Soulmates Dragon Au - Part 3
This is basically what Logan's dragon looks like, except the black is a deep blue and the brown is black.
~Virgil's PoV~
It was almost time to meet Roman in the garden. Of course, I had no idea where the garden was, Madison was supposed to show up soon. So far some other servants named Pepper and Paris had brought my lunch and breakfast. I had no idea when Madison was gonna come so I was ready.
Right now I was leaning against Anxiety's back and sketching. The door opened and I looked up, the Princess, Velma, was standing there.
"Heyy.... listen I'm sorry about embarrassing you yesterday," she said meekly. I gave a small smile and patted the bed for her to sit on.
"It's fine, kind of awkward, but no harm done," I assured her. She smiled, her eyes sparkled when she saw Anxiety.
"Oh wow... I've never seen a purple dragon before," she pet his snout. There was a child-like innocence in her eyes. We talked for a bit, but after only half an hour she had to leave. So I sighed and went back to drawing.
An hour or so went by, I was so immersed in the drawing I didn't hear the knocking on the door until there was snapping right by my ear. I yelped and jumped, falling off the bed.
A woman's voice laughed, Madison. I looked up at her.
"Sorry sir, but Prince Roman has requested your presence in the garden," she smiled warmly, helping me up. I smiled back at her.
"About time,"
She smirked, "You two are made for each other," with that she lead me down the hallway. I was going to tell her that We're soulmates, of course we're made for each other. I mean, come on now.
But I didn't, cause I'm not that nick-picky.
We came to a door and she opened it, letting me through and then shutting it. I bit the inside of my cheek and looked around, I didn't see him, so I just walked around the garden. It was pretty, yes, but everything was so organized there were pathways and everything was organized by color. I was struck with a pang of homesickness as I thought of home, everything was disorganized, and that's the way I liked it.
I saw a blur of red, white, and gold in my peripheral vision and glanced over, I smiled, Creativity.
I walked over to the dragon and pet him, he purred.
Then arms wrapped around my shoulders and I screamed, jumping up in the air. There was a hearty laugh right next to my ear and I blushed, knowing who it was.
"Aw, that was so cute~" he cooed, I elbowed him without thinking and took a step forward before turning around to face him. His dragon whacked me on the back with his tail and pushed me into Roman, who caught me quickly in his arms. "Guess you could say that you have... fallen for me?" he flirted. I groaned and stood up.
"Is your dragon your actual wingman?" I asked, half joking and half serious. Roman chuckled before replying.
"I guess you can say that," he shrugged. He sat down on a bench and beckoned me over, I obliged but sat a foot away from him.
We just sat in silence for a bit, but I could tell he was getting antsy over something, his hand was fidgeting.
"Stop fidgeting Princey," I blurted out. He smirked.
"Just give me something to hold," he replied.
"Like what?" I snorted, he smirked and got off the bench graciously, kneeling in front of me with his hand open.
"Your hand~" I grinned slyly. My face and neck heated up, that was smooth. And good. After a few seconds of hesitation, I placed my hand in his. His face lit up and I don't think I've ever made anyone that happy.
He kissed my hand and at this point my whole body was on fire. He stood up and pulled me up with him, and into a hug.
"We should probably get to know each other... wanna go to your room?" he suggested. I thought for a second.
"Y-Yea, sure," I said, trying to seem indifferent. He smiled and grabbed my arm, gently, and led me to my room, Creativity following us.
~Time Skip~
It was almost midnight, we were talking and joking. The initial awkwardness from both of us had melted away. Our dragons were asleep, curled up next to each other in what looked like a Yin and Yang form.
Roman and I weren't yet that comfortable with each other, just because we're soulmates doesn't mean we hit it off right away. But what was weird is that I felt so much more comfortable with him than anyone else. I was such a shut-in, not talking to anyone, at home I would stay in my room and write, or draw, not talk. But with Roman, I was comfortable talking.
It was around random stuff, we stayed away from Taboo topics. He ranted about his sister, the Princess, while I stifled a giggle. He was very theatrical, just like Maddy said.
When he ranted he had gotten up and made grand gestures, when talking about sad things he would curl into a ball of despair on the ground and then get back up and smile as if nothing happened. When excited I could practically see his body vibrating as he jumped about.
I noticed small things about him.
He was always moving, even when sitting. His leg would be bouncing up and down, or his fingers would tap on his thighs. I knew that a lot of people find that annoying, but I find it charming. It makes the Prince look more like a human being, flaws and all.
He also listened intently when I was talking, eyes focused. He looked at me as if I was the most interesting book on the planet. One he could read for days on end and still have questions afterword.
I remember wondering about whether or not he would be smart. Well, it depends on what your definition of smart is. He was book smart, history and creative writing being his strong points. But he was also pretty well-rounded. One thing he wasn't smart at were Street Smarts, if he were to come back home with me, he would get pick-pocketed until all he had was his birthday suit. And even then he wouldn't notice nor know what to do about it. I knew this because I pick-pocketed him and was admiring the little necklace ten minutes later when he noticed and asked me where I got it from.
"Hey Virgil, for how long are you gonna stay?" Roman asked, we were just laying on my bed, not touching each other at all, and staring at the ceiling. I honestly didn't know.
"I guess when Logan leaves?" I answered though it was more like a question. He hummed and there was a stretch of silence.
"Do you... like it here?" he asked again.
"Well, it's certainly different from what I'm used to," I started, then continued before he could say anything, "But it's nice." I finally settled.
"I hate it here." he admitted. I could kind of see why. We weren't allowed to leave. For fear of getting kidnapped or some shit. It made sense, but I missed being able to wander around.
"You could always come home with me if you'd like," I offered, he sat up, and I could practically see stars in his eyes. "No one there knows your face, and as long as you don't wear anything flashy no one will notice you." I was thinking out loud.
Roman grinned and lept off the bed, twirling around before swiftly kneeling in front of me, eyes sparkling, "Oh my start that would be amazing!" he grinned, I smiled and got up too. He promptly pulled me into dance and I laughed as he gracefully carried us around the room in his little burst of excitement.
It was blissful and childish, but it felt really pleasant.
When Roman left I went to bed with a smile on my face.
~Time Skip~
Roman and I had presented my case, and he could come home with me! Of course, he had to get some less flashy clothes, and I had nothing that fit him. Now we were riding back to my village, Patton had also tagged along with Logan
When we finally landed we were all tired, we crashed at Logan's place then we went to mines. Well, Roman and I did.
Anxiety was glad to be back, he was wandering around, I didn't pay any attention. Roman was gazing around him with a child-like wonder. Cute.
When we reached town I told him to pretend this was what he was used to. He did just that.
We walked down the main street and turned onto a dirt path, Anxiety ran forward, back home. When Roman and I reached the house I could see my moms working in the garden. They looked up as Anxiety scampered over to them and looked over to me.
They waved us over and gave me a big hug.
"What have we told you about wandering off? And for almost a week too!" Mama scolded. Mom simply shook her head with disapproval.
Mom was first to notice Roman, "Who's this?" she asked, looking pointedly at Roman.
"I'm Roman, Virgil's soulmate," Roman introduced himself. I looked at my moms with a smirk. Mama grinned and ran into the house.
"Dinner's almost ready! Virgil show your Roman around the house!" she called as she disappeared.
Mom kissed my forehead and gave Roman a pat on a shoulder, "You seem like a fine young man, hope you like your stay," she said, following Mama into the house.
"Wow, you have two moms?" that was the first thing Roman said after that. At this point, we were in the backyard.
"Yep," I replied simply. Roman walked up to me and slipped his hands around my waist, swaying us back and forth.
I heard a bell and pulled away from Roman, "Dinner's ready, come on, let's go,"
He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him. He pecked my lips then walked inside. Leaving me dumbfounded and outside.
~Author's PoV~
Yo! Sorry this was late :(
We're getting a puppy!! On Monday!!!
This means that I'm going to need to pour all me time and energy into raising my dog baby, so I'm sorry but I'm going to be pretty inactive on here. I'll check in from time to time but... So I'm sorry, but updates might be a bit rare, I'm getting started on new chapters already, just wanted to release this.
I can't really say I'll be able to get a new chapter out every week, I hope you guys understand
~ Smug
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