Soulmates Dragon Au - Part 1
Okay! So basically, this takes place a long, long time ago. Every human is born with a dragon counterpart, the dragons are the ones who find each other. The human needs to find the other dragons human counterpart, who is their soulmate. This is my own original Au, so... tell me if it's any good lol.
~Virgil's PoV~
I live in a world where humans and dragons coexist. Not only do we coexist, but dragons help us humans find our soulmates. It's a phenomenon that my good friend Logan would be happy to explain to you in long, scientific, terms. But I will give you the short, and what is generally accepted amongst us.
Every human is born with a dragon counterpart, your parents' dragons are the parents of your dragon. Even if you're an orphan, you still have a dragon. In fact, the first word a human baby says is always the name of their dragon. There is no way for a human to out-live a dragon, once a dragon dies the human does too, and vice versa. I kinda glossed over that dragons have something to do with soulmates though, didn't I? Well, a dragon knows when it meets its soulmate, unlike us humans. The dragon will make it blatantly obvious that this is the soulmate you both are looking for, and then it's just a matter of finding out which human is paired with that dragon. Fairly simple, unless you're me of course.
You see, my dragon shows no sign of wanting to find a soulmate, and I'm fine with that of course. But sometimes it hurts a bit, seeing my closest friends find their soulmates, then glancing at my dragon only to get an eye-roll, or my hair sticking out on ends if he's really feeling frisky.
But that doesn't matter, my dragon, Anxiety, needs to be fitted for a saddle. He's finally big and old enough so that I can ride him, sure takes his time the little ass-hat. But I can't blame him for being kind of annoying, I can be at times too, not to the extent he is, but nonetheless.
We were going to my friend Logan's, he's an expert saddle maker, not only does he make saddles, but he keeps in mind the dragons comfort and powers, which is much harder to find than it seems.
Of course, the problem is that he lives in the forest, and the treck there took half an hour, and most people aren't willing to travel that long to meet up with a quiet, logical, shut-in, no matter how good his saddles are.
What was super weird is that I saw a few royal guards scattered about, I wanted to leave and wait until tomorrow, but Anxiety literally shoved me onto the trail, and keeps pushing me forward if I walk too slow.
Eventually, we got there, Logan's little sister, Ina, was outside. Her dragon was a Chinese dragon, just like her brothers, it was named Garrison, for some strange reason. Even though her dragon was a girl, it was named Garrison.
I waved at her, she stared at me, as emotionless as her older brother, "I would advise you not to bother my brother, he has a very important client," she paused as I ignored her, walking up to stairs to the door, "Though I suppose he won't mind much if you help him, embroidering." she emphasized. I snorted. Embroidery was something only the highest of the classes would get on their saddles, it was completely pointless apart from looking pretty.
I wonder what snob wants embroidery, from how far away did they come from? The nearest village with even one family in it that was in the upper class was miles away... I thought. But my dragon cut me off, but-heading me into the door.
I glared at him but stopped when I felt my hair standing up. I opened the door and walked in, Anxiety right on my heels. Logan looked up and nodded to me, a standard greeting from him. But my eyes were drawn to the magnificent dragon in the center of the room.
Its scales were a pearlescent white, its horns and spikes seemed to be made out of pure gold. And its underbelly and wing fillings were a luscious red.
Before it was widely accepted in my village that Anxiety was the most beautiful dragon, but this one was something else entirely.
I shook my head and walked over to Logan, leaving Anxiety to socialize with the dragon.
"So Logan, you got a really big customer huh?" I asked casually, leaning against the wall. Logan groaned and smacked his head against the desk, his dragon, Logic, turned to look and shook his head.
"You wouldn't even believe me if I could say Virgil." he responded.
I sighed and nodded, "Need any help with anything?" I offered, an order for someone big could mean life or death for Logan, especially if he was this stressed out over it. He thought for a moment.
"That would be much appreciated, could you get some water for the dragon? Take Logic with you, it should be easier," he said. I nodded, Logic was already walking out the door, I ran to catch up with him, grabbing a bucket or three on my way out.
~Roman's PoV~
I returned to the saddle-makers workshop after a scenic walk around the area. I was used to city streets with hardly any natural life in sight, it was very nice to be surrounded by nature for once.
The saddle-makers sister(?) stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time as I neared the door.
She didn't say anything, and neither did I, I was used to being stared at, I am the Prince after all. But when I entered the house, I froze in my tracks. Next to my dragon, Creativity, was a beautiful dragon. Its head snapped to me, eyes trained on my every move. It was eerily quiet.
Its scales were a gorgeous velvet purple, horns and spikes an obsidian black. But the underbelly and wing fillings stuck out the most as a striking silver. It was beautiful, nothing like I had ever seen before.
I looked at the saddle-maker, who didn't seem to mind the dragon. I knew it wasn't his, as I had already met his dragon and it sure as hell wasn't this one.
I walked towards it cautiously, it didn't move. I stuck my palm out, and its snout touched my hand, a wave of electricity flew through me and my hair stood on end. I shuddered and retracted my hand immediately.
Its eyes glimmered with amusement and I felt a pulse of electricity go through the air. The saddle-maker whipped around.
"Anxiety, please refrain from doing that near me or my guest, okay?" the saddle-maker asked, aggressively polite. The dragon rolled his eyes and got up, wandering around the home.
I looked at the saddle-maker, "Who's dragon is that?" I asked.
"My good companion's Virgil," he replied. My heart sank a bit for some unknown reason.
"Romantic companion?" I asked, he snorted and shook his head.
"Heavens no, Virgil is like a brother to me, not to mention both he and his dragon can be, for lack of a better term, annoying ass-hats," he responded, going back to work on the saddle. I nodded thoughtfully. When I turned to look at my dragon, he was gone.
I panicked and walked around the house. How did I lose a goddamn dragon?? I heard a surprised squawk and rushed over to where I heard it.
I found Creativity and Anxiety together. But that wasn't the strangest thing, they were both glowing, Creativity a magenta color, and Anxiety a golden one. Mother told me that dragons only glow when they find their soulmate. So whoever Anxiety's human counterpart is, that's my soulmate. My soulmate was so close. I grinned widely, if I could stay for a little bit longer, maybe I could meet this Virgil! Maybe I could get to know my soulmate! Maybe-
"Ah, Prince Roman, it is time to return to the castle, your dragon will stay here until the saddle is done, then it will fly back, now hurry along, we haven't got any time to waste," a voice cut through my thoughts. I whipped around, it was my governess, Valerie. She was usually very bright and cheerful, but when it came to me being in public, she was stoic and calm, an over-protective mother that didn't let me stay outside the castle confines for long. She dragged me out the door and not giving me a chance to say goodbye.
I was told to ride on my fathers' dragon, Valerie and a guard rode their dragons right beside me, just in case or whatever. I stewed in silent rage, I was so close to finding my soulmate! Who I had longed and waited for my entire life! And that was stripped away from me.
~Time Skip + Virgil's PoV~
Days later, Logan had been so stressed out, Ina had asked me to stay to take care of her brother and the dragon. Ina had school, so she couldn't do it herself.
The dragon was a little bit annoying, and it loved showing off. But it was absolutely smitten with nature and the outside, it was adorable actually, watching this pretty much full-grown dragon get excited over a caterpillar. Anxiety had taken up the job of showing it around.
Whoever the Dragon belonged to, I felt bad for. They probably didn't get out much.
Night had fallen and I was inside Logans home, Dragon and Anxiety were curled up together on the carpet, I was helping Logan out with the saddle. I knew whoever the dragon's counterpart was, was my soulmate, but I wanna be a single-pringle for a little bit more.
Logan was pretty much done with the embroidery, and tomorrow he was going to test the saddle out on Dragon. He wanted me to ride Dragon though, as my soulmate probably wouldn't mind if I did a little test rather than Logan.
Anxiety would have to wait a bit before getting his saddle, but his saddle should only take a day, at the very most a day and a half.
Eventually, I moved from hovering beside Logan to the kitchen, to make some tea and food for us. Dragon and Anxiety had already eaten, so we didn't have to worry about that.
Once Logan was done it was quarter 'till midnight, and the tea was barely warm, but we drank and ate before trudging off to bed. Ina had gone to bed hours ago, she didn't really mind having me around.
I was awoken by something prodding at my foot, I groaned and rolled over, kicking my foot underneath the covers again. I heard an offended squawk, and a second later I was zapped out of bed with a weak lightning bolt.
I screamed and glared at Anxiety, who started laughing. Dragon sat up immediately with a hopeful expression on his face. I grumbled and stood up, petting Dragon on his head and lightly smacking Anxiety on the cheek. Anxiety rolled his eyes and walked out of my room and into Logans.
I winced as I heard Logans scream. Dragon prodded at me with his snout. Damn, Dragon was so nice compared to Anxiety.
I yawned and stretched before heading over to the main room and looked at the saddle, Dragon trotted over and nudged the saddle, did he know we were planning on testing it today? Huh.
Logan suddenly walked in, glaring at me, I raised my hands up, "Hey, I didn't tell him to do it, he woke me up the same way," I said calmly. Logan sighed and rubbed his face. Now Dragon was at his side, prodding him forward. I giggled, "He wants the saddle, and I'm guessing a test fly," I said calmly.
Logan nodded and took the saddle off the workbench, Anxiety walked in front of Dragon and murmured something, stretching his wings. Dragon copied Anxiety, and Logan got the saddle on in minutes. He secured the final belt and stepped back.
Dragon shifted a bit and rolled his shoulders, stretching. We both bit our tounges.
Dragons head snapped up from inspecting the buckles and looked straight at me. He ran at me and hoisted a screaming me onto his back. Anxiety laughed again and I flipped him off, securing myself on the saddle.
It was weird, Dragon was so much bigger than Anxiety, so I was much higher up, even just walking.
Dragon walked outside and paused, I lightly nudged his side with my foot and he shot into the sky. I yelped and threw my arms around his neck, then I noticed that both Anxiety and Logic were right beside me. I breathed out in relief.
Dragon was nice, he took it easy and glided a few feet above the treetops. After a few minutes, I leaned to the right, back to Logan's house. We landed and I got off Dragon, who nudged me lightly with a grin. I smiled lightly and petted his snout.
Logan walked out to me, "So, now it's time to make Anxiety's saddle," he said.
Anxiety perked up and I grinned "Better get to work then, the sooner we finish the sooner we fly this guy back to my soulmate."
~Author's Note~
Okay, did anyone find that confusing? Tell me if you've got any questions!
There will be a part 2, and then probably nothing.
I would've written more but this is already over 2,000 words so... like... no
Anyways, Ily!
~ Smug
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