Roman angst
TW: Suicide, almost Death, Talking bad about themselves, Sad Roman, SELF HARM!
Virgil's Pov///
"Hey guys have you seen Princey? I haven't seen him since yesterday" I say, I do sound kinda worried, I haven't heard his obnoxious loud voice and that is pretty weird because he is always in the kitchen at this time.(12:00)
"Uhh- no we actually haven't seen him kiddo" patton said, "Indeed we haven't." Logan says "Why do you ask kiddo?"
"Well I'm getting kinda worried about him, I haven't seen him since yesterday." I say feeling like something bad was going to happen...
"Well if you are worried about him why don't you go check in his room to see if he is okay?" Patton says.
I nod and just walk over to princeys room, I knock on the door I hear nothing I keep knocking but I gave up and try to open the door but it was locked.. My anxiety was going through the roof. I run over to the kitchen and ask Patton for the key room.
I got back to Roman's room and open the door.. There was a strong smell of blood.. "P-princey are you there?.." I walk over to the bathroom, open the door and saw Roman on the floor covered in blood crying on the floor "R-Roman?!.." He looks at me with a painful look, I run over to him, I call Logan and Patton to come over.
"W-why did you d-do this?.." I say trying to hold back sobs.. "I-I couldn't t-take it anymore.." He says. Patton was sobbing really hard.
When Logan finished patching Roman's cuts I stayed with him just to make sure he'll be okay.
Roman's Pov///
I thought 'It is time to go' I had to go, I can't keep feeling like shit, I am a dissapointment to everyone, specially Logan. I can't ever seem to be good enough so no one would care if I left..
I walk over to the bathroom and grabbed a razor blade and sat down, I started to cut..
One because I'm a failure..
Two because I can't ever seem to be good enough..
Three because my work is shit.
Four because I'm trash.
Five because I don't deserve to be alive
Six because my dreams are hopeless..
Seven because I'm annoying
Eight because you are the worst brother ever.
I start to feel tears fall down my face..
Nine because everyone are your friends just because they pity you..
Ten the last one because all your hope, dreams, love, happines, worth, is NOTHING
Then I cut the vein.. I mean that is what I was supposed to do, now I just have to bleed to death.. I hear knocks on the door- no no no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!
Stop stop STOP STOP NO NO NO NO!! I then just lay on the floor crying, my arms covered in blood... "P-princey are you there?.." . . . it's virgil.. "R-Roman?!.." I just look at him with a painful look.. Wrong timming.. SHIT..
I did fall asleep after logan patched my cuts.
*Some time later brought to you by: Ah fuck- I can't believe you've done this*
I woke up by the gentle sounds of virgil snoring.. He looked so peaceful when he is sleeping, I start to play with his hair but being careful so he wouldn't wake up.. Then I notice how much I have loved him.. How could I not notice how great and amazing is virgil?.. I then notice virgil waking up so I just act like I'm sleeping.
I hear him chuckle "Hey princey you know you don't have to fake being asleep?" Shit "Aha yeahhh-" I say "Anyways.."
"Why?.." He says with a sad tone..
"I- well-"
". . ."
"I-I can't take it anymore, being the fucking dissapointment of this "family", Can't you see how I'm not good enough? Not even for patton, I'm hopeless, disgusting, an idiot, annoying-" he kisses me and I start to blush a lot "wha-"
"Shh- Just shut up" he says "You are none of those.. Roman I love you, you are the best things that happened to me, you are great" ... "I love you too.." I say, I hug him ignoring the pain that is in my arms and wrists.
"Just.. Never NEVER do it again please.. I don't want to lose you Ro" Virgil says "I won't.. I promise" I say.
"Well now I'll tell Patton and Logan that you are okay."
"Okay.." I say "I'll be back just wait." He says then kisses my cheek, I blush a little.
*A little bit of some time later brought to you by: ALL YOU WANNA DO ALL YOU WANNA DO BABY! okay I'll stop-*
I hear loud steps getting closer and closer, they are running then the door opens and I see patton "OMG ROMAN YOU ARE OKAY! I WAS SO WORRIED!" He says trying to not cry then he hugs me, Logan was behind him ((😏)), he did look like he was crying but then he smiled..
"Okay everyone let him rest he has been through a lot so far" Storm cloud says, "O-okay" Patton says going over to logan and hugs him "take care kiddo" "I will thanks.." I say.
"You want to cuddle?" I say, virgil just looks at me blushing "Sure..". We just cuddle and sleep..
I promise you I won't do it again...
Wow I have finished it- AaaAAaaA yay! Sorry Roman- I hope you enjoyed reading this! ❤
((905 words))
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