Twins ~ Part 2
Alright, so at this point, Imma try to redeem Remus, since no one's evil without reason. It may be a bad reason, but a reason none the less.
~Virgil's PoV~
When we got back to Roman's house, Remus was on the phone and sitting on the counter, absentmindedly tossing a stick of deodorant up and down. He saw me walk in and grinned, watching me all the while Roman accompanied me to his room.
He closed the door and locked it for good measure. "Jeez, I'm sorry Virgil, I knew he was bad, I never... I didn't think-"
"It's okay," I interrupted, sitting on his bed. Roman walked over to his closet and threw me a hoodie and some pajama pants.
"Well, it's gonna be a long night, put these on, I'll go get supplies," he smiled, walking out of the room.
I sighed and closed the door after him, pulling off my shirt and pants, and pulling on the hoodie and pajama pants. I folded my clothes and put them on top of the dresser.
I stalled for a moment, I felt confident now, so I pulled the door open and walked to the kitchen, where Roman was making popcorn and Remus was still sitting on the counter. Remus smirked again upon seeing me, but he was still on the phone and said nothing. Roman's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly when he saw me.
"You're gonna catch flies Princey,"
His mouth closed with an audible 'click' and Remus started giggling, trying to muffle it immediately with his hand.
"Sorry, D, I've got to go now," he sing-songed into the phone, immediately hanging up. "Virgil~" he purred, "Glad I didn't scare you off~"
I hid my hands in the pockets of the hoodie so he couldn't see them shaking and pretended to ignore him, walking up to Roman, who's jawline was tense and movements stiff.
"Oooo~ Playing hard to get? I love a good challenge-"
"He is CLEARLY uncomfortable Remus!" Roman suddenly barked. Remus narrowed his eyes.
"What? No he's not!"
"Can you not read people? How could this behavior ever be okay?"
"Isn't this how people usually flirt?" Remus seemed genuinely confused.
"No, this is what people call sexual assault," I piped up. Remus stared at me, puzzled.
"But I haven't touched you..?"
"It still counts, did you seriously not know that?"
Remus was quiet for once. "That's how dad always flirted..."
Roman snorted, "And why do you think he is a lonely divorced man Mom recently got a restraining order on?"
Again he was quiet, then he hopped off the counter and silently walked to his room. I didn't really feel that bad. Sure, it wasn't his fault, but seriously, couldn't he see how uncomfortable I was?
Roman turned back to making popcorn with a heavy sigh. I remained quiet.
I silent conversation seemed to pass between us and my mind drifted off, thinking about which movie we should watch. The Nightmare Before Christmas, Tangled, The Great Mouse Detective, Bohemian Rhapsody, Moana, The Lion King... So many movies to choose from. Or we could settle on a TV series, Steven Universe, Voltron, She-Ra, Chigaco PD.
So many choices, so many decisions to be made...
Remus suddenly scampered back into the room.
"ROMAN!" he screeched. Two loud screams joined him, mine and Roman's. I must say I was surprised to find out Roman had a higher scream than I did. Before either of us could ask him anything he continued, "Dee invited me over, so I'm leaving, bai!" and he ran out of the apartment, screaming 'NAILS ON A CHALK-BOARD' as he left.
I violently shivered at the imaginary sound. Roman groaned, dramatically flopping against the counter.
"I hate him. I hate him," he muttered. I watched him and didn't realize I was smiling softly. When I did I quickly pulled my smile into a neutral expression. Not every gay guy likes every gay guy. Logan taught me as much. Also now he's dating Patton, so everything seems to have gone well for him. I know Roman has dated men before me and asked out men before me and got rejected. The cycle of life I guess...
Three snaps right in front of my face pulled me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times before my eyes focussed on the hand in front of me, tracing it to the wrist, forearm, bicep, chest, and finally the face. He looked slightly confused. Another blink fully woke me up and I shook my head.
"Done with the popcorn already?" I asked.
He smiled and nodded, "Yep, c'mon, I'll let you pick the movie-"
"Nightmare Before Christmas," I replied without thinking.
Roman playfully groaned and started walking back to his room, "You pick that movie every time!"
I grabbed a few bottles of soda and water, before following and replying, "Then you shouldn't of let me pick the movie if you didn't want to watch it,"
"Don't you have it memorized by now?"
"What can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending..."
"... Did you just reference Heathers?"
"... Maybe,"
"But if you want a happy ending, watch literally any Disney movie,"
"But I like The Nightmare Before Christmas!"
"It's not even Halloween time!"
We continued bickering and bantering, and I knew from the start I had won him over. But seeing him begrudgingly put on The Nightmare Before Christmas was satisfying nonetheless.
Before it started there were some obligatory adds that ran beforehand. I had to slap Roman's hand away from the popcorn countless of times.
"Why won't you let me have ay popcorn?"
"You know my rules,"
He pouted and crossed his arms. My heart twisted slightly but I stood strong. And when the opening song started paying I let him have some.
Some time into the movie Roman's hand nudged mine, I nudged back and he intertwined our fingers. Heat rose to my face and I was suddenly glad I had turned off the lights. I gave a small squeeze as if to reassure him that I was okay with the development.
We stuck with that for the rest of the movie. We watched Tangled next, then The Great Mouse Detective, and that's when he pulled another move and tucked me under his arm. I refused to acknowledge the squeak I gave out.
During Bohemian Rhapsody is when I leaned against his shoulder. I felt safe and comfortable here. Roman's twin was... strange. But I'm sure I would deal. They're twins, which means they must be the same deep down. Maybe I could help Roman and the rest of his family in fixing him. Or maybe not. Either way, I'd be happy. I guess I kinda unofficially have Roman now, and for now, that's enough.
~Author's Note~
'Sorry I havent updated in a while' should be my new motto -_-
Anyways, expect Slow Updates from now on. That's all :)
~ Smug
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