(Babysiter AU)
-|Virgil's Pov|-
I had to babysit for a rich family they did tell me that there was going to be a kid that is 12 years old and another one that is my age (17) I do wonder why couldn't his older brother take care of the kid.
I look at my phone to see if I got the right address, Damn the house is big as fuck- anyway! I knock on the door and wait for someone to respond, I hear foot steps then the door opens and I see a hot guy and very tall shit.. DAMMIT VIRGIL HIDE YOUR GAY! The hot- The BOY coughs to get my attention "Are you the babysitter?" He says "No I'm the pizza man" "Wait really?" "No of course not I'm the babysitter dumbass" "Uh- RUDE anyway, you can come in my little brother is in the living room watchin TV".
I walk in the house and holy fuck it's so big! (that's what she said) "Hey can you tell me where is the living room?" I said, "Sure! Follow me" We both walk over to the living room I see the kid and walk over to him and then the teen that is my age says "Oh! Hey what's your name?" "Uhh Virgil, yours?" "Roman! Roman Prince It's not so nice to meet you" "Mhm sure princey" I say "Woah! already giving me nicknames hot topic?" He says " Aww you think I'm hot~".
~|Roman's Pov|~
I start blushing at what he said. Dammit he is so cute- NOPE "Whatever.." I walk away blushing.
"I'll be in my room if you need me" I say, "okay" virgil says. I enter my room and just jump on my bed putting my head on the pillow.. Fuck he is so cute I just want to hug him- wait why am I thinking this? I just met him! Ugh I need to control my gay.
-|Virgil's Pov|-
Hmm okay? I look over to his brother and sit next to him "Sup ya hungry?" I said "Yeah- OH! by the way my mom left some money on the table to use it if we were hungry" he said looking at me "Oh- well we can order some pizza if that's okay" "YES" He smiles brightly at me.
Well now I just need to mentally prepare hmmmm.. I grab my phone and call dominos. I finish ordering the pizza and sit down next to the kid "soo uhh.. What's your name?" "Lucas" "well nice to meet you Lucas!" I say smiling I then grab my phone and start looking through Tumblr *some time later* I hear some knocks on the door and I walk over to get it and I see it's the pizza, I open the door and run over to get the money then I pay the delivery man and then he leaves.
"The pizza is here!" I yell. I put the pizza on the table "Hey Lucas do you know where Roman's room is" "what? you wanna to fuck him already?" "WHAT NO! I JUST WANT TO ASK HIM IF HE WANTS PIZZA!" I start blushing "Oh- uhh just walk up the stairs and then to right if you see a gold, red, white door you are there" "T-thanks" I walk up the stairs, to the right and then I see the door Lucas was talking about.
I knock on the door and hear some foot steps comming closer then the door opening and see princey "What?" "I just wanted to ask you if you wanted some pizza it's in the kitchen" "Fuck yeah" Princey and I walk over to the kitchen where Lucas is waiting for us.
We all start eating some pizza while watching a movie 'Princess and the frog' Roman was sitting next to me while Lucas was laying down on the sofa; he was taking most of the space.
~|Roman's Pov|~
"Hey princey qick question, Why couldn't you take care of your brother? You are like old enough to take care of him" virgil just randomly asks "Oh- heh well, they didn't really trust me to take care of him, last time I did I thought I lost him in the house" I hear him giggle so cute.. I then started to feel really tired, not noticing I was getting closer to virgil then I just close my eyes and fall asleep. Feeling warm inside.
-|Virgil's Pov|-
I felt Roman get close to me, I saw him close his eyes and then his head just fell on my lap.. Iook at Lucas with a confused face, he just smirks at me.
I shake princey a little but he doesn't respond.. Fuck, damnit what do I do now? I then again look at Lucas and say "Hey can you help me?" "Nope, too tired" he says, that little brat "I'll be in my room, good luck with that" he starts to leave "please-" he left. WHAT DO I DO KNOW?! AAAAAAAAA!! I look at princey.. I mean.. I don't mind that much- Ugh what am I talking about, This is my life now oh well! I'll just sleep, that is the only thing I can do I guess. I grab a blanket that I can reach and cover Princey and I with it.
*In the morning brought to you by: Crofters is the only jelly I put in my belly*
~|Roman's Pov|~
I wake up cuddled up with..EMO NIGHTMARE?!? WHAT DO I DO?! Oh god- he looks so peaceful.. I feel my face starting to feeling warm, I start to notice him waking up, he then wakes and we just look at eachother.
"Hey.." I say
"U-Uh hi.."
". . ."
"WAKE UP FUCKERS- Oh wait- nevermind, sup love birds I'm hungry" lucas walks in the living room. "Uhh I c-can make f-food" virgil says "but I need princey to get of me.." "Oh- Yeah!- sorry-" I say.
"Its okay" his cheeks have a light shade of pink, Lucas is just smirking at us. I get off virgil (😏).
*some time later brought to you by: idk something I guess??*
It was time for the babysitter aka virgil to go, I did feel a little bit sad about that so before he left I was thinking to ask for his number.
-|Virgil's Pov|-
I was already outside until princey ran over to me "Hey storm could can I get your number?" I started to blush a little "Sure princey" after I finish giving him my number I just kiss him on the cheek then get in my car and drive away.
~|Roman's Pov|~
He.. He kissed my cheek.. I start to smile. I can't wait to get to know my little storm cloud.
"Hey love bird get back inside" Lucas says "Oh shut up"
I know this was bad ;-;
Either way I'm working on other one shots djejdkwnm y'all take care.
(1156 words)
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