like that. She will be back someday. I just hope she isn't mad.
The morning came quickly as soon as I fell asleep. Zee and Zuzy were jumping on my bed energetically. They were both yelling "(Y/N) get up!" My vision was a bit blurry, but I sat up and they ran out of the room. I stepped out of my bed, and I walked into the lobby room. Mimi, Giraffy, Zizzy, and Pony were standing by a table, staring at a radio, listening to a voice on it.
"Hello, this is Settlement 6," a voice called out from the radio. It sounded familiar. Mimi talked with them for a bit, and they wanted to meet us. We agreed, but I had a really bad feeling. I could tell that Pony had it too.
"(Y/N), Pony, and Zizzy, how about you all go there?" Mimi asked, keeping the radio on. I played with my (F/C) shirt, and I kept my eyes on the floor. This seemed like a horrible idea. We don't know who could be there. It could be an ambush, a sneak attack, or they could just not show up. The last one would probably be the best-case scenario. Pony tried to argue with Mimi, but she wasn't having it. Neither was Zizzy. They both overruled Pony's argument. 10 minutes later, we were on our way to a secluded spot in the woods. The cool fall breeze flowed through my (H/C) hair. I stared at the ground the whole way there, trying not to look nervous. I've changed a lot since I left T.S.P. Pony let me come and stay with him and his friends, and I've gotten nicer. The blue glow for the sky shined in my eyes, and I swear I could see something in the bushes and trees next to us. It only came for a few seconds then left. I just thought that my mind was playing tricks on me. Soon, we got to a small clearing in the forest. We stopped and stayed still, listening carefully. We didn't hear anything, besides birds, and the normal forest sounds. Until...
"Well, well, well, look at these familiar faces," a voice called out from in front of us. I looked up, and I saw a familiar wolf walking towards us, her hands behind her back, holding something. A wave of anxiety flew over Pony, Zizzy, and me. I covered my mouth and started to back up, but I ran into someone. I whipped my head around, and I saw Kitty's face inches from mine. She waved at me and grabbed my wrist tightly. Pony grabbed onto Zizzy and pulled her behind him in a protective manner. "Now, now Pony, we aren't here for you or your girlfriend. I just want (Y/N)," Willow said, narrowing her eyes at me. I looked over at Pony, who seemed to be confused.
"Why would you want (Y/N)?" Zizzy asked, trying to hide her fear. Willow smiled and looked at me. She had a smirk on her face. I knew that look from when I was in T.S.P. She had something planned. I kept a poker face, trying to act brave. But I knew deep down inside. She knew I was faking it. Kitty then grabbed my other wrist and put it behind my back. She tied it with rope and held on. They were prepared for this.
"Sweetheart, we just want you back with us," Willow said, then she pointed behind Kitty. Kitty turned around and started to take me away to where ever. Pony and Zizzy begged Willow and the rest of T.S.P to let me go. At one point in their argument, I heard Willow pull out her revolver. Kitty and Tigry led me back to a place that I had never seen before. I looked at the big chain-link fence, and it read "Oil Refinery".
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