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"Shirley bay..bii, I have to run along to church already." I stuttered braiding my hair into a pigtail and talking to my little sister who was yawning.
Since mom left Shirley had been sleeping in my room. Poor baby wouldn't stop crying.
"Why? we never go to church." Shirley asked biting her lip which is her most common habit.
"I decided to change the rules today for myself." I answered.
"Mmmnh!Why Prisceella?." She asked again.
"I just want to feel closer to God and maybe find myself." I
answered again not wanting to blurt out my Everyday issue.
"You can have cereals for breakfast, I fixed up some sandwiches for you and Alex." I said slamming my room door.
The church was probably the most peaceful place I have ever entered, it was so serene and for the first time in my God forsaken life I don't get stares from people taking notes of how ugly I look.
"The Bible tells us in the second epistle of Paul the apostle to Timothy. 'For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind'."
The priest of the church says and I get settled on the wooden chair.
"Fear has found a way to kill an individual's system, You feel your self worth or esteem drowning or sinking because you are just so afraid to speak up."
I felt like he was talking to me but using the right soothing word of God.
"If you don't speak up, you might continue to reside in a strong wall of fear building this strange bond with the fear. Don't let people belittle you, stand firm with style and with strength, Speak up!"
The priest yelled and I finally gave in to the fact that he was definitely talking to me.
Church service ended just as soon as it started and I decided to go to home before I get noticed by any church members.
"Miss! The priest would love to see you." A young boy maybe the altar servant asked of me just as I was about to leave the church. Without wanting to disobey the priest I just followed the boy obediently.
"My child welcome to the house of God." A fal-staffian priest greeted.
"Thanks sir, I just wanted to feel closer to God." I stuttered taking a seat offered by the priest to me.
"My dear you sound like you have never been to the church before. Have you?" He asked concerned.
"No my siblings and I have never really seen the four walls of a church." I gesticulates.
"They didn't come to church with you right ".He asked yet again.
"Yeah!" I answered.
He paused for a bit before talking. "Next week ensure to come to church, it might just be your lucky day with the Lord." He squeals.
"And don't forget to drop your information with the ushers before you leave the church." He continued talking.
"Okay." I said and turned my back to leave.
Afterwards, I dropped my bio information with ushers and went home immediately.
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